The Continuing Tales From The Old Bald One-Eyed Salty Red Dog Tavern!


Ranti decides that the group is taking too much of a breather and decides to nip off and see how the seamstress is doing. Sure that his 'friends' would be ready to contact him quickly if they decide to know...MOVE...AT...ALL....

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Nine months later Ranti walks back over and starts poking his friends....he has had an interesting time. He helped make the uniforms for the new Royal Guards, Red with a lovely Red pot type helmet. He helped make the Uniforms for the new Imperial Troops, White with white armor and a white pot helm. He also helped the right hand man of the emperor co-ordinate his armor, Black with a black pot helm.... :)
Since his friends appear to still not be moving he decides to go back and spend some more time in the Inn.


Eleven months later Ranti walks back over and starts poking his friends....
Since his friends appear to still not be moving he decides to go back and spend some more time in the Inn.


5 years later

Ranti stumbles into the tavern... sees that nothing has changed, makes some new table clothes and dusts all of his friends and the bar... and then sits for a bit before wandering off again.


Another year on... Ranti again returns to the Tavern, he proceeds to dust all the friends here, clean the tavern a bit... mend the clothes that have been moth bitten... he then pours himself a fine mug of Elven Wine and sits and proceeds to read the novel he brought with him. (You all must have missed when he dragged them all here from where they were...


Finally getting bored with his novel (hey, he reads slow), Ranti decides to repaint the Inn and redecorate - he goes to the local Sartor and takes all the materials he needs, this should be a quick job, no more than 8-12 months....


Doing the Inn in a nice Winters Solstice theme for the week, Ranti notes that he is almost complete with the remodel (But does wonder if it is tacky to use his friends and associates as a living chess board)...


Well, it took almost a year from when he started, but Ranti has finally gotten the entire bar and all the patrons into a working remodel of a Rube Goldberg machine. He figures if he pushes the first marble the last function should finish in just 10 minutes and a reset should take no more than 3-4 months.


4 years later and Ranti has decided to re-imagine the pub as an upscale coffee house, he notes that he is not only the proprietor, but the only moving being in this entire universe... So he goes on in loneliness...

Voidrunner's Codex

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