Tharizdun? (now also a discussion of Castle Greyhawk)

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Tharzidun is first mentioned in 3e in Return to the Temple of Elemental Evil, where it is revealed that he was the true force behind the temple in the first place. This is also where the Madness cleric domain is from, and where they based the writeup in Dragon Magzine from.


First Post
You're Welcome,

The reason why I know about all that stuff that mentions the "Dark God" is because I'm running a Greyhawk Campaign he plays a major role.

The PCs are almost required to search for the clues and mysteries surrounding "He-Who-Shall-Remain-Nameless."

And it amazes me that sources of information on this diety of Darkness, Insanity, and the Black Sun, seems varied according to the author's interpretation. Information in real life about "He-who-is-imprisoned" is as apocryphal as it is in the game itself. It's kinda strange that it took years to gather all those sources.

Oh yeah, and if you mention his name, he'll send minions after you...


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First Post
ok, another Tharizdun question--

In WG4, is it possible for the PCs to release Tharizdun from the cyst; I've read references to that possibility, but I've searched through the original module and can find no definite reference that he's even in there?


Below is a fairly definitive listing of references to Tharizdun, compiled by Jason Zavoda of the GreyTalk email list (for details on the list see<p> and browse the archives at

Onto the listing:

Tharizdun {Master of Malevolence}[Deity]
AOE Pg# - 27,28,47,49-51,58,84,94,95,97,98,185,188
CED Pg# - 10,11,43,45,63,66,68,69,70,76,79,111,112,161,170
COH Pg# - 29,31,34,36,57,359,361,396
DOD Pg# - 11,12,17,19,37,40,48,49,74,76,77,91,103,119,141,142,150
DRG#191 Pg# - 67
DRG#206 Pg# - 44
DRG#241 Pg# - 95
DUN#41 Pg# - 47,51,53,57
FTAA Pg# - 35,91,92,96
FTAC Pg# - 49
LGG Pg# - 96,98,100,129,180,184,185
LGJ#0 Pg# - 5
LGJ#3 Pg# - 17
PGTG Pg# - 5,18,19,21,27
POLY#128 Pg# - 28
RT1-4 Pg# - 2,4,5,6,7,9,10,12,18,19,27,28,32,38,39,40,42,43,44,45
SLV Pg# - 10,123
SOD Pg# - 67,134,388
T1-4 Pg# - 120
TSB Pg# - 13,24,33,86
WG5 Pg# - 16
WGR3 Pg# - 16,22
WGR5 Pg# - 5,6
WOGA Pg# - 63

Tharizdun, Cult of [ORG]
RT1-4 Pg# - 6,9,32,38,39,53,101,106,143,145,146,161,163

Tharizdun, Purple Robes of [ITM]
RT1-4 Pg# - 111,114,118,133,154,187

Tharizdun, Temple of (Temple of All-Consumption)[TMP]
RT1-4 Pg# - 7,9,10,18,20,32,33,37,38,40,41,42,74,78,89,92,94,107

Tharizdun, Wailer for (Horn)[ITM]
WG4 Pg# - 15

And here's the key to the abbreviations:

