The official 2015 Doctor Who (with spoilers for aired episodes only) thread


Well, that was fun
Staff member
We can has new preview trailer!

This is actually a clip, not a trailer. Hell Bent is over an hour long on Saturday. I can't wait!


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That was... truly quite beautiful. It had me in tears by the end.

Also, I may have had a small geekgasm when I saw the classic TARDIS console room.


Well, that was fun
Staff member
Classic TARDIS - awesome!

Again, an actor's masterpiece. When you realise that for the first 20 minutes he doesn't say a word. He manipulates the events around him and takes over Gallifrey by standing there silently. Everything happens on his face. So sublime. Truly the best actor every to play The Doctor.

They've all been able to do shouty stuff and talky stuff. But this guy also does quiet stuff. And he does it so powerfully. From that long conversation and shared joke with Davros, to his face during Clara's death buildup, to his Zygon speech, and to his 20-minutes of silent acting this week, Capaldi has a depth no actor has ever brought to the role. He's upped the bar.

The man needs the acting awards. Now. He has an Oscar (for directing) but he's one of the most incredible actors on TV right now. I love it, and this entire year which has been an actor's showcase.
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Classic TARDIS - awesome!

Again, an actor's masterpiece. When you realise that for the first 20 minutes he doesn't say a word. He manipulates the events around him and takes over Gallifrey by standing there silently. Everything happens on his face. So sublime. Truly the best actor every to play The Doctor.

They've all been able to do shouty stuff and talky stuff. But this guy also does quiet stuff. And he does it so powerfully. From that long conversation and shared joke with Davros, to his face during Clara's death buildup, to his Zygon speech, and to his 20-minutes of silent acting this week, Capaldi has a depth no actor has ever brought to the role. He's upped the bar.

The man needs the acting awards. Now. He has an Oscar (for directing) but he's one of the most incredible actors on TV right now. I love it, and this entire year which has been an actor's showcase.

It's all in the eyebrows.

OK, and also in the massive depth of talent.


Well, that was fun
Staff member
It's all in the eyebrows.

OK, and also in the massive depth of talent.

He is just ridiculous. To go from Malcolm Tucker to this? I can't imagine any other Doctor doing what he does. And I love Tennant and Smith. But Capaldi - like John Hurt - is at another level.


He is just ridiculous. To go from Malcolm Tucker to this? I can't imagine any other Doctor doing what he does. And I love Tennant and Smith. But Capaldi - like John Hurt - is at another level.

I see a bit of his Richelieu in The Doctor. Maybe a touch of the bagpipe playing frivolousness of Angus Flint. Definitely on a different level from his most recent predecessors.


I half expected to see Missy outside the tardis when the knocking started

I suppose it's cool that Me and Clara get their own Tardis, and can technically come back for a guest spot.

Looks like the xmas episode will be a bit more cheery this time around with River being in it.


In other bits:

The Lord President gets like 90 regenerations... and there's an allocation system. So 12 is not a hard limit.

The Doctor is now Lord President... Does he get to keep the new allocations since he ran away?

Who elected him to be Lord President?

Who's Rassilon? I take it he's an old Who character?

Why does the Doctor hate the Lord President so much?

Why does the Doctor say it was Missy who brought Clara and him together? That was only for the seasoning opener. He's known Clara since she was the Impossible Girl who kept re-incarnating during the Matt Smith era when he officially took her on as a Companion.

Does this mean that Amy and Rory were sitting in a Diner that was really a Tardis parked in Nevada during the Doctor Who visits America season?

Was Clara in any of those shots working at the restaurant back then?

Who was the guy from the prior episode who got accused of a crime? He just came out of nowhere as a friend of the Doctor and Clara (we didn't recognize him from a prior episode).


The Lord President gets like 90 regenerations... and there's an allocation system. So 12 is not a hard limit.

The Doctor is now Lord President... Does he get to keep the new allocations since he ran away?

I think they'll make very sure never to specify a number. They won't make that mistake again!

Who elected him to be Lord President?

I don't think it's an elected position - I think the High Council appoint the President.

Who's Rassilon? I take it he's an old Who character?

Yeah. He was the first Lord President and (I think) the inventor of Time Travel. Apparently, the Time Lords resurrected him to lead them in the Time War. He previously appeared in the guise of Timothy Dalton back at the end of the Tennant years.

Why does the Doctor hate the Lord President so much?

Because of the horrors of the Time War? Because of Clara's death? Because of 4.5 billion years in the Confession Dial? Because he's a bona-fide monster?

Take your pick. :)

Why does the Doctor say it was Missy who brought Clara and him together?

Yeah, that was odd.

Does this mean that Amy and Rory were sitting in a Diner that was really a Tardis parked in Nevada during the Doctor Who visits America season?

Was Clara in any of those shots working at the restaurant back then?

That was the suggestion, and I don't recall seeing her.

Who was the guy from the prior episode who got accused of a crime?

No idea.

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