stonegod's Expedition to Castle Ravenloft: Ch. I [IC]


First Post
stonegod said:
OOC: Folks on foot will be 15 behind him. Folks on horse will catch up with a double move, but have no other actions to take.

The rat-things go before Daellin, too; depending on what they do, certain moves may draw AoOs.

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Spawn of Khyber/LEB Judge
Undead Foray Round 5 (Partial)

Marot spurs his mount forward. He rushes into the mists to find a Daellin threatened by a group of undead foes! Most appear to be held fast by his magic, though one of the rabid beasts in front of him seems free. In the heat of the moment, Marot cannot identify the foul undead before him. [Double move. KN: Religion 11]

The gaunt undead wail and struggle against their bonds, but none manage to escape. They look hungrily at Marot and Daellin, and curse loudly.

With a quick chant, ghostly mirrors of Janis form and solidify around her. She takes to a back alley, trying to find a way through the mist and shadows.

Bergeron strums out the first few bars of The March of Cyre, a marching tune once loved before the Last War, now viewed with a melancholy air. Those around him feel bolstered by the tune. [Jarrith, Khensu, Bergeron, Ashlyn, and Urik are all inspired]

Ashlyn and Valo push forward grimly. They can see shadow forms ahead, but are too far away to join the fray.

Jarrith draws his blades in anticipation of joining battle.

Sir Urik lets out a loud battle cry, and rushes ahead as fast as his armor allows, Hurrn following behind. He blows past Ashlyn in his headless run.

The entrapped beast struggles, but cannot quite manage to free itself. The other however, pushes through the sudden growth to assail the elf. It tears a gash in his thigh, but the wound is light. [3 hp]

The weeds continue to writhe, but the rabid beast manages to once again evade their grasp!

[Daellin's turn; Khensu will spur his mount at his initiative]

Undead Foray Round 5 (Partial)


M: 22
G: 20 [E13: lightly wounded, all entangled]
J: 19 [mirror image: 70 rounds; 1-2 rounds away]
B: 18 [inspired 5 rounds, 75 ft. behind]
A: 18 [inspired 5 rounds, 35 ft. behind]
J: 17 [inspired 5 round]
U: 14 [inspired 5 rounds]
V: 13 [inspired 5 rounds]
C: 12 [N16: entangled]
D: 11 [28/31 hp]
K: 3 [inspired 5 rounds]
Z: 1 [F12: lightly wounded (entangled), F14: destroyed, G15: destroyed]

Map Key: A: Ashlyn, C: rabid wolf-like rats, D: Daellin, d: Edi, G: gaunt undead, h: Horse, h: Valo, J: Jarrith, J: Janis, K: Khensu, M: Marot, r: raven, U: Sir Urik, Z: Plodding zombies
Conditions: Mist grants concealment to creatures 30' away. Light Green Border: Entangled, Orange Border: Inspired (+1 save vs fear, charm, compulsion; +1 to hit and damage), White: unconscious, Transparent: Dead, White Border: Paralyzed.

[Daellin's action. Party locations listed above.]


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Spawn of Khyber/LEB Judge
Undead Foray Round 5 (Complete)

Daellin steps back, two arrows flying from his bow. The beast staggers, then flops over dead. For the last arrow, he targets the most wounded undead. He strikes one of the gaunt undead in the chest, and is satisfied with its pained growl. [AC 16, 31 hits P16; 15 hp drops it; AC 20 hits E13; 11 hp][/color]

Khensu spurs his mount forward. As it comes upon the scene, it begins to whimper and whinny, apparently skittish. The shifter paladin is taken aback as he suddenly recognizes the gaunt creatures---ghasts! "Ghasts! Keep away from their sickening stench!" [KN: Religion 23]

The remaining zombie continues to fight the weeds, but still trapped for all its efforts.

Undead Foray Round 6


M: 22
G: 20 [E13: severely wounded, all entangled]
J: 19 [mirror image: 70 rounds; 1-2 rounds away]
B: 18 [inspired 5 rounds, 75 ft. behind]
A: 18 [inspired 5 rounds, 35 ft. behind]
J: 17 [inspired 5 round]
U: 14 [inspired 5 rounds]
V: 13 [inspired 5 rounds]
C: 12 [N16: entangled; P16: dead]
D: 11 [28/31 hp]
K: 3 [inspired 5 rounds]
Z: 1 [F12: lightly wounded (entangled), F14: destroyed, G15: destroyed]

Map Key: A: Ashlyn, C: rabid wolf-like rats, D: Daellin, d: Edi, G: gaunt undead, h: Horse, h: Valo, J: Jarrith, J: Janis, K: Khensu, M: Marot, r: raven, U: Sir Urik, Z: Plodding zombies
Conditions: Mist grants concealment to creatures 30' away. Light Green Border: Entangled, Orange Border: Inspired (+1 save vs fear, charm, compulsion; +1 to hit and damage), White: unconscious, Transparent: Dead, White Border: Paralyzed.

