The Pumpkin Pie Spice RPG Contest Discussion Thread

How do you feel about pumpkin spice?

  • Yes please.

    Votes: 14 38.9%
  • No thank you.

    Votes: 8 22.2%
  • It's a seasonal treat. Why all the fuss?

    Votes: 14 38.9%

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Staff member
As for the blend itself?

Well, I’m not a huge pumpkin fan. I have the occasional urge to have a slice of pumpkin pie- like 1-2 slices over a few years, occasional.

The real exception are the pumpkin stews served at Inlay, a Burmese restaurant that opened near us in January 2020. (Great timing!). I don’t know how the stews are seasoned, but they’re all plate-cleaningly good.



Limit Break Dancing (He/They)
The first-place prize will be a £25 gift certificate to the EN Publishing store, like I usually do. If there are enough entries in this contest (at least a couple dozen), I'll try to get some other smaller prizes to give away to 2nd and 3rd-place winners. Possibilities are: a set of pumpkin spice dice, a pumpkin dice bag, an actual bottle of pumpkin pie spice...

I'm clearly getting ahead of myself; we've only got 4 entries so far and there's still 2 weeks left to get your entries in. Even so: I wanted to keep y'all posted.


The first-place prize will be a £25 gift certificate to the EN Publishing store, like I usually do. If there are enough entries in this contest (at least a couple dozen), I'll try to get some other smaller prizes to give away to 2nd and 3rd-place winners. Possibilities are: a set of pumpkin spice dice, a pumpkin dice bag, an actual bottle of pumpkin pie spice...

I'm clearly getting ahead of myself; we've only got 4 entries so far and there's still 2 weeks left to get your entries in. Even so: I wanted to keep y'all posted.
Oh crap! I thought it was October 31st. I better get moving!


🏳️‍⚧️ (she/her) 🇵🇸
Here's a rough draft:
Pumpkin Spice Season (1-Page* RPG)
*Formatting pending

You and your friends are teenage girls who have just been informed of the most important news you’ll hear all year: pumpkin spice lattes are back. That means it’s time for an immediate trip to the local international chain coffee store. But the walk to the cafe, like all moments of living life in public as a teenage girl, is fraught with everything from jealous haters to genuine peril. Can you and your friends reach pumpkin spice heaven without having your Joy suppressed?

What Sparks Joy?
You and your friends are an eclectic bunch. While you share many loves, everyone knows that nobody loves what you love like YOU do. Take turns rolling 1d6 for a Love. If two players roll the same Love, agree between you who will re-roll. Every player should have a different Love.
  1. Fashion. Ugg boots in summer? Check. Hello Kitty backpack? Unironically yes. Throwback, retro, whatever. Your fashion shows the world who you really are, and they shouldn’t judge. Start with 1 Joy and 3 Emotional Support Tokens.
  2. Boy Bands. Especially THAT one. It’s WAY better than that OTHER one. Name them both, or use the provided Boy Band Name Generator. Also, name your favorite member, or use the provided Boy Band Member Name Generator. Start with 2 Joy and 2 Emotional Support Tokens.
  3. Yaoi Fanfiction. Choose a favorite trope. Enemies to Lovers? It’s Enemies to Lovers, isn’t it. It’s okay, you can admit it, this is a safe space. Start with 1 Joy and 3 Emotional Support Token.
  4. Supernatural Romance. Choose a Team. Team Vampire. Team Werewolf. Team Ghost. Team Minotaur. I could go on. Team Zombie. Team Frankenstein. See? If your ship is canon, start with 3 Joy and 1 Emotional Support Token. Otherwise, start with 1 Joy and 3 Emotional Support Tokens
  5. Aggrieved Pop Star. She’s left a trail of Ex-boyfriends in her wake, has a song or three to sing about each one of them, and every song speaks directly to your heart. Why is love so hard? Start with 2 Joy and 2 Emotional Support Tokens
  6. Athletics. Choose a sport from the following list: Tennis. You have trouble sitting still, or standing still, or sitting, just, in general. You can list by heart the nutritional facts of all thirty-seven varieties of milk the cafe serves. Start with 3 Joy and 1 Emotional Support Token.

Anytime you roll for Joy, roll 1d4. If your roll is lower than or equal to your Joy, you succeed. If you fail, you lose a point of Joy unless another player spends an Emotional Support Token. If at any point you have zero Joy and must lose Joy, you have a Breakdown.

Emotional Support Tokens
You can spend an Emotional Support Token to erase the penalty of a friend’s failed Joy roll. Sometimes you have to spend an Emotional Support Token before you roll Joy. If you are out of Emotional Support Tokens, you automatically fail the Joy roll. This failure can still be counteracted by another Friend’s Emotional Support Token.

