Tharizdun? (now also a discussion of Castle Greyhawk)

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First Post
I think S4 does and the original temple of elemental evil. I'm not sure though, it's been a while since I've looked through those.

Mr Fidgit

First Post
just flipping through the original ToEE, the only reference to Tharizdun i found was in a deities and demigods appendix in the back of the book. like Crothian, its been a LONG time since i've read the whole thing...


You probably already know this, but Dungeon #87 had an adventure revolving around the nutsy god, and, of course, I believe he's referenced quite a bit in the RttToEE. Don't know about the older stuff, though - I missed out on first edition by about, oh, fifteen years? :)


First Post
Terraism said:
You probably already know this, but Dungeon #87 had an adventure revolving around the nutsy god, and, of course, I believe he's referenced quite a bit in the RttToEE. Don't know about the older stuff, though - I missed out on first edition by about, oh, fifteen years? :)

I didn't know about Dungeon #87 (in my earlier roleplaying days I relied on Polyhedron). Is there a way to get ahold of that adventure?


First Post
DRAGON #294 (April 2002) includes a Dieties & Demigods-style writeup of Tharizdun, plus the domain spells and abilities of his priesthood. This uses a slight variant on the domain ability presented elsewhere (such as in RttToEE and D&Dg) of the Madness domain.


What? Me Worry?
There isn't any info about Tharizdun in S4. There is a reference to an Elder Elemental god in Monster Mythology, which could be related to Tharizdun (I'm not sure, though; I'm probably wrong about the correlation between the two).


First Post
Here are some references that dead with Tharizdun/Elder Elemental Eye/Dark God. I don't claim this list to be complete

1st Edition:
1. Forgotten Temple of Tharizdun
2. Against the Giants/Decent into the Depths of the Earth/Vault of the Drow.
3. World of Greyhawk Boxed Set.
4. The Temple of Elemental Evil
5. Manual of the Planes?

2nd Edition:
1. Greyhawk: From the Ashes Boxed Set
2. Monster Mythology
3. The Scarlet Brotherhood
4. On Hallowed Ground (planescape)
5. The Night Below

3rd Edition:
1. Living Greyhawk Gazeteer
2. Dungeon #87 "Cradle of Madness" Adventure
3. Dragon #294
4. Return to the Temple of Elemental Evil
5. Dungeon #85
6. Dragon Magazine Annual #5

There's also been a few articles written about Tharizdun


3. "Tharizdun"
by David Ross, 17 September 1999 - 16 June 2001
(Unfortunately I can't remember the web address to this)

I hope this helps.


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