I don't remeber why, but in one campaign breakfast was somehow very important...
Fighter, OOC: Did he dump my bacon on the floor, too?
GM: The table is effectively overturned, and all your food is scattered across the floor.
Rogue: "Seriously, who attacks people at breakfast?!?"
Fighter: "That's it! How many raise dead scrolls do we have?"
Wizard: "Uh, two, why? We can't resurrect breakfast."
Fighter: "But we can torture this bastard to death, twice."
Rogue: "Thrice."
Fighter: "Three times. And even that won't make up for the bacon."
In one campaign, we had a chaos sorcerer who was really good at getting us in trouble, and getting herself out.
"Maybe it only thinks it's a dragon?"
- Lihnou, our stupid halfling chaos sorcerer.
"Don't worry. Even if I hit you, the ongoing damage doesn't hurt so long as you make your save."
- Lihnou, our stupid halfling chaos sorcerer.
And finally, in my current campaign, we had a new player (Apokolypse the Warlock) who didn't understand that another player (Rotta the Ranger) would role play his character's personality flaws at the expense of maintaining group unity.
Rotta, OOC: Okay, my character is really paranoid and takes lethal action against people he thinks might harm him. He looks like he is readying himself for a fight.
Rotta: "If you value your life, you will think very hard about what you are saying. I do not appreciate being threatened."
Apokolypse: "If I were threatening you, you'd be dead already."
Rotta, OOC: I roll for initiative.
And about 15 minutes later.
Orphan the Swordmage: "Well, we could find a necromancer to bring him back. I bet that would be cheaper."
Azalie the Bard: "What the hell would we do with a zombie Apokolypse?"