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The Psionicle, Part X


Jansson rides to the gate, and calls up to the guards on the wall.

"Hello? Could you inform the council of our return, for we bear both urgent news and the bodies of our fallen companions."

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God can't wait to get back home and into my own bed. How long has it been since I slept in it? A month? God I could use a good meal and some nice clothes.... Wardrobe and bath, here I come!


"Hello down there!" A familiar voice, Thomas', calls down from the top of the gate. "Well, let me let you in first..."

You can hear the cranking of gears, and the gate to the city slowly rises.

"The Council doesn't like to be disturbed at this time of night," He calls down. "You sure you want me to send a messenger to them? It might be wiser to wait until morning, if it can."


Jansson rides through the gateway, pausing to talk with Thomas once inside.

"I suppose it can wait. We've journeyed for two weeks already, so what difference will a night make?" His horse moves impatiently, longing for the comfort of a stable.

"Could you direct us to the Temple of Rashida, please? I would have my companions' bodies rest in a place of spiritual comfort for tonight."
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OoC: Rashida.

"Hmm..." Thomas scratches his head for a moment. "Head down to the clocktower, then take a right for a block or two. Do you know their symbol? It's a full moon partially covered by a new moon, I think, or the other way around... anyway, there's a sign above their door with their symbol on it. Should be easy to spot."

He looks down at the horses. "Do you want me to keep them here at the gate again? Or would you rather ride them through town?"


"We'll ride for now, but one of us will bring the horses back to you in the next hour. Thank you for the directions." Jansson clicks his tongue at his mount, starting the a slow trot towards the temple.


First Post

Osius stiffly gets off Snack, making a big show of stretching his lower back. "If you don't mind, Thomas, I'll leave this brute here... can you spare someone to tend to the horse for me?"

If Thomas can't or doesn't seem willing, Osius will walk the rest of the way to the temple, leading the horse. Otherwise he'll leave it behind.


Syld looks around himself, eyeing the city.
"All things considered, I think I prefer a nice, cozy tunnel to these houses."

OoC: Did Lornes agree to teach Syld the language in the end? At cursory glance, I couldn't find an answer. I presume he did, and spent the skill points, but if he didn't I'll just rearrange them to somewhere else.


Thomas nods to Osius. "I don't mind at all." He takes Snack's reins, and heads off along the gate.


You wander through the streets of Garanasseur, the light of the sun reflecting off of the buildings around you, providing an eerie light.

After a few minutes of travel, following Thomas' directions, you can see a sign a few buildings down, bearing the symbol of Rashida.

Voidrunner's Codex

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