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The IR Aftermath Campaign Characters

Mr. Draco

First Post
Kalanyr, what ECL would a 10HD Movanic Deva be? http://www.enworld.org/cc/converted/pdf/outsider/celestial/movanic_deva.pdf

sollir said 10, darkwolf said possibly 9, but no lower.

also, would it be possible to use the rogue class, but exchanging each sneak attack increment (+1d6) for a rogueish feat?

perhaps if this is not acceptable, i could forego the rogue's uncanny dodge ability and the sneak attack bonuses for an extra feat at each level when i would normally gain a sneak attack bonus?

[edit]- one more thing, what level would a version of brilliant aura (druid 7, MoF) be that just affects one weapon without the bonus damage?
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Illithid Ftr12, Lawful Neutral

Str 14 (+2)
Dex 19 (+4)
Con 14 (+2)
Int 27 (+8)
Wis 25 (+7)
Cha 25 (+7)

Mind Blast (Sp): This attack is a cone 60 feet long. Anyone caught in this cone must succeed at a Will save (DC 27) or be stunned for 3d4 rounds. Mind flayers often hunt using this power and then drag off one or two of their stunned victims to feed upon.

Psionics (Sp): At will-astral projection, charm monster, detect thoughts, levitate, plane shift, and suggestion. These abilities are as the spells cast by an 8th-level sorcerer (save DC 23 + spell level)

Species Skills:
Bluff, Concentration, Hide, Intimidate, Knowledge (Any), Listen, Move Silently, Spot
Class Skills:

Species Skill Points: (HD+Intelligence) x 2 or 58
Fighter Skill Points: (2+Int mod) x Level or 12 x 7 or 84

8 ranks Bluff (+15)
15 ranks Climb (+17)
15 ranks Drive Two-Wheel Vehicle (Motorcycle) (+19)
12 ranks Hide (+16)
8 ranks Intimidate (+15)
15 ranks Jump (+17)
12 ranks Move Silently (+16)
9 ranks Listen (+16)
15 ranks Pilot Starcraft (+19)
9 ranks Knowledge (History of the Apotheosis War) (+16)
15 ranks Ride Horse (+19)
9 ranks Craft (Gunsmith) (+16)

Species Feats: Alertness, Combat Casting, Dodge, Improved Initiative, Weapon Finesse (tentacle)
Class Feats: Weapon Focus (Automatic Rifle), Lightning Reload, Mounted Archery, Rapid Shot, Shot on the Run, Vehicle Combat, Fast Reload, Weapon Specialization (Automatic Rifle), Trample, Point Blank Shot, Mobility, Far Shot

Feat Notes:
Vehicle Combat is exactly like Mounted Combat, except for vehicles instead of mounts. Same for all other feats from the Mounted Combat chain.
Fast Reload allows me to reload a Rifle as a MEV rather than a standard action.
Lightning Reload allows me to reload a Rifle as a Free Action rather than a MEV.

Gear: (760,000 GP worth)

Ectoplasmic Hovercycle (70,000 GP): Zizzyzazu carries a small stick on his person at all times. When this stick is broken in half, the two halves become the handlebars of an ectoplasmic hovercylce that immediately forms between them. This motorcycle weighs 250 lbs, but has a Fly speed of 150. It can carry up to 900 lbs, and has a maneuverability rating of Good. It has 90 hp, hardness of 10, and regenerates hitpoints at 5 per round. Additionally, the rider is protected from adverse environments, able to survive in vacuum, deep water up to eight miles deep, and gaining energy resistance 3 to all energy types.

"...Impossible to catch, moving like the wind, shattering enemy lines..."

(128,000 GP) Word of Ilsensine: +4 Lawful Automatic Rifle of Shade-Bane

"...Moving like a cat through enemy territory, capping shade wizards at two hundred yards midsprint, blowing them to the afterlife in a blaze of light and ordered wrath..."

