The Continuing Tales From The Old Bald One-Eyed Salty Red Dog Tavern!


Ranti looks over the orc's shoulder as they walk, he is watching the spot whenever possible.
"Well sir, mr, leader, big dude, Gruaamsh, we should see what those words in the corner do.
Ranti takes a deep breath and ....


Ranti waits about 3 seconds and....


Ranti waits an additional 3 seconds and...


(OOC: depending on what those do, he again shouts the one for stop if he can)

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The elven warrior watches the dot on the map - it seems to move as they move.

He then takes a deep breath and yells...


Then waits about 3 seconds and yells....


Then waits an additional 3 seconds and yells...


But aside from a ringing in Gruammsh's ears, nothing happens.


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Gruaamsh sticks a finger in his ear and wriggles violently, causing an unpleasant squeeky sound.
"Thanks. Any fears I was getting deaf are now completely solved"

"Anybody knows what Kalt, heis and rucksetzen means?"

OOC : in my tabletop german is used for orcish, but i fear this will not be the case here.(in case you're wondering : german for orcish, french for elvish, and antwerpian dialect for hobbitees)


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From his perch on the half orcs shoulder the monkey cocks his head to one side, studying the scroll. Scurrying along Gruaamsh's arm the capuchin reaches out and touches the top arrow in the box.


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The little monkey's finger touches the top arrow, and the things on the map seem to get a bit smaller, but more detail comes into view all around the edges.


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Cackling in glee the monkey deftly reaches out and touches the word Kält and then presses on the down arrow to zoom in on the glowing red dot.


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Lord_Raven88 said:
Cackling in glee the monkey deftly reaches out and touches the word Kält and then presses on the down arrow to zoom in on the glowing BLUE dot.

Touching the word Kält doesn't seem to do anything, but touching the down arrow does indeed zoom in on the dot. The view zooms until it looks like it shows about a ten foot diameter area.

Voidrunner's Codex

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