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The Name Of The Shadows

"The building and statues interest me and offer the best points to begin." He says to his new friends.

"I will not purposely kill him. I would like to think my charm alone will get the job done."
Klik thinks to his sword.

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Wir, Therendor 18, 998 YK

Tsk, tsk, Klik. I suppose we shall play things your way for the time being, Klik. Just try to keep an, open, mind.

No one objects to your choice, and so the group of you head towards the main building. The two statues seem to have held up fairly well over the centuries, their features only slightly worn from water dripping from the ceiling. The one on the right seems to have a chunk gouged out of one of its arms, and there is small pile of shattered stone lying near the base.

Inside the building, you find that the first few rooms are mostly empty of anything save rubble, much of it piled up near the entrace. You would think it the site of a battle, but there are no skeletons or remains to see. Past that is the first sign that your journey will be rewarded well.

In your search of the buildling, you find a number of valuable antiques. There is little in the way of furniture, but inside one well sealed room, you find a cache of well preserved weapons and armour of the ancient style. The collection, consisting of a few intact suits of leather armour, scale mail and a suit of banded mail as well as shields, maces, daggers and spears all appear to be in functioning condition, but they are far more valuable as collectors items than as armaments. Were they the only treasures, you would of had a good haul, but the buildings kitchen and mess hall holds a trove of antique pottery, though about half of it is shattered. Beyond that, in what you guess was the masters bedroom, you find a small amount of jewelery and a single statuette, similar in style to those outside. In all, a very good haul.

What to do, what to do with this new found wealth, eh, Klik? Perhaps you should begin thinking about how you can keep control of the resources, and keep them out of the hands of your fellows. An empire does not build itself, Klik, it must be paid for in precious metals, sweat and blood. Preferably your money, and the blood of others, eh, Klik?

After concluding the search, Ghunar brings up the matter of transportation. " We're going to have to make more than one trip if we want to clear this place out, Barayle, " he says, adding the not so subtle jab at his leader, " Especially if some of us are less inclined to carry a heavy load than others. "

" You sound bitter, Soranath, " snaps Barayle, clearly annoyed. " We'll take what we can, and you, Ogre and Verthick can come back for the rest tomorrow. "

Ghunar does not give a start at that, clearly he was expected such an answer.

A certain amount of antagonism between underlings can work to your advantage, Klik, but be careful never to allow it to get out of hand. The dwarf may not care to oppose Barayle, but this certainly seems a good time to point it out to you.

You do collect the loot up in the first room, and prepare a selection of the the valuable and portable pieces to take back to the surface. Seneira seems eager to get back to the tavern, Ghunar a little grumpy. Ogre faces betrays no emotion, and Nilayne is of course quite and evasive, having stayed mostly out of the way, and out of sight, the entire time.

Barayle finally approaches you, and asks, " Do you think we should search the rest, Klik? I think we've probably found the best of what to be had already. "

I find that it pays to be thorough, Klik. Of course, you have already found the best treasure, surely, and sometimes it is best to allow those under you their rest, deserved or not. Up to you, Klik, up to you. Either way, I think we have what we need to begin the next stage of our business...

( I need to ask, what do you think of things so far? Is it interesting enough for you, or is there a different direction you would like to take? Especially with the long times in between posts, I don't want to be wasting time on a type of game you find unappealing. You don't seem to put a lot of detail into your posts, so it is hard for me to pick up clues from there on what you want. )

OOC: Sorry- the work load at the two jobs often makes it where I have little time to compose. From there, I am used to being the DM so its taking a few moments to think things through as a player. (used to knowing enemies TRUE intensions and the such). Game on.

"I would like to look around a bit to see what else is here. We have seen the obvious stuff but what about the hidden stuff? That's the stuff of power and riches.... and fame." he says winking and smiling. "I'm sure if there is bueatiful jewelry down here yet uncovered, our lovely miss would like to have it to wear for the day or two."


Wir, Therendor 18, 998 YK

You're not quite sure, but you think you catch a hint of a frown from Nilayne. Of course, since you have yet to see her smile, that may be a normal reaction from her.

In any case, a search of the lower chambers turns up naught but rotten furniture and smashed pottery. Unfortunately, getting to the upper ledges is going to require a little more effort, as parts of the stairway have fallen away. You could perhaps jump it, but if you miss you're going to take a nasty fall, about twenty feet. The gap is only about seven feet, but there isn't a lot of room to get a running start, especially climbing up the stairs at the same time.


Wir, Therendor 18, 998 YK

There is a window opening, perhaps thirty to thirty five feet away that would make a suitable target for a grappling hook. If you can catch it, it should not be too hard to cross, though you will have to drop down into the opening and swing across. At seven feet though, that should be fairly easy.

Your initial attempt at throwing your grappling hook misses terribly, but on the second throw you get lucky and manage to catch the opening with you hook. A good tug indicates that it should be able to hold your weight. Shall you cross?


Wir, Therendor 18, 998 YK

You carefully lower yourself into the gap, then let go, swinging from one side to the other. Just as you are about to start climbing up the rope, you hear the sound of boots quickly pounding on the stairs.

Brace yourself, Klik.

Barayle, apparently figuring he would show off his natural superiority to you, attempts to leap across the gap. Unfortunately for him, his push off is terrible, and he slams into the stone beside you and falls down to the ground below. This is accompanied by the sound of Ghunar shouting, " Damn it, Barayle! " and Seneira screaming, " No, love! No! " .

He lies still, and for a moment you think he may have cracked him skull or something terrible like that, but Barayle stirs, having been merely stunned. He groans loudly as the dwarf and his girlfriend rush down to make sure he is all right, followed closely by Ogre.

Since you cannot very well just continue to hang there, you begin pulling yourself up the rope. Just as you are reaching high enough to look over the ledge, you hear a twang, followed by the sound of metal impacting stone. You look up just in time to see the skeletal figure dressed in rusted scale mail swing its axe down through the rope.

Make a reflex save and roll initiatve.


Wir, Therendor 18, 998 YK

Do not talk to me like that, Klik.

You manage to grab the ledge as the rope falls away. You can pull yourself up as a move action, or drop down 10 ft. and make a jump or tumble check to try and minimize the damage.

Voidrunner's Codex

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