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The IR Aftermath Campaign Characters

Mr. Draco

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The Forsaken One said:
Just walking speed IIRC, just like boots of striding and springing who only affect that.

What level would a spell be then that doubles fly speed (only). It does less than expeditious retreat (doubles land speed and improves jump IIRC) ?

Kal, here's my char's god :)

The Doombringer, Lord of Three Thunders
Faerunian Demigod
Symbol: Black-gloved hand holding a coin with a two-faced head
Home Plane: The Barrens of Doom and Despair
Alignment: LN
Portfolio: Revenge, retribution, poetic justice
Worshipers: Assassins, fighters, rogues, seekers of retribution
Cleric Alignments: LE, LG, LN
Domains: Fate, Law, Retribution, Travel
Favored Weapon: "Retribution's Sting" [javelin of lightning] (javelin)

Hoar (hore) is the vengeful deity of retribution invoked by those who seek to repay an eye for an eye. He is a moody deity, prone to violence and with a penchant toward bitter humor.

Since the Time of Troubles, the Doombringer has been consumed with bringing about the downfall of Anhur, the Mulhorandi deity of war, and to a lesser extent the pantheon that spawned him.

Aside from a handful of temples, the church of Hoar is composed primarily of itinerant wanderers whot ravel from town to town agreeing to pay for Hoar's intercession on behalf of one who seeks or fears vengeance for some attack in exchange for a small fee.
Charlatans receive a fitting ounishment by Hoar's hand.

Hoar's clergy also seek out victims of injustice, hear their stories, evaluate the veracity of their accounts, and track down the perpetrators in order to inflict a fitting form of punishment.

No injustice is too large or too small for revenge to be sought and a fitting punishment meted out, earning the church of Hoar the ire of town watches and Tyrists alike as well as the adulation of the downtrodden.

Clerics of Hoar pray for their spells at midnight, when the bells toll for those deserving of fitting justice.

Clerics of Hoar are encouraged to celebrate the anniversery of the most fitting and sweetest act of revenge.

Silent or thunderous priests (as appropriate) must be given to Hoar each and every time some form of vengeance is extracted

In addition, the churhc of Hoar observes two official holy days.
On the 11th of Eleint, the Penultimate Thunder is celebrated with feasts of game, bead, fruits, and mead, marking the defeat of the Untheric war god Ramman.

On the 11th of Marpenoth, the Impending Doom is observed with daylong ceremonies of rumbling drums, vigorous oaths, and exhausting acts of purification. It celebrates justices yet to be meted out, revenges yet to be carried through with, and good deeds that call to the celebrants to be rememberd.

Many clerics of Hoar multiclass as assassins, fighters, or rogues


Hoar is actually the ancient Untheric deity worsihpped in the eastern Inner Sea lands as Assuran. Centuries ago, he was driven from Unther by Ramman, although his cult remained strong in Chessenta. He eventually slew his rival during the Time of Troubles, but Anhur stole Ramman's unclaimed portfolio before Hoar could act, eearning Hoar's ire. Both Tyr and Shar contest for Hoar's tormented soul, as the Dark Goddess seeks to turn him into a servant of blind vengeance and bitterness while the Maimed God seeks to unlock Hoar's bittersweet humor and shift his portfolio to favor irony and poetic justice.
Meanwhile, Hoar conspires with Beshaba in unleashing bad luck on the deserving.


Uphold true and fitting justice and maintain the spirit of the law, not the letter of the law.
Fitting recompense will always accrue for ones actions. Violence will meet violence and evil pay back evil, but good will also come to those who do good. Walk the line of the Doombringer's teachings, seeking retribution, but do not fall into the trap of pursuing evil acts for evil's sake, for that way is seductive and leads only to ones downfall. Vengeance must be sought out for all injustices, and all punishments must fit the crime. Revenge is sweetest when it is sharpened with irony. All attacks must be avenged. Those who do not respond to attacks against their person or that which they hold dear only invite future attacks.
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Janos Audron

There has been some discussion about that. Some claimed that, because it said something about X it was only land speed. Other said that X was flavor text and that it was the intention to include fly speeds.

Personally, I would rule you get your fly speed doubled, but Kal has to see for himself how he handles it.

Draco: that was the reason I asked. :)


First Post
After some consideration I've decided to just make a new character. A dwarf - Cleric 5 / Harper Priest 2 / Sacred Exorcist 10 / Heirophant 3.

Sound alright?

Mr. Draco

First Post
Festy_Dog said:
After some consideration I've decided to just make a new character. A dwarf - Cleric 5 / Harper Priest 2 / Sacred Exorcist 10 / Heirophant 3.

Sound alright?

