The Continuing Tales From The Old Bald One-Eyed Salty Red Dog Tavern!


Ranti returns to the room, he is still short a cloak right now. He walks to a table, pulls out some spare material (in the team colors) and again begins to make the monkey an outfit.
"So what does the scroll say? and how can we go ahead with Mr. Sherrif, vegetable,Berzerker, Headmaster, Leader, vegetable, Wierd Old Guy, Bill's quest with this few companions? I saw we conscript that fellow at the bar and even deputize the monkey...."
Ranti falls back into his own thoughts.

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"JERKWAD?" Gruaamsh says. "Anybody azny idea what a JERKWAD is?"

"Sod this, I'm cutting it open" he says and reaches for his knife.


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In moments, well, more like a moment, K returns, alone sadly, to the common room, completely dress, to the relief/displeasure of those around , , ,. Hold on, before you gut the thing , What do you mean by Jerkwad?


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Startled by the sudden appearance of K and Richard, the monkey gazes at K's natural assets in obvious appreciation and assumes a slack-jawed drooling look, which almost exactly duplicates that of the dim-witted leader. The monkey is further startled by Berserker Bills sudden but short-lived bout of sentience and his subsequent protruding tongue.

Perched securely on Gruaamsh shoulder ,the tiny monkey waits patiently for the groups solution to the obvious problem of how to open the scroll.

Speaking in a voice that approximates human speech the capuchin begins to repeat the vaguely understandable words "rerk-rod, rerk-rod. rerk-rod"


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DrZombie said:
"JERKWAD?" Gruaamsh says. "Anybody azny idea what a JERKWAD is?"

"Sod this, I'm cutting it open" he says and reaches for his knife.

As the half-orc wonders aloud as to what a JERKWAD is, the black seal on the scroll spins a quarter-turn clockwise, and he feels the tightened roll of the scroll release a bit, loosening enough to open fully.

Inside is a map that you all recognize: It's Sunderkeg's map of Lizard Spit (well, basically), with a bit more of the environs surrounding it. In the top right-hand corner is a box in which are two arrows side-by-side, one pointing up and one pointing down, and three words: Kält, Heiß, and Rücksetzen.

And that's it.

...Or is it?

Out of the corner of his eye, Gruammsh notices a small, pulsing blue dot. It's smack-dab in the middle of the square denoting where the Tavern would be.


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gruaamsh takes berserker bill by the hand, walks him outside the tavern to the other side of the square, and looks were the blue dot is now.


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The big swarthy paladin grabs the big drooling lawman and leads him out of the tavern, past a slumbering donkey tied to a turnip cart, past that quirky statue of Sir Dudley in the middle of the town square, next to the road leading out of the town center.

The blue dot is now on the other side of the town square, next to the road leading out of the town center.


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"Grmpf" say the big burly orc. He moves back to the tavern and looks on the map again, to see if it's not just a 'you are here' spot.

Voidrunner's Codex

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