[Round 6 actions. Party locations listed above.]


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Isida Kep'Tukari

Maraat stabs his hand forward, silvery energy streaking forth to blast into the creature in front of Daellin.

"In Fire's name, begone!"

OOC: One spirit blast please.


First Post
"The weeds should keep these abominations entangled for a few minutes." Daellin says, continuing to shoot at the most injured undead (if it drops, move to the next one).


With only one remaining ghast within melee range for Ashlyn and Sir Khensu to take on, Jarrith decides to be creative (if not a bit foolish). "Take the one up front, Brother... I'll head to the back! Pray I can dance around these weeds!" He drops from the back of the horse (Move action), then attempts to make a half-move into the entangled area, dancing and dodging the large plants spurting from the ground. (Reflex +8 to avoid entangle, Move half-speed to K17)

"Flame guide you, you foolish one!" Sir Khensu tsk tsks his friend, knowing that the Stalker always dives in headlong to situations without more careful planning. The shifter himself wastes no time in engaging the enemy by pulling out his composite longbow and firing an arrow at the ghast right up front. (Ranged attack at N16: +9 [+8+1 inspire courage] / 1d8+3) He shouts to the rest of his compatriots "Once we destroy this infernal creature within arm's reach, we can concentrate on the ones out of harm's way!"


First Post
Ashlyn mutters something under her breath as the others simply charge past her. She runs forward and drawing her blade, she takes a position guarding the others should one of the entangled creatures break free.

As she sees the undead, her expression grows cold and her eyes are colder than ice chips from a glacier. As she steps to the fore, she speaks in a voice that leaves no doubt regarding her views on undead, "Destroy them. I will ward you."

Her black mount moves forward with her and stands ready to move into the breech.

[Run forward to O19 or P18 (just in front of Maarat's or Khensu's horse)]
[Draw sword as free action while moving]
[Valo moves forward and readies to move into O21+P22 when able]
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Spawn of Khyber/LEB Judge
Undead Foray Round 6

A silvery ray bursts from Marot's hand, striking the entangled rabid beast. It collapses. [AC 23 hits; 9 hp; dropped]

The ghasts angrily attempt to break their bonds. The middle one manages to free itself, and casts an evil glance at the gathered party.

Janis continues to make her way through the alleys. She sees a street up ahead, and thinks she will come upon the others soon.

Berergon, finding himself alone, quickly gathers his pants legs and runs ahead into the mists to catch his protectors.

Ashlyn grimly hustles forward, a steely look of determination on her face. Her dark steed shadows her.

Jarrith drops from Selase's mount, and daringly moves into the mass of weeds. However, the curse of the land is upon him, and he is held fast by the ankles! [Reflex 11 fails]

Sir Urik pushes himself to the fore, calling out, "Flee before us, or face the ravens!" With a sharp word, the madman sends Hurnn flying. It darts to the freed ghast, harrying it with is claw and break. However, the ghast ignores the bird, undistracted. [Ghast not harried]

Daellin continues his volleys, dropping one ghast and wounding the free one. [AC 32,27,20 hit; 19 hp vs E13; dropped; 13 hp vs F16]

The shifter knight manages to rein in Selase's skittish mount [Ride 22], and aims carefully with is sacred weapon. The weapon strikes the remaining zombie---Khensu's only clear shot---but its dead flesh weapons much of the effort. [AC 23 hits; 8 hp before DR]

The zombie remains held by the writhing weeds.

Undead Foray Round 6


M: 22
G: 20 [E13: destroyed; F16: moderately wounded, G17: entangled]
J: 19 [mirror image: 69 rounds; 1 rounds away]
B: 18 [inspired 4 rounds]
A: 18 [inspired 4 rounds]
J: 17 [inspired 4 round, entangled]
U: 14 [inspired 4 rounds]
V: 13 [inspired 4 rounds]
C: 12 [N16: dead; P16: dead]
D: 11 [28/31 hp]
K: 3 [inspired 4 rounds]
Z: 1 [F12: lightly wounded (entangled), F14: destroyed, G15: destroyed]

Map Key: A: Ashlyn, C: rabid wolf-like rats, D: Daellin, d: Edi, G: gaunt undead, h: Horse, h: Valo, J: Jarrith, J: Janis, K: Khensu, M: Marot, r: raven, U: Sir Urik, Z: Plodding zombies
Conditions: Mist grants concealment to creatures 30' away. Light Green Border: Entangled, Orange Border: Inspired (+1 save vs fear, charm, compulsion; +1 to hit and damage), White: unconscious, Transparent: Dead, White Border: Paralyzed.

[Round 7 actions.]


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First Post
Daellin will continue to shoot at any available targets, starting with whoever appears the most injured at the start of his turn.

OOC: What's on the corner between us and the ghasts? Some kind of building, or what?

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