D&D 5E The Rhyot Break (OOC) - Discussion


It would almost make sense. I received the mail now too, but at what I can only qualify as random intervals…

As for flashbacks, I'll think about it. There's certainly something to do there.

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Steve Gorak

So the shortsword...

Is it between Zemryn and Gimlak? Faenala and Thorin are mystics, and Gob isn't there yet.

I would lean towards Zemryn, only because Gimlak already does a good amount of damage with his fists. Almost as much as a short sword.

Hey guys,

If Gimlak has the great weapon master feat [sblock]Great Weapon Master
You've learned to put the weight of a weapon to your advantage, letting its momentum empower your strikes. You gain the following benefits:

On your turn, when you score a critical hit with a melee weapon or reduce a creature to 0 hit points with one, you can make one melee weapon attack as a bonus action.
Before you make a melee attack with a heavy weapon that you are proficient with, you can choose to take a -5 penalty to the attack roll. If the attack hits, you add +10 to the attack's damage.[/sblock]

Since he can indeed strike with his two fists (thereby using his bonus action), it makes sence that Zenrym take the weapon. Besides,I love the image of him smacking korund with his bare fists ;-)



Hi guys!
I'm not sure about feats at first level. Unless Gimlak wants to be a variant human? if you like this idea Steve, have a think about what the cause of the variant is (maybe some Solov breed that is super-chunky physically).

I think a variant human only gets an increase of 1 to two stats (instead of all of them), but does gain one feat and one extra skill proficiency to start off.

Let me know what you reckon :)


The Rhyot Break (OOC) - Discussion (Full for now)

To my knowledge, Variant Human is the only way to get a feat at level 1. However, I’ve never seen having a feat at first level to be that much of a problem. There are a few feats that make sense at first level. Magic Initiate, Prodigy, maybe a few others. It gives a little flexibility to one’s character.


To my knowledge, Variant Human is the only way to get a feat at level 1. However, I’ve never seen having a feat at first level to be that much of a problem. There are a few feats that make sense at first level. Magic Initiate, Prodigy, maybe a few others. It gives a little flexibility to one’s character.

I'm starting the lean the same way. As long as it makes sense for the character and background, then all good. Gimlak being a folk hero must have some signature moves :)

Steve Gorak

I'm starting the lean the same way. As long as it makes sense for the character and background, then all good. Gimlak being a folk hero must have some signature moves :)

Hey guys,

Indeed I made Gimlak a variant human, hence the feat. I though that everything in the phb was ok, so sorry I didn't ask.



It shouldn’t be that big of a deal. The Variant Human gets only 2 points for abilities whereas most races get 3 and some get 4, and every other race gets all kinds of goodies, like Darkvision, free Magic, Elemental Breath, free skills, sometimes even new ways to calculate armor.

Variant Human gets 2 ability points, a skill and a feat. In my opinion, it puts them on par with some of the other races, not necessarily above them. The only difference is that V Humans can choose their Feat, so they have flexibility. But I mean, compare it to an elf.

3 points added to abilities - Variant Humans get 2

Free perception - cancels out the free skill (since Perception will likely be the free skill choice)

Darkvision - no equivalent
Fey Ancestry - no equivalent
Lives 700 years - no equivalent
Trance - no equivalent

And the sub races:

High Elf:
Free weapon proficiencies
Free Cantrip
Free Language

Wood Elf
Free weapon proficiencies
Higher speed
Mask of the wild

Dark elf
Better Darkvision/sunlight sinsitivity
Free weapon profs
Lots of magic

The sub races themselves are probably equal to a feat. Heck, the free weapon proficiencies are like the Weapon Master Feat by themselves, you just don’t get to pick. Draw magic is arguably better than Magic Initiative, except you don’t get to pick your spells. So the subraces plus the race gets way more than a Variant Human does, the only difference is the Variant Human gets to pick what they want.


All good guys :) Human variant definitely seems a little disadvantaged, but I love how it fits with Gimlak and his story. Looking forward to our first rage scenes!

I have a large post cooking to move everyone along and introduce some new stuff. Should be ready today. Did Thorin wish to react to anything first? If not or you're busy I'll keep things progressing, assuming Zem has the sword etc.


Rolin? Who is this Rolin I hear you ask? Well he be rock n' rolin with us, rolin some dice along the way, rolin in snow but wishing he was rolin in hay :)

In a surprise move he's a new character in the game. I'm sure all you PC's will get along just fine :) Character info and player introduction are sure to come soon.

Hope you are all well folks! Gear up. I feel something brewing...

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