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The Official Welcome Thread - Version 2.0

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Hi all,

I'm a fairly long time roleplay based in the UK. I currently run CoC weekly and an infrequent D&D game. I have a reputation as been the "killer GM" of my group - only partly because my past campaigns have things like Paranoia and All Flesh Must Be Eaten.

At the moment I get to play in D&D (Rogue), Deadlands (Mad Scientist) and Mechwarrior (Battle Armour Infantry).

I also play wargames and MTG.

Attic Whisperer

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Sweet Assimilation

Hello all,
Ive been reading the EN story boards for years and have finally decided to sign up. I had a question about a PC who wanted more monk options, I tried the D&D 3.5 chat function and was showered by several great ideas. EN has a great community, A wealth of game info, and a host of brilliant authors (Thanks for the brain food). I look forward to joining the exchange.
Attic Whisperer


First Post
hey folks. finally joined after lurking for a good bit. not that i need to be on another message board.

especially a d&d message board.

but dammit, 4e has me a just little too hot and bothered to resist, and i find myself itching to revive the campaign that's been brewing in my head for the last 6-odd years. i'll link to resources for that as they emerge. i created so many settings as a child/teenager that i now have a permanent d&d campaign setting creation module in my brain, even though it's been years since i've even played (let alone in a regular group).

if anybody's starting a 4e game in manhattan, please drop me a line if you want another player!



First Post
Hello EN World

I am new to your site though friends have told me all about it. I finally signed up to see what you guys are all about!

I'm from RI, tiniest state ever. Things are very boring here. Well, as long as you don't count my neighbors who like to come out after midnight and scream on thier front porch at eachother.....meh.

I used to rp alot, but when I became a parent things changed. Now all of my gaming is online. Not what I want at all! So, I'm joining up here to maybe see if I can't have some fun, learn some stuff, and meet some wonderful people who share my love of gaming.

I'm dying to find a group of people to actually play a pen and paper with, it's been way too long!

Anyhow, that's me. *waves hello*


Excellent site you have here! I love how it's chock-full of information about 4.0. This site has proven invaluable to me for making up my mind about D&D 4.0.

Thank you, everyone!


First Post
Hi, been lurking here on occaision for a while, first time posting. I've been gaming since 1990, and have been coming by to check the scuttlebutt on 4E. I have concerns about 4E, especially the fluff that WotC produced for it. I am still undecided about the rules, though I like some of the things I've seen. Anyway, hope to contribute something positive to the discussion. Carry on.


First Post
Um, Hi! and a question.....

Glad to be here. Heard good stuff about you all on DnD message board and thought I'd check you out. Also there was a link to download one of the playtest games at DnD Experience and I couldn't download it without registering. (I am somewhat of a lurker mostly) I love DnD and gaming in general. I play sorcerers, rogues, fighters, and wizards. My screen id comes from the fact that I have a wealth of "obscure info" from history and politics to movies, comics, and other pop culture. I am a total geek. I read comic books for the stories and I watch too much TV and movies than is healthy for me.

A couple of warning about me- I think I am smart. Many times I think I am smarter than you. It doesn't matter who "you" are, I still think I am smarter. Even when the evidence clearly points out that this is not true, I still secretly think it. So if I come off as condescending, that is probably why. Sorry. I am working on that.

I think I am funny. I have a great sense of humor and enjoy wordplay and jokes, even at my expense. I can't tell a joke to save my life, but my friends still think I am funny. I guess it is the way I look at things and the things I say. But I will most likely laugh at your jokes or at you, whichever is funnier. (see what I mean?)

You know that thing that stops you from saying things you probably shouldn't say? I don't have one. Or mine is defective or something. (too bad I didn't keep the receipt) So if I say something insulting, I will usually take it back right away if it wasn't funny. (unless I really meant it)

Growing up I wanted to be Alex P Keaton. He was the coolest guy I knew until John Cusack came along. John's quirky personality and offbeat charm (no matter what character he played) is exactly the sort of thing I try to emulate in my own life. (results vary)

Oh, and I talk a lot. It may have something to do with the fact that as a middle child, I had to fight for every scrap of attention and so I am reluctant to "yield the floor". It is like I am on my own personal fillibuster, at times. Or it may have to do with my psychological fear of being misunderstood. So I will keep talking until I feel like you understand me. Or it may be because I have so much to say on a certain subject that I will try to get it all out before the topic changes. Who knows? But I do talk a lot.

I guess that is it.

My signature is from the comic strip Boondocks. One of the characters is explaining how Marvel totally stole many of its ideas for the storyline "God Loves, Man Kills" from the civil rights movement to Huey Freeman, the central character of the strip. Huey responds,
"It is nice to know that I am not the only one with a wealth of worthless knowledge."

Oh, and I am still searching for that 4E adventure download. Can someone help?

Voidrunner's Codex

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