The "I Didn't Comment in Another Thread" Thread

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Mod Squad
Staff member
How about a food preparation surface that generates static electricity?

Real physics answer? Static electricity doesn't create a general attractive force that makes any and all things stick to it. And, if you touch it, that static electricity transfers to you, the cook, and then will discharge into other things in the environment - like, say your electronics systems - when you touch them.

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I crit!
Real physics answer? Static electricity doesn't create a general attractive force that makes any and all things stick to it. And, if you touch it, that static electricity transfers to you, the cook, and then will discharge into other things in the environment - like, say your electronics systems - when you touch them.
In 616 sure. but here?



I'm not in 616. There are superheroes in 616.

Oh, and fire itself doesn't really work as you might expect in microgravity. No "up" means that heat doesn't rise, and gaseous products of combustion don't go up in smoke, because... no up.

We have super-heroes here. You should see what this one site's moderators are able to put up with...
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<Delete something about the Bible game thread because it won't do any good for anything, and realize it leaves a blank space here.>

In other thoughts, is "leaving D&D" like giving up on a sports team about a player deal or coach, or dropping a comic book sub you've had on and off for decades because of the current storyline... in that most people will be back?
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I think "leaving D&D" is internet shorthand for "I'm bored with D&D, and I wish more people were bored with it too." So I guess it's more like wanting to leave a party because you don't recognize any of the other guests, but hesitating because you don't want to be the only one leaving.

I had a friend who ate at Garcia's Pizza every day for years in graduate school. And one day he walked in and couldn't do it anymore.

I bet he's had Pizza again though in the years since. It's Pizza. I postulate that D&D is the Pizza of ttRPGs.

With the occasional NZ edition or splat books.

But of so, it will get better. You'll all have it again.

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