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The Last Gods (was Hmmm....I think I might...2 games)

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First Post
He is still a work in progress...I need to work on skills and equipment still, but for the most part he is ready to go. Updated and modified from another game that didn't get off the ground. And Ferrix, hope you don't mind, but I borrowed your char sheet format, since it looked really nice.

Also, I didn't use the fractional method to figure his saves...I didn't knwo which route we would be going with that.

Aram Al Tarik, the Unseen
Neutral Human Rogue 5/Fighter 2/Shadowdancer 2/Dervish 1

Age: 30
Gender: Male
Height: 5 ft. 8 in.
Weight: 165 lb.
Eyes: Black
Hair: Black
Skin: Dusky

STR: 12 [+1]
DEX: 22 [+6] (+2 level increase, + 2 gloves)
CON: 16 [+3]
INT: 14 [+2]
WIS: 10 [+0]
CHA: 11 [+0]

For D20Dazza's Game (4d6.takeHighest(3)=11, 4d6.takeHighest(3)=12, 4d6.takeHighest(3)=10, 4d6.takeHighest(3)=14, 4d6.takeHighest(3)=18, 4d6.takeHighest(3)=16)

HP: 77 (6 + 41 + 30 con)
Armor Class: 26 (10 base + 6 dex + 7 mithral shirt + 1 ring + 1 amulet +1 Dervish AC bonus)
Initiative: +6
BAB: +7/+2
Attack: +15 Scimitar +1 keen (1d6+2, 15-20/x2)
Full Attack: +15/+10 Scimitar +1 keen (1d6+2, 15-20/x2) OR +13/+8 Scimitar +1 keen (1d6+2, 15-20/x2) AND +13 Scimitar +1 (1d6+2, 18-20/x2)

Speed: 40’ (30' base + 10 boots)

FORT: +9 (4 base + 3 con + 2 resistance)
REFL: +18 (10 base + 6 dex + 2 resistance)
WILL: +6 (4 base + 0 wis +2 resistance)

- Human Bonus Feat
- Human Bonus Skill Points
- Sneak Attack +3d6
- Trapfinding
- Evasion
- Trap Sense +1
- Uncanny Dodge
- Fighter Bonus Feats
- Hide In Plain Sight
- Improved Uncanny Dodge
- Darkvision
- Dervish Dance 1/day
- Movement Mastery
- Slashing Blades

1st Level
- Combat Reflexes
- Dodge
3rd Level
- Mobility
6th Level
- Weapon Finesse
6th Level (fighter bonus)
- Weapon Focus (Scimitar)
7th Level (fighter bonus)
- Combat Expertise
9th Level
- Two weapon fighting

Skills: (123=88+10+18+7)
Balance +16 (8 ranks, +6 dex, +2 syn)
Bluff +5 (5 ranks, +0 cha)
Climb +6 (5 ranks, +1 str)
Diplomacy +7 (5 ranks, +0 cha, +2 syn)
Disable Device +9 (5 ranks, +2 int, +2 circumstance)
Disguise +14 (2 ranks, +0 cha, +2 syn, +10 hat)
Escape Artist +11 (5 ranks, +6 dex)
Hide +23 (12 ranks, +6 dex, +5 competence)
Intimidate +4 (2 ranks, +2 syn)
Jump +13 (5 ranks, +1 str, +2 synergy, +5 competence)
Listen +7 (7 ranks, +0 wis)
Move Silently +18 (12 ranks, +6 dex)
Open Lock +16 (8 ranks, +6 dex, +2 circumstance)
Perform (dance) +5 (5 ranks, +0 cha)
Search +9 (7 ranks, +2 int)
Sense Motive +2 (2 ranks, +0 wis)
Sleight of Hand +11 (3 ranks, +6 dex, +2 syn)
Spot +5 (5 ranks, +0 wis)
Swim +4 (3 ranks, +1 str)
Tumble +21 (13 ranks, +6 dex, +2 syn)
Use Magic Device +2 (2 ranks, +0 cha)

- Common,

Armor & Shield
-Mithral Shirt +3 (9250gp, 10lb)

Melee weapons
-Scimitar+1 keen +15/+10 (1d6+2, 15-20/x2) (8315gp, 4lb)
-Scimitar+1 +15/+10 (1d6+2, 18-20/x2) (2315gp, 4lb)
-6 daggers +13/+8 (1d4+1, 19-20/x2) (12gp, 6lb)

Ranged weapons
-Masterwork Comp (+1 str) Longbow +13/+8 (1d8+1, 20/x3, 110ft.) (500gp, 3lb)
-20 arrows (cold iron, 2gp, 3lb)
-20 arrows (silver, 41gp, 3lb)
-5 arrows (adamantine, 300 gp, 1lb)

Miscellaneous Magical or Psionic Items
-Ring of Protection +1 (2000gp, -lb)
-Amulet of Natural Armor +1 (2000gp, -lb)
-Ring of Sustenance (2500 gp, -lb)
-Gloves of Dexterity +2 (4000 gp, -lb)
-Cloak of Elvenkind (2500 gp, 1lb)
-Vest of Resistance +2 (4000gp, 1lb)
-Handy Haversack (2000 gp, 5lb)
-Boots of Striding & Springing (5500 gp, 1lb)
-Hat of Diguise (1800 gp, -lb)
-Rope of Climbing (3000 gp, 5 lb)

