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D&D 5E The Light of Civilization - A 5e Renaissance Story [OOC]


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For those keeping track, current concept list for a scholar type stands at 3. Will save the Charlatan Bard and disgraced courtesan/dancer (Rogue/open hand monk) for later.

In no particular order:
1. AKA 'Holtzmann': Rock gnome Rogue/Knowledge Cleric/Artificer Wizard; Guild artisan/Sage background. The youngest and brightest child from a gnome tinker/alchemist family. Originally entranced by alchemy and clockwork, entered the priesthood of the Maker to learn more complicated/esoteric crafts (Since Fossice has no true university, the Church offers the main route to knowledge after the Academy)- and their she was introduced to magic and mage-craft. Further advancement almost entire Wizard.

2. AKA 'Something from a Lovecraft story': Human Knowledge Cleric >> Warlock (Old Ones, Tome); Sage (librarian) background. A bright and earnest young scholar assigned to catalog newly-obtained books for the Library and the Old Tower- she definitely picked up the WRONG book. She could not read it at first, but the symbols lingered, and she couldn't get rid of it... Further advancement pure warlock. Her Patron is (or claims to be) the spirit of an ancient (Pre-Harrowing) archmage trapped between realms by the catastrophe and trying to get home- it might even be the truth (or a part of the truth)...

3. AKA 'Indiana Jones': Elven or half-elven Rogue/Knowledge Cleric/Ranger (and/or monster hunter fighter); Outlander/Sage background. Daughter and granddaughter of scholar-priests, well-educated but physically-inclined. Trained as an archaeologist (please don't say 'tomb robber'), she was part of an expedition to the magic-blasted desert that was one the high elven Homeland- an expedition that found far more (And far worse) than they were expecting. She barely survived, and has been recovering and training for future expeditions. Future advancement a mix between scholar, scout, and archer.

>Options 1 and 3 have the best skills (Including Science! and Investigation, which we are so far lacking), Option 2 is best long-term magically (will be picking up the Book of Ancient Secrets invocation for ritual magic mojo). Working on the background stories longhand, since I still have limited computer access through the weekend- silly travel...

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Once we've got your character set up, Pathfinder, we'll go ahead and get our adventure in Fossice started.

I still have not seen nor heard from Trogdor1992 in quite awhile, so I will just consider him on hold for now and if he comes back, we'll work him in.


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I had a 15 hour workday today, and 12+ tomorrow. I'll try to have something be Wednesday night.

Otherwise you may have to start without me- I don't want everyone else to get penalized for my slack.


Exactly. Take your time mate, I know your schedule is pretty loaded: I want us to sally forth as a group on this one, but I'd like to be clear that there is nooo rush.


First Post
Okay, here goes the next round. I'm down to two ideas at this point- I'll leave the Lovecraftian warlock and elven archer/archaeologist for the future.

I'm going to post up what I have for the two finalists, in successive posts following this one, and I'll edit them in as I can- but I wanted to at least get SOMETHING up now, while I can.

>Submission 1- AKA Holtzmann: Rock gnome female; Rogue 1/Cleric 1 (Knowledge)/Wizard 1 (Artificer); An accomplished alchemist, tinker, and scholar who is fascinated with magic, especially making things with magic. She will be using lots of rituals, rune, and magically-infused clockwork (more a Build Familiar than Find Familiar type). She is convinced that applying proper scientific principles can "fix" the dangers inherent in arcane magic. Yes, this is the one submission that has held up through this process, and normally that would have made my decision- but gnomes... There, I said it. I've never played a gnome, and I'm very leery of their reputation as silly. She is going to be curious and a bit offbeat, but definitely NOT silly...

