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stonegod's Expedition to Castle Ravenloft: Ch. I [IC]


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Ashlyn turns towards Jarrith and Tessa as she joins the conversation, "I don't know. The guard is safely secured and is not likely to be a danger to others, whereas we will be out and about tonight. Furthermore, it is uncertain to me as to whether myself, Ladreth, Janis and even Jarrith are actually infected. The only certainty is that Jarrith was infected, and to be honest, I do not know enough about this affliction to say with any degree of surety whether he still is. Thus I would deem it prudent to hold on to the scroll until our return. We can always use it on the guard later if it turns out that we don't need it ourselves."

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Jarrith shrugs, then slides the scroll into one of his scroll cases. "Better safe than sorry, you mean? Okay, I'll buy that. We'll hold onto it."

He waits for Janis to return, then says to everyone "Are we ready? We'll want to get out there as quickly as possible so to get into place. I'd recommend we not take horses so we won't have to hide them somewhere, but I'm not positive if we can reach the ruins in time."

(OOC: Can the group reach the ruins on foot before the sun goes down, or will we need to ride?)

"Let's get going. This will be a long night and I want to be fully scouted when we get up there." He prepares his pack and is ready to leave... by foot if it's possible, or by horse if it would take too long footslogging.


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Ladreth acquiesced to the stalker's search of his bite. Other than the initial massive pain, it was like any other wound, bruised and tender under the magically healed flesh. He refastened his armor and made sure all straps were securely held. His new potion holders were a little awkward at first, but he was getting used to them. Hopefully by tonight they would be a part of him like all other gear he currently carried, just out of his mind enough to not be bothered by them, but still able to remember their usefulness.

He nodded to the others, indicating his readiness and willingness. He felt a little useless when they spent their time planning, knowing all they needed to do was point and tell him what to do and he would do it to the best of his ability. He knew a fight was ready for tonight, and he felt the excitement already rising in his muscles.


Provided nobody else has anything to do, Jarrith goes to his steed and mounts up... then leads the group out of town to the monestary ruins.


Spawn of Khyber/LEB Judge
[Onwards! Please double check the RG thread to make sure everyone's status is up to date]

Everything arranged, the group mounts up and ventures into the Barovian forest. Nothing is unusual or out of place, though the various farm houses seem empty. No burly old farmer or his attractive daughter can be seen at the Andrzej farm.

About a half hour before dusk, the group makes the ascent near the top of Lysaga Hill. Still too far to see the ruins, the group dismounts. Jarrith nods solemnly, then trundles silently towards the ruin.

[Hide and Move Silently]

Swinging around to the south, the Stalker approaches the ruined husk like a ghost. From the distance, he hears some voices---those in the tower have no intention to hide, it appears. Peering from around the southern broken wall, Jarrith notes three roughly clothed Barovians, their hoods hiding their features. He also sees what appears to be fresh crumbled chalk about the perimeter in some arcane form. What he does no see is anyone who looks to be "the Green Lady" or such.


Outer walls are 5' thick, between 15'-20' high, and a rough climb. The inner walls are lower and falling apart, and easier climb and can be broken through with effort. Rubble surrounds much of the area. I've drawn the full star, though Jarrith can only see the parts outside.


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Jarrith is surprised to see that they are too late to get into position. He curses to himself, thinking they spent too much time back in town. This will be much, much more difficult. He silently channels some of his spell power into himself and the air around him becomes quieter. (Lose Sanctuary spell to add +4 to Hide/Move Silent checks for 3 minutes)

He then moves back around the ruins to return to the party down the hill. Once he arrives, he gives them the bad news.

"We're too late. I saw three witches already up there preparing things... they drew out a large star on the grounds with chalk or something. The Green Lady is not there yet, so I'm leery about attacking until she arrives. The only problem is that there's no way to get you all into place without being heard or seen."

He glances back up the hill, then nods to them. "Let's get the horses off the path... who knows if any others will be coming up this way to join them. Time-wise, it'd probably be faster for you all to run up the hill here rather than try and make your way through the underbrush... and three of you can portal in via Marot. How about I return to the ruins, stay out of sight... maybe even try and erase part of the star... and once the Green Lady arrives I'll yell out a signal for you to all come up. That work for all of you?"

If everyone okays this plan, Jarrith will sneak back up to the ruins and position himself right where he was before... losing his Hide From Undead spell to use Sacred Stealth again. Once he arrives, he will wait for the Green Lady to arrive. When she does and it appears as though they are beginning to prepare the start of their ceremony, Jarrith will sneak up behind the closest person and Sneak Attack them... losing a Deific Vengeance spell to channel a Razing Strike (+2 to hit, +5d6 in Razing and Sneak Attack damage) He will shout out when he attacks, so to make sure the others in the party can hear his signal that the fight has begun.

He will then dart back outside the ruins to Hide, thereby giving the others a chance to advance up the hill to join melee.


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"That sounds like as good as we'll be able to do," Tessa said a bit hesitantly- tactical thinking wasn't really her best area of expertise. "Just remember, there may be more of them up there, in the ruins or in that underground chamber. Don't wait too long to signal our move..."


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Before Jarrith heads back up the hill, Ashlyn quietly speaks "Regarding the star you described, would that be placed approximately above the column at the cave that we checked out here last time? If so then it might also mean that the Green lady could be down there and that she might not put in an appearance up here at all."

"Also, a though occurred to me. Several of the farms on the way here were empty, including the one with the old man and his daughter. Perhaps, if they are here tonight, we may have other options than just fighting."

Ashlyn then falls silent and lets the others ponder her words.


Ashlyn said:
"Also, a though occurred to me. Several of the farms on the way here were empty, including the one with the old man and his daughter. Perhaps, if they are here tonight, we may have other options than just fighting."
Jarrith's eyebrows furrow. "Such as? I'm not following you. Do you mean negotiation? Because that seems improbable."

Voidrunner's Codex

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