- 4 Cure Moderate Wounds (1200gp, -lb)
- 1 Neutralize Poison (750gp, -lb)
- 1 Blur (300gp, -lb)
- 1 Invisibility (300gp, -lb)

Mundane equipment
-Explorer’s Outfit (10gp, -lb)
-Whetstone (2cp, 1lb)
-Bedroll (1sp, 5lb)
-Thieves' Tools, masterwork (100gp, 2lb)
-2 flasks, Alchemist's Fire (40gp, 2lb)
-12 Tindertwigs (12gp, -lb)
-Everburning torch (110 gp, 1 lb)
-Flint & steel (1gp, -lb)
-Chalk, 3 pieces (3cp, -lb)
-Crowbar (2gp, 5lb)
-4 sacks (4sp, 2lb)

Weight Carried: Light load, 34 lb (rest is in Haversack
Remaining money: 139 gp

Aram is a short, slender man, standing 5’ 8” in height, and weighing about 165 lbs. While slender, he has an athletic build, a result of his training and active lifestyle. Aram wears his black hair cropped short, and has eyes the color of jet. He keeps his dusky skin soft with the judicious use of expensive lotions and oils, and takes excessive pride in his appearance. He is always well groomed and well dressed, and although possessed of good looks, his condescending attitude and lack of personal magnetism leave much to be desired.

Aram is not what one would consider a nice man. He is selfish, greedy and always looking out for himself first. He has a haughty, arrogant attitude. While not an evil person, Aram generally does only what benefits him. If he is seen doing something that would be considered generous or benfitting the greater good, it is only because he has an ulterior motive in mind. Despite all this, he does place some value on life, and prefers methods other than violence to get what he desires.

Aram’s father was a goat herder on the edge of the great southern desert, and sought to teach his trade to his son. These humble beginnings were not in line with the boy’s dreams, however, and Aram decided that he would do whatever it took to become rich, respected and powerful.

Despite the harsh penalties his people visited upon those caught stealing, Aram realized that it would take money to reach his goals, and that thievery was an easy way to get started. When he was caught stealing by a half-blind man in his village by the name of Najm, he thought that his very life would be forfeit. Impressed with the youth’s abilities, Najm revealed to Aram that he was a former sneak and thief, and took it upon himself to train the boy.

Aram was a talented and dedicated pupil, and learned the trade quickly. Soon his skills had outgrown the small village in which he lived, and Aram decided that he needed to travel the world, and seek out large cities in which his talents could be more fully used. He left, taking the local Sheikh’s daughter and several of his camels with him when he did. Although pursued, Aram managed to make good coin selling the camels, and left the girl in the first city he arrived in.

Aram fell in with a band of brigands, and learned their style of fighting while he lived among them. His skill was such that many thought he would take over as the band's leader when the time came, but Aram's wanderlust got the best of him, and he moved on after several years.

He has had to dodge the blades of Sheikh Haidar’s men on several occasions, but has so far managed to stay one step ahead of them. Over the years he has made other enemies with his exploits as well, and has come to realize that staying in the shadows is the easiest way to avoid reprisals.
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I am stating up a 10th level Cleric of Kord. Should be a fun character. I'll have him up after the weekend most likely.


Hi Bront,

Starting gold is as 10th level PC in DMG.

Hi Question,

I received your emal and replied.

G'day Legildur,

Thanks for throwing something into te mix. Looks good, I like the Lizard dude.




First Post

Yeah, I like the lizard dude as well. Mind you, Question's comment above about racial hit die prompted me to go and do some reading about Character Level (CL), Effective Character Level (ECL), and Level Adjustment (LA) in the DMG and FAQ. And I think I made a mistake.

It seems to me that for a lizardfolk Dragon Shaman to have an ECL of 10 that he should have only 7 class levels. Lizardfolk start with 2 racial HD and have a +1 LA for PCs. The CL would be 9 (7 class levels + 2 racial HD) and an ECL of 10 (CL 9 +1 LA).

However, my preference would be to ignore the racial levels altogether and just use class levels (along with the +1 LA, of course, so 9 character levels as I have already statted out above). Let me know what you think about that.

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First Post
Rhun said:
He is still a work in progress...I need to work on skills and equipment still, but for the most part he is ready to go. Updated and modified from another game that didn't get off the ground.
Hehehehe. I thought Aram looked familiar.... Shaleel is still waiting to play :D


The man with the probe
D20Dazza said:
Hi Bront,

Starting gold is as 10th level PC in DMG.
AKA 49,000 (For those of us who don't have one, or at least have one readily available)

I have the Skills and level progression written up, But need to do gear and background.

Any general description of the module?


First Post
Ferrix said:
It's actually a character sheet that Isida uses, and I find it the nicest.

Neat character.

It is definitely a great looking sheet. I'm its new biggest fan. And thanks!

Voidrunner's Codex

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