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The Psionicle, Part IX

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As you head down the passageway, you can see an irritated panther coming slowly towards you from further along the hall.

You take the first right you come to. The wooden floor from before has been torn out; the floor along the entire length of the hallway is dirt. There is writing along the walls in the same script that was in the circular room, but it has been scraped over and rubbed out, and appears to have been done purposefully.

At the end of the hallway, on the left side, there is a huge iron door. Situated in the center of it is a circular symbol with a screaming skull on it, with a large and elaborate 'K' embossed into it.

"That's the door." Shardorn says quietly.


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Ruth shrugs and glances quickly behind her, the skull giving her the creeps.

Hmm... how do we open that thing... The other pieces we got perhaps might work something on the door... or maybe the..

Leaning on her sword she sighs and looks at Jansson.

I surely want to bet that whatever was the means to open the door might have been included in some riddle that was writting on this wall untill it got whiped out... Narok, any tracks here or any tracks for Jirlai for as far as anyone can identify who met the man before? And anyone here got some skills in searching that door for some mechanism.... or if that wont work... on how we might figure out what it said here on the wall.. Or we just do it all simultaniously.. And now I've talk enough again...

If it were bright light and if she weren't wearing a helmet with vizer everyone who looked at her would have seen her blush.
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Like I said... something tells me we'll need to pull some feat to open this baby...

[OOC: Knowledge check for some knowledge what it's made of /OOC]


"There's no lock." Shardorn says. "I don't know how we would open it."


Ruth - Closer examination of the door reveals that, under a thin layer of iron, the door is apparently made out of adamantine. The symbol on the door is made out of iron.

Dropping her sword half from shock Ruth sways back from the door.

WOW... and I mean WOWOWOWOW.... This door is made out of adamantine!!! Holy !@#$ Man!! Wauw!!! Check this out! Adamantine! Cool! Man this stuff is awsome and the door looks great!

She drops her shield as well and starts to closely inspect the doors while she slides over them with her hand feeling the smooth and cold metal.

This looks like some real craftmanship to me. And there is more adamantine here then I've even heard about in my whole life, shees man, if we could even take a piece of this door with us. Wauw!


Syld runs his fingers across the skull (if he can reach it, that is), trying to determine the race the skull is supposed to represent.


Jansson's face falls at the word 'adamantine'.

"Well, that rules out trying to batter the door down, unless someone's been keeping a pet dragon on the quiet." He examines the door closely, hoping that he can figure out something about it.

(Trying a Knowledge (Psionics) or Psicraft skill in the hopes that the door is psionically activated. Both skills have a +4 total modifier.)


Syld - you can reach the skull symbol, as it is quite large and takes up around half the height of the door (the door itself is around 7-8 feet tall). It seems human to you.

Jansson - Knowledge (Psionics): It is said that, around the beginning of the second century, the illusionist came upon a powerful psionic artifact. Having a hatred for psionics, he sent one of his more powerful minions to guard it, then sealed it off (along with his minion) in a great door bearing his seal made out of the most powerful material available, adamantine, and then ensured the door would remain shut by binding it with powerful magic. It is said that Kotrit (the illusionist) also put a 'hole' in the defenses of the door, so that he could someday return and destroy the artifact. It is uncertain whether there is any truth to any of this information or not, however.

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