>Potential submission 2- AKA 'Better Call Thea': Half-elf female; Rogue 1 (more as 'Expert' than 'Criminal')/Bard 2 (Lore); the youngest daughter of an ambitious noble house, scholarly and musically gifted- she was sent abroad to a "real" university so that she could be a proper jewel to support her family's quest to join the true nobility. Unfortunately, while she was in school, her family's schemes collapsed, and the family fortune with them. Thea stayed at the university, but turned away from music and history, to instead study Law, politics, and Diplomacy. After years of study and apprenticeship, she was finally ready to return home to Fossice. She has returned under an assumed name, and has had no contact with the shattered remnants of her family- instead she has set up shop as a scribe and a "lawyer". It is her intent to use her knowledge and skills in the arenas of law, politics, and bureaucracy to achieve two goals- to rebuild her family's power base, and to smash those who dared to crush her family in the first place. It doesn't hurt that her studies have helped her uncover some of the ancient secrets of the elven "song mages", who could empower music with magical power... That's right, a swords-and-sorcery lawyer... (or, at the very least, a bardic scholar who specializes in law and bureaucracy as her field of study). This one uses a cobbled-together 'Bureaucrat' background, very similar to the Courtier, but focused on law and civil government instead of the traditional noble Courts.

>Also on the 'To Do" list: The Sacred Order of Arcane Vigilance (AKA 'The Witchguard'); The Elven 'Trees of Memory' (And the magic-blasted disaster area that is, or was, the high elven homelands)


First Post
Potential submission 1: IN PROGRESS

AKA "Holtzmann”

Jilliana ("Sparksie") del Holtzinn

>Race/Gender: Rock Gnome; Female
>Class/Level: Rogue 1/Cleric 1 (knowledge)/Wizard 1 (Artificer)
(Total level= 3)(d8; d8; d6)
XP Total:
Background: Guild artisan (Alchemist)(+Sage)
Alignment: NG (tending CG)
Type (subtype): Humanoid (gnome)
Size: Small
Initiative: +2
Speed: 25 feet
Senses: Darkvision 60’
Passive Perception: 16

[sblock= CRUNCH]
>Hit points: 20 (8+5+4, +3 CON)

>AC: 13 (11/leather, DEX +2)(15 with Mage Armor)

>Saves: DEX, INT

>Melee: Dagger +4; 1d4+2 piercing (finesse)
>Ranged: Thrown dagger +4; 1d4+2 piercing
>Spell: Fire bolt +5; 1d10 fire (ranged spell attack, 120’)
>Spell: Shocking grasp +5; 1d8 lightning +target can’t take reactions until next turn (touch spell attack, Advantage if target is in metal armor)

STR 8 (-1)/Save -1
CON 13 (+1)/Save +1
DEX 14 (+2)/Save +4
INT 16 (+3)/Save +5
WIS 14 (+2)/Save +2
CHA 10 (+0)/Save +0

>Trait: I’m horribly, horribly awkward in social situations
>Trait: I like to take things apart to figure out how they work. SOMETIMES I even manage to put them back together afterwards…
>Extra trait: Uses alchemical ‘tricks’ when casting Wizard spells (may be simply an awareness of the opinions about arcane magic, may be an actual limitation/mental block)
>Ideal: Free thinking; Inquiry and curiosity are the pillars of progress (Chaotic)
>Bond: My life’s work is a series of tomes related to a specific field of lore (The Standardized Method of Arcane magic)
>Flaw: I would risk too much to uncover a bit of lost knowledge

Skills and Languages: (*= proficient; x= expertise)
Acrobatics +2
Animal handling +2
*Arcana +7x
*Athletics +1
*Deception +2
*History +5
Insight +2
Intimidation +0
*Investigation +7x
Medicine +3
Nature +3
*Perception +6x
Performance +0
Persuasion +0
*Religion +5
Sleight of hand +2
Stealth +2
Survival +2
*Science +7x

>Languages: Common, Gnomish, +High Common, +Dwarven, +Draconic, +Thieves cant

>Tool proficiencies: Thieves tools, Tinkers tools, Alchemists tools

Racial features (Rock gnome):
>Size: Small; Base speed 25 feet
>Languages: Common, Gnomish
>Ability score increase: +2 INT, +1 CON
>Darkvision 60’
>Gnome’s cunning: has Advantage on INT, WIS, and CHA saving throws against magic effects
>Artificer’s lore: use double proficiency bonus for INT (history) checks on magic items, alchemical items, and technological devices
>Tinker: gain proficiency in tinkers tools, can produce minor clockwork devices