Encyclopedia Greyhawkania Index
A1 Slave Pits of the Undercity (A1)
A1-4 Scourge of the Slavelords (A1-4)
A2 Secret of the Slavers Stockade (A2)
A3 Assault on the Aerie of the Slave Lords (A3)
A4 In The Dungeons of the Slave Lords (A4)
The Adventure Begins (TAB)
The Adventure Begins: Adventure Maps (TAB:AM)
Against The Giants - The Liberation of Geoff - Adventure (ATG)
Artifact of Evil (AOE)
Bigbys Curse (BC)
C1 The Hidden Shrine of Tamoachan (C1)
C2 Ghost Tower of Inverness (C2)
Castles: Hart (HART)
City of Greyhawk: Adventure Cards (COG:C#)
City of Greyhawk: Folks, Feuds and Factions (COG:FFF)
City of Greyhawk: Gem of the Flanaess (COG:GOTF)
City of Hawks (COH)
Come Endless Darkness (CED)
The Crypt of Lyzandred the Mad (COLTM)
D1 Descent into the Depths of the Earth (D1)
D2 Shrine of the Kuo-Toa (D2)
D3 Vault of the Drow (D3)
D1-2 Descent into the Depths of the Earth (D1-2)
Dance of Demons (DOD)
The Doomgrinder (TD)
Dragon Magazine (DRG#)(1,2,3,5,6,7,9,19,37,43,52,55,56,57,59
Dungeon Magazine (DUN#)(6,13,19,30,32,41,42,53,70,71,73,77)
Dungeon Masters Guide 1st Edition (DMG1)
Eldritch Wizardry (EW)
The Fright At Tristor (FAT)
From the Ashes: Atlas of the Flanaess (FTAA)
From the Ashes: Campaign Book (FTAC)
From the Ashes: References Card (FTAR#)(1-14)
G123 Against the Giants (G123)
GDQ1-7 Queen of the Spiders (GDQ)
Ghost Tower of Inverness (GTOI)
Greyhawk Adventures (GA)
Greyhawk Wars: Rule Book (GW:RB)
Greyhawk Wars: Adventures (GW:ADV)
I1 Dwellers of the Forbidden City (I1)
I7 Baltrons Beacon (I7)
I9 Day of Al'Akbar (I9)
IQ3 Warriors of the Gray Queen (IQ3)
Ivid the Undying (IVID)
L1 The Secret of Bone Hill (L1)
L2 The Assassins Knot (L2)
L3 Deep Dwarven Delve (L3)
Living Greyhawk Gazetteer (LGG)
Living Greyhawk Journal (LGJ#)(0,1,2,3,4)
Lost Tomaochan: The Hidden Shrine of Lubaatum (LT)
Monster Manual (MMI)
Monster Manual II (MMII)
N1 Against the Cult of the Reptile God (N1)
Night Arrant (NA)
Players Guide to Greyhawk (PGTG)
Polyhedron Magazine (POLY#)(92,101,128,129)
The Return of the Eight (ROT8)
Return to the Keep on the Borderland (RKB)
Return to the Temple of Elemental Evil (RT1-4)
Return to the Tomb of Horrors (RTOH)
Return to White Plume Mountain (RWPM)
Rogues Gallery (ROG)
S1 Tomb of Horrors (S1)
S2 White Plume Mountain (S2)
S3 Expedition To The Barrier Peaks (S3)
S4 The Lost Caverns of Tsojcanth Book One (S4B1)
S4 The Lost Caverns of Tsojcanth Book Two (S4B2)
Saga of Old City (SOOC)
Sagard the Barbarian #1 The Ice Dragon (SAG1)
The Scarlet Brotherhood (TSB)
Sea of Death (SOD)
Shattered Circle (SC)
Siege of the Citadel (SOTT)
Slavers (SLV)
The Star Cairns (TSC)
T1-4 Temple of Elemental Evil (T1-4)
TSR Jam 1999 (JAM)
U1 The Sinister Secret of Saltmarsh (U1)
U2 Danger at Dunwater (U2)
U3 The Final Enemy (U3)
UK1 Beyond the Crystal Cave (UK1)
UK2 Sentinel (UK2)
UK3 Gauntlet (UK3)
Unearthed Arcan (UA)
Vecna Reborn (VR)
WG4 The Forgotten Temple of Tharizdun (WG4)
WG5 Mordenkainens Fantastic Adventure (WG5)
WG6 Isle of the Ape (WG6)
WG8 Fate of Istus (WG8)
WG10 Childs Play (WG10)
WG11 Puppets (WG11)
WG12 Vale of the Mage (WG12)
WGA1 Falcons Revenge (WGA1)
WGA2 Falconmaster (WGA2)
WGA3 Flames of the Falcon (WGA3)
WGA4 Vecna Lives! (WGA4)
WGM1 Borderwatch (WGM1)
WGQ1 Patriots of Ulek (WGQ1)
WGR1 Greyhawk Ruins (WGR1)
WGR2 Treasures of Greyhawk (WGR2)
WGR3 Rary the Traitor (WGR3)
WGR4 The Marklands (WGR4)
WGR5 Iuz the Evil (WGR5)
WGR6 City of Skulls (WGR6)
WGS1 The Five Shall Be One (WGS1)
WGS2 Howl From the North (WGS2)
World of Greyhawk Boxed Set: A guide to (WOGA)
World of Greyhawk Boxed Set: Glossography (WOGG)

BC = Back Cover
FC = Front Cover
HO = Hand Out
IBC = Inside Back Cover
IC = Inside Front Cover
IN = Insert

[ADV] = Module/Supplement
[BK] = Book
[BTL] = Battle/War
[BRG] = Bridges
[CAL] = Date/Event/Time
[CAP] = Capitol
[CLN] = Clan/Family/Tribe
[COIN] = Coinage
[CTL] = Castle/Fort/Camp
[GLD] = Guild/League/Union
[GTE] = Gates
[ILE] = Islands
[INN] = Inn/Tavern/Bar/Restaurant
[ITM] = Item/Spell
[KNG] = Country/Kingdom/Province
[LIB] = Library
[LNG] = Language
[MNE] = Mine
[MON] = Monster
[MT] = Mountain/Hill
[ORG] = Organization/Society
[PHL] = Philosophy/Belief
[PLC] = Place
[PLN] = Plane/Dimension
[PPL] = People/Organization/Position
[PRV] = Province
[QTR] = City Quarter/Districts/Buildings/Offices
[RVR] = River/Lake/Stream
[SCL] = College/School
[SHP] = Shop
[STR] = Street/Road/Path
[TMP] = Temple/Church/Shrine
[TRT] = Treaty
[TWN] = City/Town/Village
[WD] = Woods/Forest/Jungle

Enjoy! :D


johnsemlak said:
ok, another Tharizdun question--

In WG4, is it possible for the PCs to release Tharizdun from the cyst; I've read references to that possibility, but I've searched through the original module and can find no definite reference that he's even in there?

There's a lot of info about Tharizdun's release in Gygax's Gord the Rogue books, which are due to be reissued sometime in 2003. The captured essence of Tharizdun in WG4 is probably an avatar of Tharizdun, as revealed by Paul Stromberg's excellent article in Oerth Journal 12 at
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grodog said:

There's a lot of info about Tharizdun's release in Gygax's Gord the Rogue books, which are due to be reissued sometime in 2003. The captured essence of Tharizdun in WG4 is probably an avatar of Tharizdun, as revealed by Paul Stromberg's excellent article in Oerth Journal 12 at

WHOAH!!! When and who is releasing them? Will the apocryphal GOrd books be brought into canon?


First Post
I'd say that's damn unlikely, seeing as Gygax sort of you know destroys Greyhawk in them!

It's kinda hard to work around something like that...


We'll have to query EGG on it for specifics, but he has stated many times that he has another Gord novel in the works, and that it---along with reissues of the existing Gord novels---will be done in a graphic novel format.

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