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The Emperor of Solmaria


THe world shook at the news of the passing of the Old emporer's death, though that could be just the opinions of the Solmaria people who think that the world revolves around them. But if that news did not shake the world, the anouncment of the first new laws of the reining New Emperor certainly did.

Darhaan just made it to Faunt and had been staying in the shadowed alleys of the too large city trying to find out what he can do, when he comes across a family of half-orcs looking to leave the city. In helping them dodge the potrols set in the street, he learns from them that there is a meeting in the Sleeping Maiden for those that would refute this new Emperor and his laws. The meeting is tonight and he gets directions to it from the family when he bids them farewaell in his own unique manner.

Aramil was traveling from the bourders of his home in search of adventure when he heard the news of the laws. Without delay, he rushed to the capital looking for excitement. Once reaching the city, he hid from the forces of the guard while trying to figure out what to do. He had found a hotel room that did not mind housing him even with his race. The inn was ran by a family of half-orcs, of all people, but it was the best he could find. The other places that he looked into called the patrol the first opertunity they got. The place he is staying is called the Sleeping Maiden.

Dylan, though not really effected by the news except for the odvious changes to his carrier, walked the streets openly, but was still looking for work. He happened to find it in the inn of a family of half-orcs who could afford the head tax, he supposed. Either way, no other bards were willing to play at the inn for fear that it would cause them trouble with those loyal to the Emperor (who ever that was), so it paid well, and it kept him busy. The inn was called the Sleeping Maiden.

Nilbalion found himself in the shadow of the EMperor's laws in Faunt, and has been trapped there since the law was passed. Or Shar wanted him there, for every attempt to leave had been block by seeming coincidences. What ever the case, that evening he found himself in the deepening shadows of evening, in the shadows of a building looking at the back door of an inn. He feels a great desire to enter and get a table, but each time he had even try to get food in this city has been met with near disaster, so he's not sure if he should proceed. He ponders what to do as the feeling of urgency builds in his breast.

Xanthas , having hit a streak of bad luck plays with his silvered dagger in the Sleeping Maiden looking for the man who had said he would meet him here with a job. Boy, that's what he needed, and he was here, but no guy! Looking around the large common area, the half-orc waitresses still catch him by surprise, and for once he feels very little pull to pinch them as they pass. Where was that man? Could one of the people at the other tables be the contact that the man had told him about? There wre at least 3 other fighting men in the inn. Perhaps one of them?

Lenya was anctious to leave Faunt, but had not found the means to do so. She had found welcome in an inn of half-orc of all things, and it seems that they did not mind that she seemed not to have been able to pay for the last nights stay, and insist that she stay there for free. They asked her to come down that evening to have a meal on them... and to hear a proposition that may intregue her, whatever that ment. On pressing the innkeeper, he suddonly became quiet and just said that she should come. Well, the law was bound to pull the strangest companions together.

Kinden was woken by a Brother of Pelor saying that he had just heard news of a rebelion, and that there was to be a meeting tonight at the Sleeping Maiden. The Order had decided to send a represenitive and asked if Kinden was interested. Hearing that he was, they gave him an amulet and told him that it was blessed by Pelor to help the one that wore it to determine the motives of others. Taking the amulet and telling the brothers that he would return with news if he could, Kinden went in search of the inn, hoping it wasn't a trap.

It's now 6:30 PM in the middle of fall and darkeness is just falling.
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Lenya went down to visit the half-orc family that evening. Her feelings were mixed, but they seemed nice and helpful and surely their proposition would be something, where she could repay the hospitality they had offered, and maybe it would lead her out of this city...

My thanks to you, for your hospitality! This is not to be taken for granted, these days. She smiles. You mentioned something, you wanted to talk with me about?
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The half-orc innkeeper smiles at the woman and says "You be welcome, me lady! Please grab a seat, any table that's free would do and I'll have you's meal out shortly." he motions to the tables in the common area. seems that the diner was not to be with the rest of the family, though looking around the room, she can see that all of them are present... the ones she's met anyway. The three daughters where circulating the room making sure that all of the drinks were served and full. The two boys were beside the door, acting as bouncers, though tonight they carred cudgles at their sides which was new. The wife, Lenya could see looking out of the hall that lead to the families quarters.

There were plenty of open tables to choos from. It was just a question of if she wanted one close to the stairs up to her room, the windows or the bar.
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Xanthas sat carving little figures in the rimboard of the bar counter considering the prospect of getting up and going to the bathroom and never coming back. Didn't I order a drink, he thought to himself.
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The orcish looking barkeeper aproaches Xanthas after talking to a human lass (not bad!). Cleaning a clean glass with his clean apron, the orcin asks "Would you be liken something to drink? Beer?" he asks as he reaches to pull another glass out for the fighter.
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Lenya ponders taking a place near the stairs, considering the current times of trouble, but then takes a place next to a window instead.


"Indeed we have wine. It wouldn't do not to have nay for our elven patrons." the last said looking at Lenya, before doing a double take. For the first time, he notes that the woman was not elven, but human! He hopes she does not turn out to be a spy for the Emperor!

Distractedly the orcin innkeeper hands the wine to the fighter saying "May the EMperor bless you." distractedly. Then realizing what he sayed, he smiles at the fighter and ammends "If that be a bless you want."
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Xanthas throws down enough coin for two.
"Have no fear, milady, I come with...uh...drinks on me!" he stumbles out, in an attempt to be chivalrous.
Xanthas ignores the barkeeper's comment, best not to give away one's allegiance, with all the talk of rebellion and Imperial spies about.
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