(220,000 GP) Plasma Lance: +5 Ferroplasm Heavy Lance of Plasma (+5d6, divided between Sonic, fire, acid, cold, and lightning - Plasma will hurt damn near anything, and requires almost universal energy resistance to completely resist.)

"...Shrieking across the battlefield on a glowing hovercycle, impaling enemy warriors on a lance of raging fire and letting them be consumed by the rage of his mighty weapon, tearing great rents in the armor of enemy battleships..."

(Unknown Amount, let's just say the rest of my cash) Bracers of the Sky-Lancer: These iron and tungsten bracers wrap around the arms in a spiral. When the wielder delivers an attack from a mount or vehicle using a lance (or other weapon that does bonus damage when mounted) the damage multiplier is increased by 2 (from x2 to x4, for example.) This is accompanied by a sonic boom that will deafen the target unless they make a Fort save (DC 17)

"...His mighty blows blasting open the hulls with a cacaphony of raging sound, the crew sucked out screaming in to the vacuum of space..."

(36,000 GP) Inherent Power Boost Amulet +6

"...Blessed by Ilsensine himself, his powers far ahead of lesser Illithid..."

Mr. Draco

First Post
Anabstercorian said:
Ectoplasmic Hovercycle (70,000 GP): Zizzyzazu carries a small stick on his person at all times. When this stick is broken in half, the two halves become the handlebars of an ectoplasmic hovercylce that immediately forms between them. This motorcycle weighs 250 lbs, but has a Fly speed of 150. It can carry up to 900 lbs, and has a maneuverability rating of Good. It has 90 hp, hardness of 10, and regenerates hitpoints at 5 per round. Additionally, the rider is protected from adverse environments, able to survive in vacuum, deep water up to eight miles deep, and gaining energy resistance 3 to all energy types.

"...Impossible to catch, moving like the wind, shattering enemy lines..."

Anab, got room for another on that hovercycle? Between your lance, and my gun, I think it would work out rather well, don't you?


Movanic Deva (10HD - ECL 10)

Yuan-ti DC isn't fixed its (10 + equivalent Spell Level+ Cha Mod) or in the case of abilities without equivalent spells its 10+ 1/2 Yuan-ti HD + Cha Mod.

A power boost +6 for all Charisma based spell-like abilities would cost 144 000 gp.

And upping the multiple like those bracers do would cost (hmmmm) 2000 gp.

Get back to you on the Druid Spell Weapon when I can.

Sneak Attack could be traded for a bonus rogueish feat every 3 levels. (Avoid stepping on fighter toes.

Off to study some more. I'll answer questions in huge piles like the above when I can.

For some strange reason you can't have the Wishlist item :p.

The Hunters' Eye:

Would cost 19 000 gp.

(I'll reconsider the helmed horror price and get back to you on that). (Did you include how much that tower cost in your funds btw?)

Janos Audron

"A power boost +6 for all Charisma based spell-like abilities would cost 144000 gp."

So, if I want an item that raises the DC of all my Intelligence Based spells (all) by 6, that wouls cost me 144000?

Mr. Draco

First Post
Thanks Kal.

Oh, the idea behind the sneakattack (and giving up all uncanny dodge class abilities) for a feat everytime a sneak attack bonus would be received was basically for a fighter with less BAB, different saves, less HP, and more skill points.

Mr. Draco

First Post
Janos Audron said:
"A power boost +6 for all Charisma based spell-like abilities would cost 144000 gp."

So, if I want an item that raises the DC of all my Intelligence Based spells (all) by 6, that wouls cost me 144000?

Janos, I think the problem here is that the power boost items increase the DC of spell-like abilities for races. These are by there nature of a limited number and specific nature. The difference being, that you have an ever increasing number of spells that a +6 item would affect, many of them also scale with level, thus increasing their power. Because of this, a +6 DC item for you would likely cost more.

Voidrunner's Codex

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