You have a Breakdown when you lose all Joy. All friends must spend One Emotional Support Token. Gain one Joy for each Token spent in this way. If any of your friends is out of Emotional Support Tokens, you all decide to give up on the quest to the cafe and instead go home and eat ice cream.

The Journey
Each player takes turns rolling 1d4. Roll 2d4 each for a two-player game. The number you roll is how many Perils you face on your Journey.

Each player takes turns rolling 1d12 to determine which Peril they face.
1-3) Teenage boys, the most common peril. Roll a d6. On a 1-3 they try to tear you down. Roll Joy. On a success you have a snappy comeback that wounds their fragile masculinity. On a failure they cut deep. On a 4-5 they are actually pretty friendly. On a 6 a kind word picks you up. Gain one Joy.
4-5) Construction Workers. They cat-call you. Do they know you’re like a third their age, or do they just don’t care? In either case, ew. Lose one Emotional Support Token and Roll Joy.
6-7) The Fashion Police. These can range from older teenagers to young adults, of any gender. Flip a coin. On a heads, they insult you for being prudes. On a tails, they insult you for being sluts. Roll Joy. On a success, the Fashion Friend gains one Joy.
8) Cop. An adult male police officer “accidentally” bumps into you. Immediately lose one Joy, and all friends lose one Emotional Support Token. Reroll all future rolls of “8”.
9-10) Friend Fight. You say something about another Friend’s Love that is a little too mean or condescending. Choose one Friend. They roll Joy. On a success, you can give them one Joy or One Emotional Support Token, and all other Friends gain one Emotional Support Token. On a failure, you both lose one Joy.
11) A Mean Girl. They have a LOT to say about your loud and proud Love and how “cringe” it makes you. Roll Joy Twice. On a double-failure, lose two Joy; only a single Emotional Support Token can be spent to reduce this loss. On a mixed success, lose one Joy but gain one Emotional Support Token. On a double-success, it turns out SHE also loves Pumpkin Spice Lattes and will join you on your Journey. She cannot gain or lose Joy but comes with three Emotional Support Tokens. Regardless of the outcome, reroll all future rolls of “11”.
12) Your Crush. The cutest boy/girl/enby in school, according to everyone that matters, which is you. Immediately gain one Joy, and then roll Joy. On a success, you talk to them, and it goes well! On a failure, one Friend can spend an Emotional Support Token to allow you to reroll Joy. On a second failure, you do talk to them, but you make a fool of yourself. Lose one Joy; no Emotional Support Tokens may be spent to prevent this loss.

Once you complete every Peril required, you reach the Cafe! Enjoy your Pumpkin Spice Lattes!

Boy Band Name Generator:

Roll 2d6:
Roll1st Die: First Part of Name2nd Die: Second Part of Name

Boy Band Member Name Generator:
Roll 1d12:
Roll Name
1 Joey
2 Trev
3 Jayden
4 Jaden
5 Jaiden
6 Braden
7 Trav
8 Harry
9 Ahmad
10 Deano
11 Baby
12 Jace

Alternative Milk Generator:
Roll 1d37:
Roll Name
1 Almond Milk
2 Soy Milk
3 Oat Milk
4 Cashew Milk
5 Hazelnut Milk
6 Macademia Nut Milk
7 Walnut Milk
8 Peanut Milk
9 Pistachio Milk
10 Coconut Milk
11 Hemp Milk
12 Sesame Milk
13 Banana Milk
14 Flaxseed Milk
15 Rice Milk
16 Pea Milk
17 Quinoa Milk
18 Lactose Intolerant Milk
19 Goat Milk
20 Sheep Milk
21 Buffalo Milk
22 Camel Milk
23 Whole Cow Milk
24 Yak Milk
25 Blue Milk
26 Horse Milk
27 Donkey Milk
28 Reindeer Milk
29 Giraffe Milk
30 Cockroach Milk
31 Snake Milk
32 Moose Milk
33 Pig Milk
34 Jumping Spider Milk
35 Water Lentil Milk
36 Plant Milk
37 Fat Free Milk


I'm just not the biggest nutmeg fan, our family recipe for Pumpkin Pie uses the other spices and adds orange rind, even when I make spiced cakes or cookies, I tend to omit or lower the amount of nutmeg. Aside from that ... I don't get the hubbub.


Limit Break Dancing (He/They)
Holy crap @Gradine, you wrote a whole-ass RPG based on pumpkin pie spice?!


The word "Draft" in the title has me worried, though. Remember that you can't edit it, for any reason, or it will be disqualified!

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