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Suggest an RPG (not D&D)

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Staff member
I'll suggest:

1) HERO. Yes, it has lots of prep time, but once you make your PCs, things run pretty smoothly and quickly. Its also the most flexible RPG I've ever played. You can run any genre of game in it.

2) M&M. Second only to HERO in flexibility, IMHO, and if you're familiar with D20, you'll travel the learning curve quite rapidly.

In addition, there is a fantasy specific version of it called Warriors & Warlocks that is available as a PDF, with a hard copy version due this fall.

3) Traveller. Its the D&D of sci-fi gaming. 'Nuff said.

4) For something a bit different, I'd recommend any of the following- Space: 1889 (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Space_1889); Deadlands (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Deadlands); Paranoia (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Paranoia_(role-playing_game)); Underground (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Underground_(role_playing_game)).

Yes, some of the games I suggested are OoP, but that doesn't diminish their quality.


First Post
Well, if you want really low prep, you could try something like In A Wicked Age, but I'm not sure if it'd be your kinda cuppa. Wouldn't appeal to many D&D players, I except. But I had some fun with it, and well, B/X [D&D] was what I started with, more or less.

For medium prep, depending, I'll second Mutants & Masterminds (yes, even for fantasy campaigns) - it's quite simply an awesome game, that deserves looking into, at least.


Hackmaster Basic from Kenzer and Co.

Fantastic set of rules plus the new game coming out in a week or two is complete for levels 1-5 for $20.


First Post
Traveller. Its the D&D of sci-fi gaming. 'Nuff said.
Except to clarify that while it's as prominent in its field, and is much like early D&D in key ways (such as rules-lightness and provision for "sandbox" play), it does not have the scheme of experience levels and associated escalation in combat power.

That actually makes it quite good for "solo" play. Combat is not the focus, so neither is mustering a force for it. Fights are quite dangerous -- but (unless you're facing heavy military firepower) getting hit is likely to make you hors de combat rather than kill.

The different skills of different characters can come in handy, but one can hire NPCs for specific jobs. Why not give your player the mortgage on a free trader, and hands to crew it? There's plenty of incentive and opportunity to get into all kinds of mischief. If you liked the "Firefly" TV show, then this could be a delightful campaign.


Staff member
With that post, Ariosto makes plain much of what I meant to imply...thanks A!

And his point about solo play is spot on. In fact, Traveller was the first RPG I played as the sole player with a GM...and made me a fan of the game forever.

Fallen Seraph

First Post
If you a different view for a Cthulhu game (besides what you saw in Call of Cthulhu) I recommend Cthulhutech. It combines the Cthulhu Mythos with Sci-Fi/Cyberpunk and concepts from Anime (some specific ones being Evangelion, Guyver and Robotech).

There is lots of different kinds of play-styles from Cyberpunk stuff in the arcologies. Dealing with cults as a agent, fighting Migou mecha in your own mecha (including the monstrous Engels). Fighting against the Cult of Dagon and the Rapine Storm. Joining with a symbiote to fight against a corrupt and twisted corporation, etc.

One of my favourite aspects about it is the fact that in Cthulhutech, Humanity has a chance to win. It will cost us dearly, maybe even our humanity but we may actually win.


First Post
For a one on one game I'd personally recommend staying away from some of the more storygame/indie press type stuff like Spirit of the Century and Prime Time Adventures. I think the real beauty of the of these systems comes from everyone bouncing ideas around and not sure how well that'd work with one player.

I will add my voice to the Savage Worlds chorus though. That or True20/Blue Rose seems like a good fit for a one player game.

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