D&D 5E Strixhaven Has Exams, Jobs, & Extracurricular Activities

It's IGN's turn to preview part of Strixhaven: Curriculum of Chaos, taking a look at exams, extracurricular guilds, and jobs. An example of an exam includes the Magical Physiologies exam, and a success gives them an advantage when fighting those creatures. The exams have a studying and a testing phase; the test itself is two ability checks. Extracurricular activities include a LARP (live...

It's IGN's turn to preview part of Strixhaven: Curriculum of Chaos, taking a look at exams, extracurricular guilds, and jobs.


An example of an exam includes the Magical Physiologies exam, and a success gives them an advantage when fighting those creatures. The exams have a studying and a testing phase; the test itself is two ability checks.

Extracurricular activities include a LARP (live action roleplaying) guild, a Mage Tower (a game like Quidditch but not Quidditch) cheer squad, a drama guild, the Iron-Lifter's Society, and so on. If you do one of these activities you get a Student Die every long rest which bumps one of your ability checks.

Jobs allow you to work at the Bioblioplex, Bow's End Tavern, or Firejolt Cafe, or on campus grounds.


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Goblin Queen (She/Her/Hers)
Christ, no. Whatever about university, **** school. If I never have to do another gruelling, three hour, prove it or lose it examination again, that requires me to know three years of material in my head, I will be happy.

Work is so much better than school it's not even funny.
Strixhaven is a university


Goblin Queen (She/Her/Hers)
when I was 14 I thought nothing would be worse then being in school, having homework and required reading...

I am 41, I would trade with any 14 year old for my debt and work.
When you’re a kid, you have only the vaguest notion that adults have to pay things called “bills.” You understand that this is an obligation they must fulfill, but you also understand that they have jobs, which give them a seemingly unlimited supply of money, with which they pay these “bills” and also buy whatever they want.

It’s a rude awakening the first time you move out. You look your paycheck. You look at your rent and utilities bills. And you realize “wow… those numbers are… almost exactly the same… And I also need to buy groceries.”


When you’re a kid, you have only the vaguest notion that adults have to pay things called “bills.” You understand that this is an obligation they must fulfill, but you also understand that they have jobs, which give them a seemingly unlimited supply of money, with which they pay these “bills” and also buy whatever they want.

It’s a rude awakening the first time you move out. You look your paycheck. You look at your rent and utilities bills. And you realize “wow… those numbers are… almost exactly the same… And I also need to buy groceries.”
The amount of time I've spent attempting to get this to sink in for my son... Asmodeus help him for soon, I shall not. :ROFLMAO:

Christ, no. Whatever about university, **** school. If I never have to do another gruelling, three hour, prove it or lose it examination again, that requires me to know three years of material in my head, I will be happy.

Work is so much better than school it's not even funny.
I’d cheerfully commit murder (at least, murder of someone I didn’t like anyway…) to go back to getting three months of holidays every summer though!

Only downside was that through University I earned my money tutoring, so they were three rather impoverished months..

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