Class features (Rogue):
>Hit die: d8
>Proficiencies: Light armor; simple weapons, hand crossbow, longsword, rapier, shortsword; thieves tools; DEX and INT saves; 4 skills from class list
>Expertise: two chosen skills from list (Investigation, Perception)
>Sneak attack: +1d6 damage in appropriate situations
>Thieves cant: language proficiency

Class features (Cleric mc):
>Hit die: d8
>Added Proficiencies: Light armor, medium armor, shields
>Spellcasting: includes ritual casting; see below for spells
>Divine domain: Knowledge (Two bonus languages; proficiency and expertise in two skills from list- Arcana and Science; domain spells; domain features/channel divinity)

Class features (Wizard mc):
>Hit die: d6
>Added Proficiencies: None
>Spellcasting: includes ritual casting; see below for spells
>Arcane recovery: 1 spell level; once per day after short rest
>Arcane tradition: Artificer (at W2)

Spellcasting (Cleric):
>Spell attack: +4
>Spell save DC: 12
>Cantrips (3): Guidance, Light, Mending
>Spells prepared (2+1= 3): Create water, Detect magic/r, Heal wounds
(+D: Command, Identify/r)

Spellcasting (Wizard):
>Spell attack: +5
>Spell save DC: 13
>Cantrips: Firebolt, Prestidigitation, Shocking grasp
>Spells known: (Level 1) Comprehend languages/r, Fog cloud, Grease, Mage armor, Tenser’s floating disk/r, Unseen servant/r
>Spells prepared: (4) Comprehend languages, Mage armor, Grease, Unseen servant

Spellcasting (combined):
>Total caster level= 2
>Level 1 slots/day= 3
>Level 2 slots/day= 0

Background features (Guild artisan, +Sage):
>Bonus language: Dwarven
>Bonus tool proficiency: Alchemists kit
>Bonus skill proficiencies: History, Religion
>Feature: Researcher (as Sage)

-Leather armor
-Wizard’s spellbook
-Thieves tools
-Alchemists kit
-Holy symbol (The Maker)
-Spell component pouch
-Travelers clothes (x2)
-Dagger (x2)
-Scholar's pack
-10 gp

[sblock= FLUFF]

>Description: Jilliana is of average height for a gnome, witha comparatively stocky build. She has tan skin, like many gnomes, and brown/blond hair (which she typically keeps trimmed rather short). Her bangs are often pushed upward from her forehead, which combined with her large green eyes, gives her a perpetually surprised appearance. She tends to dress in sensible working clothes- low laced boots, sturdy plain trousers, and a lightweight shirt under a leather vest covered with pockets. She usually wears a knee-length coat when out of doors- it is of lightweight leather, and also full of pockets. She usually has a pair of protective goggles and several different sets of gloves, as well as a satchel, which contains both alchemical supplies and notebooks. Her spellbook is a very utilitarian volume, looking more like an accountants ledger (though it is often stuffed with scraps of notepaper at critical pages). She wears one of the Maker's common talismans (a draftsman's triangle) on her vest at all times- and her pockets contain a surprising variety of tools and alchemical paraphenalia. Other than a work knife or two in her pile of gear, she does not seem to carry a weapon- but not many are desperate enough to mug an alchemist...

>History: When human society began to recover after the Harrowing, several gnome clans played an integral part in the process. While the loss of magic did the small folk no favors, they did manage to retain some of the knowledge of alchemy and mechanics. While they could not match the engineering and metallurgy of the dwarves, the gnomes were both more numerous and more gregarious. In time, the gnomes integrated into human society, helping to spread what knowledge they had held on to, and to develop new technologies. In general, the gnome tended to settle in the cities of the world- the resources tended to be plentiful, and the larger population tended to suit their gregarious nature. Most cities ended up hosting one or two large extended clans of gnomes, and the small folk tended to dwell within neighborhoods built to their scale- it should come as no surprise that such areas tended to be close to centers of commerce, manufacturing, or if possible education.

