D&D 5E The October D&D Book is Fizban’s Treasury of Dragons

As revealed by Nerd Immersion by deciphering computer code from D&D Beyond! Which makes my guess earlier this year spot on! UPDATE -- the book now has a description! https://www.enworld.org/threads/fizbans-treasury-the-dragon-book-now-has-a-description.681399/ https://www.enworld.org/threads/my-guess-for-the-other-d-d-book-this-year-draconomicon.680687/ Fizban the Fabulous by Vera...

As revealed by Nerd Immersion by deciphering computer code from D&D Beyond!

Fizban the Fabulous is, of course, the accident-prone, befuddled alter-ego of Dragonlance’s god of good dragons, Paladine, the platinum dragon (Dragonlance’s version of Bahamut).

Which makes my guess earlier this year spot on!

UPDATE -- the book now has a description!



Fizban the Fabulous by Vera Gentinetta

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Book-Friend, he/him
Well, there's the nation of Riedra that dominates nearly the entire continent of Sarlona, ruled over by the Unity. Who use monoliths to control the populations dreams and keep them docile, and have psionic secret police who execute kalashtar they find on-sight. If that's not a fantasy-Nazi analogue I don't know what is.
More of a psychic Cthulu-cult Soviet Union, maybe? Definitely problematic, though I have pondered running a game where the Kalashtar spirits are actually evil, and the Quori proper are trying to save the world.
Plus, the Blood of Vol are just openly a terrorist Karnnathi supremacist group.
Yeah, the Blood of Vol are Nazi's.

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They got rid of Slavery in Mulhorand, not Thay in 4e and 5e. In 4e it was because Mulhorand got blown up and High Imaskar took over. In 5e its mostly because the Mulhorand Gods are the good guys, liberators of their people, even the evil Gods, and that is a hard pitch to sell if those same God Kings allow slavery.
Mainly it's that they just freed the Mulhorandi people from Imaskari slavery, so no one involved wants to go back to the old ways now. This is in contrast to the previous time it happened, so I guess this time the lesson has been learned..


There are, like, 13 flavors of Nazi in Eberron.

There used to be, but one's gone.

Well, there's the nation of Riedra that dominates nearly the entire continent of Sarlona, ruled over by the Unity. Who use monoliths to control the populations dreams and keep them docile, and have psionic secret police who execute kalashtar they find on-sight. If that's not a fantasy-Nazi analogue I don't know what is.

I always saw Riedra more along the lines of brainwashed communism. More North Korea than Nazi Germany.
Plus, the Blood of Vol are just openly a terrorist Karnnathi supremacist group.
No, they're not. The Blood of Vol is a faith based on the belief that every person has a spark of divinity inside, but that most people do not have the opportunity to develop this because they die, and any gods who would curse people with mortality in order to prevent competition are necessarily evil.

There is however a splinter group called the Emerald Claw that were once a chivalric order associated with the Blood of Vol, and who now serve the Secret Masters of the Blood of Vol. Those are the nazi analogues (albeit without any racial supremacy going on).

Whizbang Dustyboots

Gnometown Hero
It certainly looks that way. Though having Paladine no longer being a god and Takhisis being dead allowed the other gods to shine a lot more. I am curious if/how they will undo the Paladine/Takhisis status.
I would be very unsurprised if WotC either set their RPG book in the time of the War of the Lance or soon thereafter. The number of Dragonlance readers invested in the setting be placed in the "present" is probably a lot smaller than the larger D&D audience that would want to play what they think of as "the real" Dragonlance. (Think a Star Wars RPG set in the original trilogy era versus a post-Rise of Skywalker RPG.)

Urriak Uruk

Gaming is fun, and fun is for everyone
No, they're not. The Blood of Vol is a faith based on the belief that every person has a spark of divinity inside, but that most people do not have the opportunity to develop this because they die, and any gods who would curse people with mortality in order to prevent competition are necessarily evil.

There is however a splinter group called the Emerald Claw that were once a chivalric order associated with the Blood of Vol, and who now serve the Secret Masters of the Blood of Vol. Those are the nazi analogues (albeit without any racial supremacy going on).

Yep you're right, I was thinking of the Emerald Claw, not the Blood of Vol. I think there definitely is a kernel of Karnnathi supremacism mixed in with them too, but that may be underplayed now.


Book-Friend, he/him
I would be very unsurprised if WotC either set their RPG book in the time of the War of the Lance or soon thereafter. The number of Dragonlance readers invested in the setting be placed in the "present" is probably a lot smaller than the larger D&D audience that would want to play what they think of as "the real" Dragonlance. (Think a Star Wars RPG set in the original trilogy era versus a post-Rise of Skywalker RPG.)
Heck, a significant portion of the D&D audience now hadn't been born the last time there was a serious Dragonlance publication...

Well, there's the nation of Riedra that dominates nearly the entire continent of Sarlona, ruled over by the Unity. Who use monoliths to control the populations dreams and keep them docile, and have psionic secret police who execute kalashtar they find on-sight. If that's not a fantasy-Nazi analogue I don't know what is.
Where is it's slavery detailed in the Eberron book?
Plus, the Blood of Vol are just openly a terrorist Karnnathi supremacist group.
Is it?
Reads like a cult against death and focused on undeath in the latest book. Seems like they changed that, and there's the good)ish) Seekers of the Divinity Within
In Tyranny of Dragons, the PCs literally go to Thay to win their support against the Cult of the Dragon. They give a fair amount of detail on Thay there on it being a nightmarish police state.
What page mentions slaves?
Also, there's the adventure Out of the Abyss, where the PCs literally start as slaves of the drow and are meant to break out and escape. Then they have to navigate several Underdark societies, including the duergar city Gracklestugh where they also try to enslave the PCs.

It's absolutely stuffed to the brim with societies running on slavery, and not once is it made to look sympathetic. This idea that is "can't be done" because it will hurt sales or something is ridiculous, Out of the Abyss was a very successful book.
That adventure also features entirely evil drow, which they wouldn't do now
Maybe, just maybe, WizCo might have changed what they do and do not find acceptable in the past six years
I doubt they'd do OUT OF THE ABYSS now, or would do it very differently

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