Festy_Dog, that sounds great. Now the group has two divine casters, and finally a cleric! :)


First Post
Woohoo! When I found my previous character to be fairly weak compared to the others I had to find a way to get on par. So I just gave up on my old character and knocked up a new one seeing as the party could do with a member who can resurrect people. :D

He's gonna be a fanatical follower of Pholtus and wield a morning star (+1 Surestriking, Flaming Burst, Holy, Lawful Morning Star of Disruption) which looks like a small sun 'cause the spikes will writhe with the flames and it'll leave a trail of smoke when swung (this is after the command word is spoken, otherwise it looks like a fancy golden morning star with wavy spikes). His armour will be covered in spiky motifs (they're golden suns during the day, platinum moons at night) and etched with a multitude of litanies, likewise with his shield. The spikes on his armour (the motifs) will probably also carry minor enchantments.
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Mr. Draco

First Post
New character...

Traal Yeroth, Master Hunter

Movanic devas are found primarily on the Positive, Negative, and Material planes. They often directly aid the mortal followers of good deities, doing this only in moments of dire need and usually only for the more prominent or powerful mortals.
They have milky white skin, silver hair, and colorless eyes. Their wings are white with a silver sheen. They otherwise resemble very strong humans, with broad shoulders and heroic build.

Male Movanic Deva Paladin 1/Templar 1/Rogue 8
Medium-size Outsider (Good)
Alignment: Lawful Good
Deity: Hoar
HD: 10d8 + 8d6 + 2d10 + 80 (159/159)
Init: +15 (+15 Dex)
Speed: 40ft, fly 120ft (good)
AC: 36 (+15 Dex; +11 Natural Armor)
Fang of the Hunter (normal__with greater magic weapon):
w/Rapid Shot: +32/+32/+32/+27/+22/+17__+36/+36/+36/+31/+26/+22
Fang of the Hunter: 1d12 + 4d6 (elemental: cold, lightning, acid, sonic) + 5d8 (searing light, 10d6 vs: undead, 10d8 vs: undead creatures vunerable to sunlight, +5d6 vs: constructs) + 1 (+5 with greater magic weapon)
Face/Reach: 5ft by 5ft/5ft
Special Qualities: Evasion, Uncanny Dodge (Racial, +2 against traps), Divine Grace, Lay on Hands, Divine Health, Mettle, Spell-like Abilities, Damage Reduction 10/+1, SR 24, PR 24, Celestial Qualities, Darkvision 60 ft, Low-light Vision
Saves: Fort: +32, Ref: +43, Will +32
Abilities: Str 17 (+3), Dex 40 (+15), Con 18 (+4), Int 26 (+8), Wis 22 (+6), Cha 30 (+10)
Skills: Appraise +8; Balance +15; Bluff +20; Climb +3; Concentration +4; Craft (Generic) +8; Diplomacy +32; Disable Device +31; Disguise +12; Escape Artist +15; Forgery +8; Gather Information +21; Heal +6; Hide +48; Innuendo +20; Intimidate +13; Jump +3; Knowledge (Generic) +8; Knowledge (Programming) +31; Knowledge (Technology) +31; Knowledge (Religion) +13; Listen +53; Move Silently +48; Perform (Generic) +10; Pilot (Space) +48; Profession (Electrical Engineer[Computing]) +39; Profession (Programmer) +39; Ride +15; Scry +8; Search +51; Sense Motive +29; Spot +60; Swim +3; Use Computers +31; Use Rope +15; Wilderness Lore +6
Feats: Point Blank Shot, Far Shot, Precise Shot, Rapid Shot, Quick Draw, Leadership, Endurance, Weapon Focus (Javelin), Weapon Specialization (Javelin), Quick Reload, Lightning Reload
Languages: All
Alignment: Lawful Good


Fang of the Hunter: (With silencer and flash suppressor equiped; 1125ft range increment)
+1, Distance, Shock, Frost, Corrosive, Screaming Automatic Rifle of Speed.
True Strike on command.
Hunter’s Mercy on command.
Greater Magic Weapon (15 level caster; +5, 15 hours) on command 1/day.
Searing Light (use activated, 20 level caster)- each bullet from Fang of the Hunter also deals damage as a searing light spell cast by a 20th level cleric in addition to all other damage the bullet does.
Its magic only functions in the hands of a character of lawful good alignment.

Rifle Scope of Clairaudience/Clairvoyance (attached to Fang of the Hunter):
Use activated Clairaudience/Clairvoyance.

Power of the Hunter:
Brilliant Weapon (as Brilliant Aura, except only one weapon, and no damage bonus) on command. (lvl 9 caster)
Its magic only functions in the hands of a character of lawful good alignment.

Senses of the Hunter:
Adamantite rimmed eyeglasses with tinted lenses.
+20 to all Spot checks.
+20 to all Search checks.
+20 to all Listen checks.
Use activated Hawkeye.

Headband of Resistance:
+5 Resistance bonus to saving throws.

Shape of the Hunter:
Major displacement.
+10 to all Profession (Programmer) checks.
+10 to all Hide checks.
+10 to all Profession (Electrical Engineer [Computing]) checks.
+10 to all Move Silently checks.
+10 to all Pilot (Space) checks.
Its magic only functions in the hands of a character of lawful good alignment.

