stonegod's Expedition to Castle Ravenloft: Ch. I [IC]


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Ladreth wordlessly nods his head and keeps a large hand on the shoulder of each Marot and Tessa, comforting and guiding both. His face remains expressionless, the bite wound causing him concern since its fatigue still hadn't left his body. Nonetheless, he did what was asked, sheparding the blind.

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As she stands in the pool with the blade in her hands, Ashlyn seems entranced for a moment. Suddenly she shivers and silently walks back to shore where she nods to Janis and replaces her belt and cloak.

Dripping from the cold water, Ashlyn suddenly grins before turning to Janis, "Well, at least I'm cleaner that I was before!"

Still carrying the blade, Ashlyn walks outside with the others where she returns the everburning torch to her saddlebags. Then turning to Janis and Ladreth, Ashlyn asks "We three were bitten, and it concerns me. I would rather not become as Jarrith. Would you both allow me to check your wounds?"

[Heal +10, Knowledge (religion) +11]
[(Use her knowledge of healing and of religious matters to try and determine anything regarding corruption - as it may be applicable to the three of them: Ladreth, Janis and herself)]


Spawn of Khyber/LEB Judge
There is nothing unusual about most of the wounds, though Janis' bite does not seemed to have healed as well as the others.


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Ashlyn simply nods and starts to lead Marot and Ladreth to their horses, "We had better start moving if we want to make it back in time to get to Lysaga hill tonight ... and we'd better hope that those in town can help Marot and Tessa."

Once Tessa and Marot are on horseback, Ashlyn mounts her own horse, but before riding off, she remembers something and pulls out the piece of crumpled paper that she found in the cave and takes a look at it.

James Heard

Before leaving, Janis pulls the bodies of the maligned and abused creatures of the forest into a pile and, whispering a short apology to the forest and its attending spirits, sets them ablaze so that they might not suffer any longer the life-damning shadow that casts its darkness across this land.


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Marot the Sightless

Marot thanks Ashlyn and Ladreth for the aid in getting back to his mount.

He has been struggling with his blindness. He never realized how much he needed the light, both in a literal and figurative sense.

He does his best to hold onto the reigns while holding Anuine -- which has been his only source of comfort since the battle.

Every few minutes, Marot swears he could hear voices in his mind, unsavory voices, tearing at his soul -- was it a product of the blindness, or was it something else, entirely...

"I pray for the help of the Jorasco healers...." He murmurs to himself.


Spawn of Khyber/LEB Judge
Stormwind said:
Once Tessa and Marot are on horseback, Ashlyn mounts her own horse, but before riding off, she remembers something and pulls out the piece of crumpled paper that she found in the cave and takes a look at it.
The seal is too far gone to get any detail. Luckily, the letter is mostly intact. And familiar, if the stories of the others are true.
[sblock=Crumpled Letter]Hail to thee of might and valor:

I, the Burgomaster of Barovia, send you honor---with despair.

A man from your enlightened lands claim rulership over our benighted valley, bearing a name cursed for years beyond counting. His words even begin to claim the heart of my adopted daughter. But the darkness long slumbering in this land is reawakening. I fear this cannot be a coincidence, and that the vile powers here have even a more cunning plan in mind. The darkness will be too powerful to overcome.

So I say to you, give us up for dead and encircle this land with the warding symbols of holiness. Let the holy ones call up on their power that the Devil contained in our land may be continued within the walls of weeping Barovia. Leave our sorrows to our graves, and save your world from this evil fate of ours.

There is much wealth entrapped in this community. Return for your reward after we are all departed for a better life.

Kolyan Indnirovich, Burgomaster of Barovia.


Spawn of Khyber/LEB Judge
Charred corpses behind them, the group heads back to town. Even slowed by leading horses, good time is made as a specific destination is in mind.

It is early afternoon when the mists part on the outskirts of Barovia. It is then the first distress settles in---more recent signs of destruction and carnage. But life still continues, and pale matrons numbly clean blood off of walls while dour husbands go about repairing ruined homes.

This is how they find the town of Barovia, with another harvest of dead being tended to in the town square. As the group returns, they see Jarrith and a deflated looking Khensu talking over some remains. It is obvious that the townsfolk are giving the pair a wide berth, and that there are occasional nervous glances from caravan members in their direction as well.

James Heard

Janis hops off of her magebred donkey and walks steadily to the dead and wounded, ready to lend a hand. Contrary to her defeated looking companions in the square, Janis looks more at ease than she has since any of the rest of the group has known her and moves with an easy grace and confidence that's hard not to notice.

Voidrunner's Codex

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