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[+] The Lord of the Rings: The Rings of Power - SPOILERS ALLOWED


"Rings of Power" is an insult to J. R R. Tolkien and everything he stood for. His Mythology of England was NOT a racist, Brexit, Nazi ideology; nor does watering it down help any w*** cause. I would HAPPILY watch a drama or documentary about (for example) the Ashanti kingdom (there is an amazing podcast which discussed the same), but my advice to televise that instead of hijacking Tolkien to promote your political agenda.
Has the first episode aired yet?

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Well, that was fun
Staff member
"Rings of Power" is an insult to J. R R. Tolkien and everything he stood for. His Mythology of England was NOT a racist, Brexit, Nazi ideology; nor does watering it down help any w*** cause. I would HAPPILY watch a drama or documentary about (for example) the Ashanti kingdom (there is an amazing podcast which discussed the same), but my advice to televise that instead of hijacking Tolkien to promote your political agenda.
Please see the rules about rants about "political agendas". As in, don't. Since you were ranting about "woke sharks" just a few days ago, we obviously haven't been clear enough, but here are the rules you agreed to: Terms and rules


"Rings of Power" is an insult to J. R R. Tolkien and everything he stood for. His Mythology of England was NOT a racist, Brexit, Nazi ideology; nor does watering it down help any w*** cause. I would HAPPILY watch a drama or documentary about (for example) the Ashanti kingdom (there is an amazing podcast which discussed the same), but my advice to televise that instead of hijacking Tolkien to promote your political agenda.

Ah yes, as we know Rings of Power is going to take a stand on the issue of.... Brexit?


I, for one, will be watching out for the Ents' statement on the cap and trade proposal put forth by Arnor and their third quarter report on emission controls.

Indeed, though I'm fully expecting that the Northern Numenor border protocol will tie up the negotiations in the season finale.

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