Tharizdun? (now also a discussion of Castle Greyhawk)


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Rhialto said:
I'd say that's damn unlikely, seeing as Gygax sort of you know destroys Greyhawk in them!

It's kinda hard to work around something like that...

Love is nothing but biochemical reactions similar to that which happens after eating chocolate!!!

Just ruin it for everybody who haven't read all the books. Grrr...


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I wouldn't worry too much about it: obviously the "destruction" of the world wasn't the final word, since Gary's doing another novel....


Gary Gygax
Someone called my attention to this thread via email;)

A couple of years back I contacted the WotC book people and suggested a reprint of all seven of the Gord the Rogue books, that being followed by an eighth novel in which the WoG is restored--of course I left that possibility open in the series, what with multiple universes and parrallel worlds, Oerths.

There was no response, so that ended the possibility of a further Gord yarn set on/dealing with the World of Greyhawk...

We are working with another publisher to create a series of graphic novels from the Gord series, full color works taken exactly from the books. No "official" word at this point. We had hoped to make such an announcement earlier, but delays in lining up cover art and cmpleting the interior illustrations combined to put it off until the end of this year, or perhaps later. It is in progress, though.

If the graphic novels do as well as expected, some new material will be done expanding the existing story material, and perhaps even extend the whole saga, but that's speculative. In similar vein, we will likely see about republishing the novels in hardbound editions if the graphic ones are successful.

That's the "skinny" to date ;)



Gary Gygax
With the Gord the Rogue material pretty well on track, the next hurdle is putting together a means of publishing the castle and dungeons used in my Greyhawk Campaign. Rob is on board, but the format for the material is a poser. To do the whole thing will take a couple of years. so the only financially reasonable means for us is to do it in parts--each a complete adventure but also connecting to the other modules. Seems publishers don't much like that idea.

Life is never simple :rolleyes:



I can't believe that there isn't a credible d20 publisher out there who wouldn't jump at this chance. What's the world coming to? :-/


First Post
grodog said:
I can't believe that there isn't a credible d20 publisher out there who wouldn't jump at this chance. What's the world coming to? :-/

The problem probably would sorting out the "credible" from the "uncredible."

A lot of uncredible publisher would love to get a hold of Mr. Gygax's works, and then unintentionally mess things up.

IHMO, go with Necromancer Games...

The Dungeon Master


First Post
I second Necromancer Games for this project. They already published a mega-dungeon as three separate connected modules.

One thing, to republish this Castle/dungeon Greyhawk, would the Greyhawk name have to be used, our could it be done a la the Maze of Zayene series, where the names are changed but it's essentially the same as the old Greyhawk adventures? (Ivid = Ovar or whatever, I haven't bought teh Maze modules yet)

Personally, I would like to see NG become the/an official publisher of WoG, like Sovereign Stone with the Dragonlance setting
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Gary Gygax
Oroblems with Original Castle Greyhawk

Before blaming publishers, consider the following:

First, Rob agrees with me that the best way to recreate a version of the material in question for general use is to have the base as close as possible to the original rules system. That means OA/D&D, of course. Thus the logical publisher is certainly Kenzer.

Second, there is absolutely no way that Rob and I can spend two years' time designing and writing the material for s single-shot product which, incidently, would NOT fit in a single book, likely needs several and should accommodate "side" adventure modules.

Third, to undertake the project we need advances against royalties that will justify the amount of time and effort we need to expend to create the work. Of course, that means the project must be created and published in stages, or else some very flush publisher that can fork over a fair amount of money and wait two years to see the ms. in final form. Considering this field, the latter is not a very likely prospect.

The upshot is that Rob and I ame examining options and considering how we might proceed. In addition to the castle (maps and encounters above ground, shall we say) there needs to be a narby community, and then come all the many dungeon levels and their encounters. From the latter should also spring one or more "side adventure modules," virtual stand-alone ones like DUNGEONLAND and ISLE OF THE APE, such places being a part of the magical transportation arising from PCs getting into special areas of some dungeon level and being sent off to another place entirely.

This is a very massive project, and it might turn out it is just too difficult to manage.

Asof now, though, Rob and I are approaching it in positive manner, and it will be some weeks before any real decision can be made.



Do please keep us all as informed as possible Gary. There are many OD&D/GH fans out there in the world who have been salivating at the chance to see this dungeon published since before T1 saw print :D

Voidrunner's Codex

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