Manual of Quickness of Action (+5):
Traal Yeroth has read a manual of Quickness of Action (+5).

Gloves of Dexterity (+6):
+6 Dexterity bonus.

Medallion of Charisma (+4):
+4 Charisma bonus.

Boots of Hermes:
Doubles flight speed (natural or magical) while worn.

Heward’s Handy Haversack
Extradimensional storage device.
The following items are in the Haversack:
30 x Metal cartridge clip, rifle (30)
4 x Metal cartridge clip, rifle, silvered (30)
Masterwork thief’s tools
Portable Electrical Engineer’s tools (+7)
Acid (4 Flasks)
Antitoxin (5 Vials)
5 Candles
5 Pieces of Chalk
Dagger, Silvered
Explorer’s Outfit
2 Fishhooks
Fishing Net, 25 sq. ft
3 Flasks
Flint & Steel
Grappling Hook
Holy Water (2 Flasks)
Ink (5 1oz vials)
Lantern, Hooded
Mirror, Small Steel
Noble’s Outfit
Oil (5 1-pint flasks)
5 Sheets of Paper
Rations, trail (5 days)
Scholar’s Outfit
Silk Rope (unknotted; 50ft)
Silk Rope (knotted; 50ft)
Sealing Wax
3 Sewing Needles
Signal Whistle
Signet Ring
Silver Holy Symbol of Hoar
3 Smokestick
5 Sunrods
2 Thunderstones
5 Tindertwigs
5 Torches
Traveler’s Outfit
5 Vials
452 gp

Class/Racial Abilities:

Evasion (Ex): At 2nd level, a rogue gains evasion. If exposed to any effect that normally allows a character to attempt a Reflex saving throw for half damage (such as a fireball), she takes no damage with a successful saving throw. Evasion can only be used if the rogue is wearing light armor or no armor.

Uncanny Dodge (Ex): +2 bonus to Reflex saves made to avoid traps, and a +2 dodge bonus to AC against attacks by traps.

Divine Grace: A paladin applies her Charisma modifier (if positive) as a bonus to all saving throws.

Lay on Hands (Sp): A paladin can heal wounds by tough. Each day she can cure a total number of hit points equal to her Charisma bonus (if any) times her level. The paladin can cure herself. She may choose to divide her curing among multiple recipients, and she doesn’t have to use it all at once. Lay on Hands takes a standard action to use.

Divine Health: A paladin is immune to all diseases, including magical diseases such as mummy rot and lycanthropy.

Mettle (Su): A templar’s special blessing allows her to shrug off magical effects that would otherwise harm her. If a templar makes a successful Will or Fortitude saving throw that would normally reduce the spell’s effect, she suffers no effect from the spell at all. Only those spells with a Saving Throw entry of “Will partial,” “Fortitude half,” or similar entries can be negated through this ability.

Movanic Deva Racial Abilities:

Spell-like Abilities (Sp): At will—aid, continual flame, detect evil, discern lies, dispel evil, dispel magic, dispel psionics, holy aura, holy smite, holy word, invisibility sphere (self only), polymorph self, remove curse, remove disease, and remove fear; 7/day—cure light wounds, antimagic field, and antipsi field; 1/day—protection from arrows and spell turning. These abilities are as the spells cast by an 8th-level sorcerer (DC 20 + spell level).

Celestial Qualities: Protective aura; fire resistance 20, tongues; electricity, cold, acid, and petrification immunity, +4 save against poison.

Uncanny Dodge (Ex): Movanic devas are never caught flat-footed and cannot be flanked.

Skills: Extremely alert, movanic devas receive a +4 racial bonus to Spot and Listen checks.

Protective Aura (Su): As a free action, ghaeles, devas, planetars, and solars can surround themselves with a nimbus of light having a radius of 20 feet. This acts as a double-strength magic circle against evil and as a minor globe of invulnerability, both as cast by a sorcerer whose level equals to the celestial’s Hit Dice. The aura can be dispelled, but the celestial can create it again as a free action on its next turn.

[edit]- everything's fixed now. Thanks to everybody that pointed it out.
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First Post
Mr. Draco, what about your items that only function for someone of some neutral alignment? There might be problems since this character is lawful good.


First Post
heh...the rate the characters are changing we may need another thread for the real characters after we get done with creation.

Thank you Festy! Your cleric makes it far easier on me since we can share the healing requirement. If you dont mind having a possibility of coming back as an animal I can bring people back also, with no level loss. You'll just have to cover the undead and any restorations.


Yah, dropping uncanny dodge would have got you 1 feat/2 levels but since Movanic Deva automaticallly replaces it, I decided not to go that path. Strange no? Also whoever pointed out the neutral requirement on your items is right, those are funky, now. A spell to double fly speed would be 2nd level. Fly speed is much better than land speed, (it has a higher base, it negates jump/climb/balance checks)

Janos- The DC boost is not really available for anything except racial abilities which are by definition limited.

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