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Storn's art for swipin'!

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Fascinating idea - and incredible artwork as always. Are you doing any more interiors for the book?

I did 4 interiors for that book.

And I just got the word that they are doing a follow up and I will be doing the cover and more interiors for that one.


Well folks. I'm at that rare crossroads of not having much work. My schedule is wide open. So, if you have private commissions you've always wanted to have done... let me know. Or if you are a publisher or art director and have projects that I would be use for, please contact me. Storn.Cook@gmail.com

I just found out that I'm doing a follow up to John Wick's Wield cover. So I am excited about that!

And I got some images together for another clip art portfolio for LPJ Designs. Some of the artwork is from a passion project of mine of doing a really high quality art for a fantasy web comic. So. I've been exploring some media and techniques to be able to do quality, yet make it fast enough that I can justify playing and not making money on it. The below is one example of water color pencils (once drawn, you can add water and smear it around) with a bit of watercolor (just grays) on top of it. Then digitally colored. Louis over at LPJ even picked it to be the cover of this particular clip art collection.

It is a fun technique for me, something fresh, as opposed to just doing pencil, then digital...because it becomes a bit more about shape than just line. Something I'm really interested in pushing, as my comic book past is so strong and the art is SO much about line.

Anyhoo... here is the link to the Portfolio: http://rpg.drivethrustuff.com/product/130508/Image-Portfolio-Platinum-Edition-30-Storn-Cook?src=sub

And here is the art: Tal on the Run!

Next up, Death Tribble was still interested in another Manta Ray, but this time, not a techno suit, but an organic monstrosity as villain. Which was really cool to do a variant of something I had just done recently. This was also watercolor pencils and watercolors plus digital...
Manta Ray 2

Next up are a couple of entries into TenTon Studios weekly challenge. I thought this one was particularly clever. "What IF Geiger had been the art director behind Star Wars?" What a cool mash up. So, here are my doodles imagining such a thing....
Princess Leia via Geiger

Boba Fett via Geiger


Three ladies and a.. a.. what.

I got a really nice commission and a nice letter from a dad who was commissioning his daughter’s character, Ocean Princess, from their regular mutants and masterminds game. She is 9 years old. The dad said that they often use pics that i’ve posted over on the Green Ronin boards for their characters.

So, here is the pic:

Next up, I did another Death Tribble commission, this time a victorian lady with what he called a “tricked up parisol”. So, this is what i came up with, going for a femme fatale vibe.

Then I got a chance to do a Star Trek commission…not something I do all that often.

Lastly, this is a wee sketch, still trying out watercolor pencil, playing with digital watercolor on multiply layers. This is something from a web comic idea that is slowly gestating in me head. Hopefully, more to come…



This summer has been very busy. I’ve moved my parents from their farm of 37 years and a barn full of stuff, some of it mine. I’ve worked a longer than expected contract for a local company. I’ve moved my step daughter from DC back to upstate NY so she could go to school.

I’ve been doing artwork, but I’ve neglected to put anything up in awhile. Or post.

So, here are some things that I can show. First up is a follow up to my Wield cover. Not sure of what the follow up is going to be called (I’ve been calling in Wield 2, how original!)

Next up is Endiku, a sumerian “monster” guy done up as more Hulk superhero-y mode.

Here is the Marshal. I will have a follow up action scene with him to do a bit later this month.

And lastly, a star trek character called Talon.


As usual, Its awesome! I love it. beautiful workmanship!

Thank you Scott! I appreciate it!

Wow. I have done 150 (and counting) commissions for uber patron Death Tribble. He asked me to do a vehicle of his Avatar logo (for those who haven't seen it, a ball of brown fur with cartoon eyes with an angry furrowed and flaming brow). I've been planning this one for a long time, knowing I was going to go a bit beyond that.... so Presenting! The Mighty Multi Morphin Death Tribble Mobile!!!!

Death Tribble Mighty Multi Morphin Moblie.
And oh yeah, I've got a couple of Fading Suns commissions to show too!



As usual, Its awesome! I love it. beautiful workmanship!

Thank you Scott! I appreciate it!

Wow. I have done 150 (and counting) commissions for uber patron Death Tribble. He asked me to do a vehicle of his Avatar logo (for those who haven't seen it, a ball of brown fur with cartoon eyes with an angry furrowed and flaming brow). I've been planning this one for a long time, knowing I was going to go a bit beyond that.... so Presenting! The Mighty Multi Morphin Death Tribble Mobile!!!!

Death Tribble Mighty Multi Morphin Moblie.
And oh yeah, I've got a couple of Fading Suns commissions to show too!



I am probably a bit late in getting this posted, but I didn't know I was going to do this until the last minute. I'm doing the Big Draw event tomorrow (Sun, 10/26) with my friend Camilo at the Johnson Art Museum at Cornell University in Ithaca, NY! Here is the link to the Big Draw event for locations all over the world: http://www.thebigdraw.org/

So, if you are in the area, consider coming up the Johnson Art museum. There are a couple of AMAZING exhibits going on at the moment. A collection of Tawainese modern artworks, including a huge bas relief that evokes a new civilization... or maybe that is an old civilization. Anyway, Camilo and I will be serving as psuedo art directors for a class of Ithaca College students who are to interact with this bas relief and then do a blog/'zine that is rooted in the civilization the bas relief alludes to.

Also, a very, very cool exhibit on "Magic and Surrealism". Some very nice juxtapositioning of magic texts, surreal art, even early movies of prestidigitation.

Going to be a total blast.

Meanwhile, here is a private commission, thought I would show the underpainting for funsies. The underpainting is a combo of pencil, watercolor pencil, watercolor and acrylic. The actual painting is digital on top of that. And oh yeah, the mandate was for a fantasy version of a certain shield wielding avenger.



Last night was the grand opening of the temporary art gallery down on the Ithaca Commons as part of the Ithaca International Fantastic Film Fest. It was a hoot!!! Steve Ellis, the coordinator of the whole dang thing, put up a 12' canvas on the wall and a bunch of us threw some acrylic paint at it. I got pics to prove it!



So. Top pic, from left to right Steve Ellis, Steve Walker, Fred Harper, Cesar (who's last name I don't know but he is awesome!) and Jen Lightfoot.

2nd pic, John Haeffner, Cesar and Jen.

Note for next year, prime that dang canvas!!!!

So. Today at the IIFFF gallery, there will be a whole gaggle of us artists doing life drawing from live models from 11 to 5 today. IF you are in the Ithaca area, want to hang out with a whole bunch of cool, weird, creative types, COME ON DOWN! Or. If you like horror films, man, IIFFF has some really great, unknown gems as well as a couple classics. Please check out the link:


Meanwhile, let me drop some my art on ya! Both of these are private commissions and the tavern scene is available as part of my LPJ Design's Portfolio Single series .

Tavern Cheatin'

Here is the link to stock art: http://www.rpgnow.com/product/139870/Image-Portfolio-Singles-007-Storn-Cook?filters=0_0_0_0

The next one will be released soon as stock art, and I will let folks when that happens. And is another of the fantasy Cap America with the serial numbers filed off.

Marshall of the City

Voidrunner's Codex

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