D&D 5E Strixhaven: Orientation

WotC has released an overview of the upcoming Strixhaven: A Curriculum of Chaos, as adventurers of levels 1-10 uncover a plot against the university. Teased are activities like tavern games, a magical frog race, an improv festival, and other social encounters. You can also take exams to improve your skills, join clubs, or get jobs. Also included is a bestiary of over 40 new creatures...

WotC has released an overview of the upcoming Strixhaven: A Curriculum of Chaos, as adventurers of levels 1-10 uncover a plot against the university. Teased are activities like tavern games, a magical frog race, an improv festival, and other social encounters. You can also take exams to improve your skills, join clubs, or get jobs.

Also included is a bestiary of over 40 new creatures.

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The Bibloplex contains most of the information in the multiverse. Plenty of other locations fill the book, such as Captain Dapplewing's Manor, a mansion built for the university professors. One adventure has the PCs breaking into the manor. Another adventure involves the main Strixhaven student sport, Mage Tower.

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CR 1/8
I did a mage university campaign many years ago in 3e. I can imagine that aspects of this might have been applicable to Ole St. Bradthburne's Class of '02, so I'll be interested to hear more about this.
But for now I'll reserve judgement on Strixhaven. That's because it honestly seems to me like they can't quite decide if this plays out like an actual university or more like a junior high school. And my recollections of the two experiences were somewhat, umm, dissimilar.

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That someone better
Probably sit this one out. I also said the same thing about Witchlight and here I am, prepping to play it. My kids wanted to play and i figured Witchlight would be a really good one to start them on. This one will probably interest them since they love Harry Potter.
Also foreshadowed in an old Knights of the Dinner Table comic strip where the ex-wife of Hackmaster's creator takes over and wants to remodel the game to attract the Harry Potter fans, causing the old-timers at the company to have near-apoplexy.

Both Strixhaven and Witchlight are ostensibly being pushed as major D&D releases for the general fanbase. No "This is for a younger audience" PR speak around them.

WotC must feel that there is an audience worth perusing with these two releases.

But they are a definite shift from the traditional D&D play paradigm. Time will tell if these releases are a signal of a permanent shift in tone for the game.


A suffusion of yellow
I think there is a disconnect here between Hogwarts and Strixhaven that some people are having. Hogwarts was for students aged 11-18. Strixhaven is a college, so other than the rare child prodigy, all the students are 18+.
In some commonwealth countries (including the UK) College can start at 6th form (Year 12) so 16 - 18 yrs old, which maybe where the overlap is.

But yeah I’m really not seeing the Hogwarts feel in this, and still think Winx or similar are a better model.

Funnily enough on seeing this (and the video) has made me think of taking another look at Tom Browns School Days, St Trinians and even Billy Bunter of Greyfriars to get the ‘school’ story charm

Watched the video and I noticed they are mixing MtG and D&D creatures at this university. Orogs and Slaads for example besides MtG creatures like Owlin and I think Mage Hunters.

I'm curious what this will mean for future MtG sets in Arcavios?


I just had an idea! What if you have the carnival start in the same world as Strixhaven? Your kids could play kids from that world at the carnival, for the intro bit, if you decide to start it that way.
Then end it like the following in the spoiler tag.
with Witchlight with them being out back in time as those kids again, but instead of losing something from their childhood they get thier Strixhaven invitations when the get home from the carnival!
That's not a bad idea at all! I was planning on using the "something lost" hook. They will be siblings in game as well. I'm predicting a lot of fun at the carnival.


That someone better
I think there is a disconnect here between Hogwarts and Strixhaven that some people are having. Hogwarts was for students aged 11-18. Strixhaven is a college, so other than the rare child prodigy, all the students are 18+.

I agree, yet somehow, Strixhaven also has a Prom...

IMHO, WotC is trying to tap the Harry Potter nostalgia market, while at the same time not have the PC's be minors for obvious reasons.

They are trying to have their cake and eat it too, in classic fashion.

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