D&D 5E The March D&D Book Will Be Announced Next Tuesday

As has become standard these days, the upcoming D&D book has appeared -- in an anonymous, secretive guise -- on various bookstores in advance of an announcement. In this case, Amazon, Penguin Random House, and Barnes & Noble, all of whom confirm that the book will be announced next Tuesday on January 12th, and released on March 16th. The book will cost $49.99. B&N has its dimensions as being...

As has become standard these days, the upcoming D&D book has appeared -- in an anonymous, secretive guise -- on various bookstores in advance of an announcement. In this case, Amazon, Penguin Random House, and Barnes & Noble, all of whom confirm that the book will be announced next Tuesday on January 12th, and released on March 16th.

The book will cost $49.99. B&N has its dimensions as being 6.5 x 9.5 inches, which is smaller than a standard D&D hardcover (but that information could just be a placeholder). B&N also indicates that the authors are Peter Lee and Rodney Thompson, but they also say that for Tasha's Cauldron and other WotC books, so that also looks like it's just their boilerplate for WotC. There's also an ISBN number: 978-0786967223.

This is almost an exact mirror of this time last year, almost down to the dates (last year it appeared on stores on Jan 6th, was announced as Explorer's Guide to Wildemount on Jan 9th, and released March 17th).

There's been plenty of speculation recently. Last year WotC said that three classic settings were getting active attention, and that the coming years would have a greater emphasis on settings, as well as more anthologies and Magic: The Gathering collaborations. And, of course, WotC has recently been involved in a Dragonlance lawsuit, which was voluntarily dismissed in December with Margaret Weis tweeting that there was exciting news in the weeks to come.


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It's probably a Dragonlance setting book, to coincide with the release of the new Dragonlance novel LOL!!! :LOL:
Wait, why? Because the novel doesn’t come till July and there’s a Q2 book around that time. Makes more sense for that to be the Dragonlance hardcover, not this March book.


If Vegas were to have odds on this sort of thing, they would have just really adjusted those for the Q2 release...
Exactly. I’ve been saying DL was on the slate since the Dragon themed Subclass UA last year. This novel just tells me what the release window is!

I’ll be floored is we don’t get Dragonlance this year (likely and Q2) along side some kind of Ravenloft product (likely tomorrow’s announcement).


Those assuming we're getting a Dragonlance book this year - remember that until a few weeks ago, WotC was divorcing itself from Dragonlance. They were killing a novel and have done NOTHING in Unearthed Arcana focused on Krynn for several years.


Summer release being Dragonlance is far from a lock.
They just published an entire Dragon themed UA last year. Normally when they do a themed UA like that, it’s for a setting book. That plus the Dragonlance lawsuit/novel shows that they were working on DL as recently as early 2020.

The “divorce” lawsuit likely came down to WotC telling Weis and Hickman to change aspects of the novel to fit what they wanted to do with the setting, and W&H refusing. If that is what happened, then WotC pulling it off the schedule and only putting it back on when some middle ground about likely changes were agreed to are all the more reason why a Hardcover is likely coming in 2020.


The High Aldwin
Wait, why? Because the novel doesn’t come till July and there’s a Q2 book around that time. Makes more sense for that to be the Dragonlance hardcover, not this March book.
Could be the Q2 book then... who knows? We'll find out soon enough and it was just a speculation I found amusing considering the feedback in the other thread. ;)

So would I. I'd think Lord Soth the more likely - after Acererak, another lich might be too soon. Though Azalin could certainly still be involved if we're talking a Ravenloft adventure.

I would love an adventure where the roles would face either Azalin or Lord Soth.

Tell that to my hairline!

I also dearly miss Dragon magazine. I just picked up some issues from the 80s and just seeing the branding, the ads run, take me right back. I can say that having Dragon magazine out there helped get me into gaming once, and back into gaming later on. Seeing an issue on the rack of my local grocery store's magazine section absolutely led me to picking up the 3e books and starting gaming after one of my breaks.

Oh, I don't know. I miss a lot of things that are quite a bit farther back than 15 years. Old doesn't equate to worse.

At this point, my hope is for a Dragonlance or Ravenloft setting/adventure book. I think Dark Sun also a possibility. But as I said before, I generally get my predictions wrong, so by my track record it is likely none of those.


5e Freelancer
They just published an entire Dragon themed UA last year. Normally when they do a themed UA like that, it’s for a setting book. That plus the Dragonlance lawsuit/novel shows that they were working on DL as recently as early 2020.
You're conflating "Dragon-themed" with "Dragonlance". Sure, DL has "dragon" in its name, but that doesn't mean that anything and everything dragon related fits into DL or that any pf the Dragon-themed subclasses UA were definitely intended for a DL setting book. I don't know much about Dragonlance, besides reading the original trilogy, but I know enough to see that neither of the "dragon subclasses" of last year's most recent UA fit into that setting at all. DL doesn't have monastic orders that shoot dragon breath into people's faces, or wandering rangers that summon "drakes". Those just aren't a part of the setting.

Dungeons and Dragons in general has more in common with these subclasses than Dragonlance does. If these subclasses are being officially published in the next release, it's not going to be as a setting book for Dragonlance. IMO, it's most likely going to be for a Volo's type monster book on Dragons. If not in this release, it probably will be in a later one.

The Dragon UA has next to nothing to do with Dragonlance other than the word "dragon". These subclasses wouldn't fit in the world any better than Gem Dragons would.
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