The del Holzinn clan of gnomes has been a fixture in Fossice for hundreds of years now- each gnomish clan is more like a large extended family than the traditional human household; within the clan there are often dozens of actual families which share the same affiliation. Children of one generation are often raised communally, and gnomes tend to cluster in neighborhoods built to their scale. Jilliana was a bit of an oddity- there weren't a lot of other gnomish children close to her age, and she was always a bit brighter than most of her peers (and by gnomish standards she was remarkably studious and self-disciplined). She spent most of her childhood in various gnomish-run workshops and stores- from an early age she was fascinated by clockwork and spring-loaded mechanisms. She quickly demonstrated a degree of mechanical talent, and started an apprenticeship. Her "uncle" Wiley was primarily an alchemist, but he also had a fascination for clockwork and similar devices- in his case, particularly 'locks and traps'. As one might expect, his clientele tended to be a bit 'eccentric'- one of them even claimed to be a wizard. Some of them were certainly criminals, by most laws, and some of them were *gasp* dwarves- and nearly everyone who entered Wiley's shop grew to think of Jilliana as a cute little mascot, of sorts. She certainly had some interesting field trips...

Meanwhile, though, she also took advantage of the free education offered by the Church of the Maker, along with most of the other children (human or not) from her neighborhood. As she was very bright and studious, she typically spent morning at the Church school, and afternoons at her uncle's shop. Under normal circumstances, she would have gone on to a normal trade as an alchemist- perhaps one with some unusual hobbies, but still a respectable tradeswoman like her parents wanted. But one of the common tests administered by the Church was designed to see who could potentially channel the raw energy of the Maker's blessing- in common terms, who could wield clerical magic. Few students passed this test, and most didn't even realize that they WERE being tested- and the Church certainly didn't publicize it. For those who DID pass the test, the Church extended the offer of further training, and potential admission to the clergy, with all of the privileges and duties appropriate to that station. Jilliana, as it happened, was one of those rare few who were able to direct the Maker's Blessings- and since the offer of clerical initiation included access to a great deal of otherwise restricted material, she happily agreed to sign up. Most gnomes, after all, felt a strong affection for the Maker- and given their long lifespans, Jilliana knew she would still have the time to continue her studies in alchemy. In short order, Jilliana was initisted into the priesthood as an acolyte. Like all new members of the clergy, she was tested to see where her skills and interests might be put to their best use- and that was how she first began to learn about arcane magic. Even within the Church, there were very few serious students of the arcane- most of them were affliated with the Sacred Order of Arcane Vigilance (or as the common folk called them, the Witchguard), and they usually only learned enough about the arcane arts to recognize them (and, if needed, to combat arcane threats); few indeed made a serious study of arcane history and theory. Over the course of a couple of years, Jilliana learned enough to be come fascinated by arcane magic, especially by its use in crafting objects and devices. She also began to be a bit disillusioned by the Church, especially in how it handled arcane matters. She could see that such powers were dangerous- any student of history could tell that. But to her mind, simply hiding such things was equally dangerous, if not more so. If they didn't really understand magic, they couldn't analyze it fully, nor could they really fight against it. With the assistance of one of her uncle's old friends, she reached out to the Guild Arcane for further instruction- most of their discussion and teaching was purely theoretical, but it was better than nothing. Shortly thereafter, Jilliana did something she had never done before- she failed out of her studies as a priestess. Perhaps someone in the Church realized that this failure was intentional. Her continuing study of arcane magic had come to occupy to much of her mind- and her time. She returned to her uncle's shop, theoretically "in disgrace", and went back to her apprentice duties. But now her nights and weekends were full of more unusual studies. With her academic background, she began to work on a new theory- that by applying modern scientific and academic principles, one could develop arcane magic that wasn't so dangerous. What a marvel that would be... Of course it would take years of work- but gnomes live a very long time, after all...

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