D&D 5E The March D&D Book Will Be Announced Next Tuesday

As has become standard these days, the upcoming D&D book has appeared -- in an anonymous, secretive guise -- on various bookstores in advance of an announcement. In this case, Amazon, Penguin Random House, and Barnes & Noble, all of whom confirm that the book will be announced next Tuesday on January 12th, and released on March 16th.

The book will cost $49.99. B&N has its dimensions as being 6.5 x 9.5 inches, which is smaller than a standard D&D hardcover (but that information could just be a placeholder). B&N also indicates that the authors are Peter Lee and Rodney Thompson, but they also say that for Tasha's Cauldron and other WotC books, so that also looks like it's just their boilerplate for WotC. There's also an ISBN number: 978-0786967223.

This is almost an exact mirror of this time last year, almost down to the dates (last year it appeared on stores on Jan 6th, was announced as Explorer's Guide to Wildemount on Jan 9th, and released March 17th).

There's been plenty of speculation recently. Last year WotC said that three classic settings were getting active attention, and that the coming years would have a greater emphasis on settings, as well as more anthologies and Magic: The Gathering collaborations. And, of course, WotC has recently been involved in a Dragonlance lawsuit, which was voluntarily dismissed in December with Margaret Weis tweeting that there was exciting news in the weeks to come.


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So this doesn’t seem like the announcement Tuesday, but...

I feel like this should get its own thread, seems pretty newsworthy though not quite tied to this Tuesday announcement?

As to whether Dragonlance as a setting is coming this year... I still doubt it. I would find it very odd that WotC would have a whole book ready to release this year (and we know they plan books YEARS in advance) only to block the release of the new Dragonlance novel, which we know they did from the lawsuit. Even though the lawsuit was dropped, likely because they came to some arrangement, I doubt WotC have a setting book ready to drop, or can quickly make one ready so fast.

I'm pretty sure we are getting both an adventure compilation this year, and a monster book that includes dragons. Undead should also be in either book because of the "Boneyard" set coming plus the UA, but it could either be in the compilation (being horror themed) or just be joing the dragons in the monster book. Either works, so I won't guess which is right.

And I hold to my prediction that Planescape is the new setting book this year; it got a few call-outs in Tasha's, and it seems like the easiest of the popular settings to release (other than Ravenloft) without UA that hint it crazy.

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I’m surprised there haven’t been leaks by now. If it’s being announced on Tuesday. Or is this thread the announcement of the announcement of an announcement? Will we actually find out what the book is tomorrow?

"So close together"? MToF was released nearly 3 years ago, in May 2018. There hasn't been a monster-themed book since - plenty of setting books and a rules-expansion book in TCoE, but no monster-themed books. Heck, it was only a year and half between VGtM and MToF, so we are well overdue for that sort of book. Even if the Q1 release turns out to be something different, I'm pretty sure we'll see a monster-themed book sometime this year.
Was my post that unclear?

I was talking about it being unlikely that there would be TWO monster books in 2021, having already concluded that there would probably be a dragon themed monster book in 2021.
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I think if it was Dark Sun we've have had more hints that it was coming by now, so I'd surprised. Sure, there are the subclasses - which are already in a book. But there's been no UA for any other elements, and I still don't believe they'd launch a DS without either Psion-type class, a psionic subclass for every class, or both.

Odds that there's some kind of dragon-centric book this year, possibly a monster book, seem to be pretty good, given that out-of-nowhere UA - but again it might be difficult to get that stuff into a book given it wasn't UA'd until quite recently.

Dragonlance for this year seems extremely unlikely given the timing of the lawsuit (also the dragon-related classes don't seem to fit with any vision of Dragonlance I know, so they don't support the idea of a Dragonlance setting).

Planescape/Planejammer would make a hell of a lot of sense timing-wise and demand-wise for this year, but I would be surprised if this was that book - I'd be looking towards a lot later in the year. A Planejammer-type book would particularly further tie in with Baldur's Gate 3 and so on, as well. Very minor spoilers given the trailers and so on, but the game starts with an Illithid nautiloid-type ship repeatedly dimension-jumping, seemingly traveling through the Astral plane briefly in-between. So I'd be unsurprised if that was expanded upon, given the relatively close involvement of WotC and Larian on this.

Ok, here in Italy it's half past 2 pm. Now I try to find some spleeping pills to stop twitching and wake up myself tomorrow when the product will be revealed. All your speculating messages are too much for me. Cannot resist to this rollercoaster. What is the time zone of wotc? I need it to set the alarm...

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