Stuff D&D players never say (except when they do)

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Gnome paladin's response on capabilities of the party's elven range to scout ahead undetected: "Have you ever played hide-and-go-seek with an elf before? They can hide!"


"I say we charge."

"Sorry, didn't mean to kill you... twice." (in or out of character)

OOC: I run.

OOC: Since when were we an evil party? (only good character in party)

DM: "Fun." (worst thing a DM can ever say)


First Post
Um. That is a huge amount of lose and fail right there. We have transgendered members here on ENWorld, and implying that they are not human is pretty hurtful.

If you would consider the same implication about someone of a non white race to be horrible, it's not a good idea to make it about a non standard gender either.

The idea wasn't to imply anything but to face-palm to an ignorant comment. Laughing at ignorance is different from laughing with ignorance.
I would never even dream of insulting anyone I can assure you :)
I just hope that we don't go that far that we can't tell about things that have happened around the table simply because we fear that it might hurt someone. After all we are simply quoting someone else or explaining what has happened, not presenting our own opinions.


Half-orc PC to an elf PC...

"Shut up... lunch!"

Cleric player to the shocked paladin player, after cleric just used command undead...

"I'm not that kind of cleric."


First Post
The idea wasn't to imply anything but to face-palm to an ignorant comment. Laughing at ignorance is different from laughing with ignorance.

OK, thanks for clarifying. It might be worth keeping in mind that some words can be pretty hurtful to the group they're targeting in almost any context. I'm not sure if you're aware, but "tranny" is considered a very derogatory, demeaning word by transgendered people.

If you substituted the word "ni**er" for "tranny", would it still be cool as a tabletop anecdote for the purposes of facepalming at ignorance?


First Post
OK, thanks for clarifying. It might be worth keeping in mind that some words can be pretty hurtful to the group they're targeting in almost any context. I'm not sure if you're aware, but "tranny" is considered a very derogatory, demeaning word by transgendered people.

If you substituted the word "ni**er" for "tranny", would it still be cool as a tabletop anecdote for the purposes of facepalming at ignorance?

It's common practice to censor the word "n****r" but I haven't noticed that "tranny" is censored in newspapers when they're quoting someone. For instance this article from The Sun doesn't censor the word: Premier League stars ‘hired 14 vice girls and tranny for party’ | The Sun |News
It's even in the title. And in both cases (my post and the newspaper article) it's about quoting someone else. I'm not claiming to be a member of the press but I'm just trying to say that quoting offensive words is perfectly fine as long as you don't present them as your own personal opinions. If I see a quoted offensive word I have absolutely nothing against the quoter and I have hard time understanding why anyone would even get annoyed (assuming that it's not presented as a personal opinion or as a provocation attempt). It would be awkward to read some articles if all the offensive words would be starred-out.

I think if the word "n*****r" had been quoted in that article, it would have been censored. It's different.

So to answer your question: No.
And I do understand that you didn't like that I used that word. I won't use it again in this forum and I hope we can drop the issue now, please.


First Post
I think if the word "n*****r" had been quoted in that article, it would have been censored. It's different.

Ask a a transgendered person if there is a difference. Seriously, in their community, there isn't.

And I do understand that you didn't like that I used that word. I won't use it again in this forum and I hope we can drop the issue now, please.

Okay, thanks. And it's really not about what I like; as I mentioned, we do have transgendered forum members participating here, and they're good folks.

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