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Suggest an RPG (not D&D)


First Post
If you want a fun game with little prep, I've got two words for you my friend. Savage. Worlds. Super fun, generic system with a very pulp feel to it.

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I'd suggest something like Paranoia or a Supers RPG.

On the other hand, I would definitely not suggest Paranoia for a one-on-one game.

Prep time for Vampire can be long, but once you get into the game, prep time between games can easily drop to nothing because the chronicle usually becomes self-supporting.

Over the Edge also works great for one-on-one play.

As stated earlier, a single Jedi campaign can be a lot of fun also. If you are into moral grey zones, then a single Sith Apprentice campaign works well to see the Star Wars universe from the other side.

I'm also a fan of the L5R suggestion.


First Post
I'm going to come out of left field and say Shadowrun. As long as you can spin the plot, prep is easier that D&D4. The power curve can be pretty flat and still have meaningful character advancement.


First Post
You like fantasy huh? How about Sword & Sorcery?
If you want a fun S&S game with little prep, how about Barbarians of Lemuria.



My wife and I have played several D&D campaigns together over the 20+ years we've been together - just the two of us with me DMing and running one or two NPCs and her playing two characters.

Our recent campaign has come to an end and we're looking to start something new. Since we're in two 4e games with others, we'd like to play a a game that's not D&D for the game we play on our own. From my point of view, since I'm running two other campaigns (!) something with little prep time would be great.

What do you suggest?



I understand that Savage Worlds is more rules lite and not too much prep time. I don't have the system myself, but from some reviews that I saw at youtube. It may have what you're looking for.


Exploring Ptolus
Savage Worlds is an excellent choice because of the ease of learning the rules and the fact that allies are included in the base rules making the GM's work even easier (fewer NPCs to run). Check out some of the campaign settings (Shaintar and Hellfrost) as they are both fantasy also. The tag line of Savage Worlds is: Fast! Furious! Fun! And it delivers...


First Post
For a one to one game I would either choose a highly tactical game to pit one versus another or a game that runs on a mysterious plot, the plot's development dependent on the feedback of each player. For a game like this Tribe8 comes to mind.

Merlin's Shadow

First Post
I'll throw another vote in for Savage Worlds. The new World of Darkness might be interesting, too, if you're looking for something a little different than standard fantasy. You've got lots of options with it - mortals, Vampire, Werewolf, Mage, Hunter, and some others.


I'm going to come out of left field and say Prime Time Adventures. Very story based, mechanics are small, and it's more roleplay than anything. Sounds like something perfect for a two-person game.

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