The Continuing Tales From The Old Bald One-Eyed Salty Red Dog Tavern!

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Totally disoriented I reach for my blindfold as I sense that 'AL' is no longer here. I sheath my Rapier and...

'My good lady, may I please have a glass of elven wine? and some salad? and a napkin to wipe the drool from our friend here? and a small bib or somesuch to catch further drool? and a comfortable chair?'.

I stand and look in amazement at the husk that is/was our leader, and at the 'Helper Monkey'. I then proceed to pull some scraps of material out of my bag and a needle and thread and a tape measure and attempt to measure said monkey for a matching outfit.
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As the monkey appears on the Sheriff's shoulder a brief look of confusion and surprise passes over the monkey's features. As his eyes alight on Al his features quickly change to one of anger.

Emitting what can only be described as an angry tirade (if one could understand monkey) the angry capuchin monkey jumps up and down on Sheriff Bill's shoulder shaking his tiny fist.


Noticing his new surroundings the cute monkey clings to his mindless beast of burden muttering darkly to himself as the group enters the Old Bald One-Eyed Salty Red Dog tavern.

Finally noticing the slack-jawed drooling Sheriff staring at him, the monkey gives a start of surprise unnerved at the mindless stare of the Sheriff.

Waving his hand in front of the face of the Sheriff and receiving no response, the monkey chatters in obvious curiosity. Lifting up his eyelid the monkey stares at the rolling eyes of the insensate Sheriff, his head bobbing and moving as he tries to keep track of the wandering eye.

Tiring of the game quickly, the monkey gingerly reaches out and pinches the nose of the Sheriff, letting out a cackle of delight as the Sheriff's autonomous reflexes causes the Sheriff's mouth to open and to inhale a deep breath. "Oooaah"

Releasing his hold on the Sheriff's nose the monkey closes the Sheriff's mouth again and pinches his nose shut once again.


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Gruaamsh, smoke coming out of the nostrils of the demon-headed helmet with a faint red glow in it's mouth, reaches out with a plate)mailed fist and grabd the monkey by the skin of it's neck.
"If you even think about throwing poo I'll kebab you with my longsword. Now leave sheriff Bill alone. I didn't believe he could be even more brainadamaged, but after the wizard incident I'm not taking any chances. Now piss off."


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DrZombie said:
Gruaamsh, smoke coming out of the nostrils of the demon-headed helmet with a faint red glow in it's mouth, reaches out with a plate)mailed fist and grabd the monkey by the skin of it's neck.
"If you even think about throwing poo I'll kebab you with my longsword. Now leave sheriff Bill alone. I didn't believe he could be even more brainadamaged, but after the wizard incident I'm not taking any chances. Now piss off."
Trembling in fear as he's held before the demon-headed warrior the monkey loses control of his bladder, and continues to tremble in fear as a golden arc of pee splashes directly upon the metal helm and the face beneath, extinguishing the cigar.

As the warrior curses in surprise and releases the monkey, it quickly scampers up out of the reach fearsome warrior. With it's arms wrapped around it's body, the miserable looking monkey lets out a plaintive mewling sound as it trembles in fear, it's small brown eyes locked upon the warrior who had manhandled it so.


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Gruaamsh spits out the end of his cigar. "It appears I must choose my words more carefully in the future."
He takes off his helmet, revealing a half-orc with long, blond, curly hair and sweet blue eyes.
He grabs another cigar and lights it, spreading once more a foul-smelling cloud.
"Monkey, you'd better know how to clean armor."


I proceed to sit down on the nearest thing that is sort of seat height...

"Bill cataleptic, monkey pissing on Grummsh, K and Richard, myself....what are we to do. We need to know what Bill knew...


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Wystan said:
I proceed to sit down on the nearest thing that is sort of seat height...

"Bill cataleptic, monkey pissing on Grummsh, K and Richard, myself....what are we to do. We need to know what Bill knew...
"Do you really think he knew that much? His plan usually was beating the crap out of anything that resisted him." He frowns. "A good plan, that was."
"Let's get inside, have a bath, a few beers and a meal. things wil look bether then, or at least better fed."


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The sky welcomes you back to the tavern by giving up a nice, light drizzle, just enough to make things a bit more uncomfortable than they were before. Taking Gruammsh's advice, you all decide to go inside where it's warm to rest and recoup before making plans on what to do next.

The tavern hasn't changed much since last you were here; Muirna's still bustling about tending to the scant few customers, Rufus (the Old Bald One-Eyed Salty Red Dog himself) is dozing lightly on the bar, and Berny is still in the corner, frozen in suspended animation inside his shimmering globe of arcane magic. Muirna sees you all and nods, indicating she'll be with you in a moment.

As you all take a seat around your usual table, Sunderkeg walks in from the back. He starts to take stock of the inventory when something, or someone, rather, catches his eye. "Gods help oos," he mutters, walking over to the person. "As ah thoot," he says, "I figgered ye'd coom back." He turns to address the crowd: "Gentlefolk, kindly watch yuir poorses and packs! Gollurn Barrelstave is in tha hoose." He turns back to the person and gives him the evil eye for a moment. A dwarf, short even for dwarves, with dirty red hair and an unkempt beard, a grimace affixed to his face as if hanging on for dear life. After a long, drawn out moment, Sunderkeg speaks.

"Well? What brengs ye roond here noo?"

Voidrunner's Codex

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