D&D 5E Survivor Core Races: HALF-ELF WINS

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First Post
Dwarf 14
Elf 11
Half-elf 20
Half-orc 10 (+1)
Human 15 (-3)

Sad to see the Gnomes are out now. Boo for boring humans, and yay for chaotic half-orcs!


Dwarf 14
Elf 11
Half-elf 17
Half-orc 10
Human 16

Humans are the only required race +1
Why is a half-anything still around? (HE is leading -3)

Kobold Stew

Last Guy in the Airlock
Dwarf 14
Elf 8
Half-elf 17
Half-orc 12
Human 16

EDIT: Mellored Did you subtract 3 for elves? Perhaps Elf should be 5 here.


Dwarf 11 (-3)
Elf 5
Half-elf 17
Half-orc 10 (+1)
Human 17

Dwarves: Bad Scottish accents, jokes about alcoholism and charging maniacally at slow movement speed don't make for a good character. Caricature, maybe...

Half-Orcs: Nothing says "I'm a bad mother-@#$%er" like being big, bad and ugly.

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