The Road to Discovery


Creator of The Untamed Wilds
raw animal materials and textiles for leather goods.
textiles for metal goods.
minerals and ores when we are able to acquire any.
cane and reeds from across the river.
lye and game with the Spiofthest Village in return for leather goods
lye and fruit with the Orngaddrin Village in exchange for metal goods.
GM said:
Looking to the left, it appears that the crew could climb high to approach the former cliff. Before this decision is made, some distinct growling is heard emanating from the debris pile. Apparently the steps of the crew have been noticed by the denizens of the pile.
Vik snorts as he readies his spear, "Never a dull moment out here in the Wilds."

Nalvis nods as he readies his own weapon, "That is for certain!"

Mekric and Veera each nock arrows to their bows, while backing away from the sound, wanting time to release the arrows before they can be engaged. Quill shadows Nalvis, while Arbrine shadows Rekyavik.

The angered pine marten is normally considered a ferocious animal. Really it is such, but in the face of six prepared people, it is of little consequence. Between the manipulation of waylines by Arbrine and Quill, the more mundane members of the party do not even get a chance to get involved.

Little Arbrine hefts the corpse. "Heavy for its size. I bet the hide on this beast is worth some trade."
Nalvis: full health
Boots: 20 - 2 - 2 - 3 = 13
Mekric: full health
harnin arrows: 19
Abrine: full health
Boots: 20 - 4 = 16
Rekyavik: full health
Boots: 20 - 3 = 17
Renyaveer: full health
harnin arrows: 22
Quill: full health
javelins: 6
Boots: 20 - 3 = 17
  • Lacquered Beetle Carapaces: 4
  • Slate: 2 pieces: (sound x2)
  • Flint: 1 rock: (heat x2)
  • Heartstone: 2 stones: {+ Confluence}
  • Coal: 1 lump: (Heat x3)
  • Lodestone: 1 stone: (Shock x3)
  • Slickstone: 1 stone: (-Heat x3)
  • Yellow rock (Sulfur): 1 lump: ?
  • bluish rock (Waterstone): 1 stone: ?
  • Zinc: 1 ingot: {+ Health} (+Body x2)
  • Tin: 1 ingot: {+ Persona} (-Mind x2)
  • Lead: 1 ingots: (-Body x2)
  • Iron: 1 ingots: {+ Confluence} (+Body x2)
  • Copper: 1 ingot: {+ Persona} (Shock x2)
  • dark metal (Nickel): 1 ingot: ?
  • heavy metal (Manganese): 1 ingot: ?
  • yellowish metal (Molybdenum): 1 ingot: ?
  • dark metal (Palladium): 1 ingot: ?
  • Muddle Leaves: 4 measures: (-Mind x2)
  • Rend Leaves: 1 measure: (-Body x2)
  • Muddle Flowers: 1 measure: (-Mind x3)

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Creator of The Untamed Wilds
raw animal materials and textiles for leather goods.
textiles for metal goods.
minerals and ores when we are able to acquire any.
cane and reeds from across the river.
lye and game with the Spiofthest Village in return for leather goods
lye and fruit with the Orngaddrin Village in exchange for metal goods.
Having no one to advocate their personal agenda and being in no hurry, the River Crew takes the time to prepare the hide. They find that the meat of this large member of the weasel family is rather inedible. The hide, though, feels very sturdy and Veera decides that she would like a necklace holding the claws.

After taking an extra day to prepare the hide, the crew continues on its climb to chase down the rumor of some mysterious birds who can kill with a song. Climbing straight up the cliff face is not really a feasible option, and the crew is forced to make several switchbacks and detours in order to gain elevation with any forced overexertion. Finally the path seems to be heading back to the ledge above the first discovered fallen remains.

It is Nalvis who hears the sound first, a beautiful singing trill. After it repeats several times, everyone has acknowledged the sound and believes themselves to be heading in the right direction. The singing becomes more imminent as they clear the trees to begin circumnavigating the rocky ledge.
Nalvis: full health
Boots: 20 - 2 - 2 - 3 = 13
Mekric: full health
harnin arrows: 19
Abrine: full health
Boots: 20 - 4 = 16
Rekyavik: full health
Boots: 20 - 3 = 17
Renyaveer: full health
harnin arrows: 22
Quill: full health
javelins: 6
Boots: 20 - 3 = 17
  • Lacquered Beetle Carapaces: 4
  • Pine Marten Hide: 20% cover
  • Slate: 2 pieces: (sound x2)
  • Flint: 1 rock: (heat x2)
  • Heartstone: 2 stones: {+ Confluence}
  • Coal: 1 lump: (Heat x3)
  • Lodestone: 1 stone: (Shock x3)
  • Slickstone: 1 stone: (-Heat x3)
  • Yellow rock (Sulfur): 1 lump: ?
  • bluish rock (Waterstone): 1 stone: ?
  • Zinc: 1 ingot: {+ Health} (+Body x2)
  • Tin: 1 ingot: {+ Persona} (-Mind x2)
  • Lead: 1 ingots: (-Body x2)
  • Iron: 1 ingots: {+ Confluence} (+Body x2)
  • Copper: 1 ingot: {+ Persona} (Shock x2)
  • dark metal (Nickel): 1 ingot: ?
  • heavy metal (Manganese): 1 ingot: ?
  • yellowish metal (Molybdenum): 1 ingot: ?
  • dark metal (Palladium): 1 ingot: ?
  • Muddle Leaves: 4 measures: (-Mind x2)
  • Rend Leaves: 1 measure: (-Body x2)
  • Muddle Flowers: 1 measure: (-Mind x3)
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Creator of The Untamed Wilds
raw animal materials may be sold here or traded for leather goods.
leather goods with the Marshland Village for textiles
leather goods with the Orngaddrin Village for metal goods.
minerals and ores may be sold or traded for metal goods
cane and reeds from across the river for construction material.
raw material for fabric may be sold here or traded for textiles.
textiles with the Orngaddrin Village for metal goods.
textiles with the Spiofthest Village for leather goods.
lye and game with the Spiofthest Village in return for leather goods
lye and fruit with the Orngaddrin Village in exchange for metal goods.
lye with the Marshland Village for construction material
GM said:
It is Nalvis who hears the sound first, a beautiful singing trill. After it repeats several times, everyone has acknowledged the sound and believes themselves to be heading in the right direction. The singing becomes more imminent as they clear the trees to begin circumnavigating the rocky ledge.
Mourners: 30(bending) + 40(charm) + 75(d100) = 145
Quill: 22(bending) + 28(acidity) + 50(d100) = 100
Rekyavik: 18(skepticism) + 21(clarity) + 50(d100) = 89
damage: 145 - 89 = 56% * 20 = 11
Persona: 2 - 11 = -9, Mind: 10 - 9 = 1, dazed.
Renyaveer: 36 + 17 + 50 = 103
damage: 145 - 103 = 42% * 20 = 8
Persona: 7 - 8 = -1, Mind: 10 - 1 = 9, dazed.
Quill: 22 + 35(tranquility) + 50 = 107
damage: 145 - 107 = 38% * 20 = 8
Persona: 4 - 8 = -4, Mind: 10 - 4 = 6, dazed.
Nalvis: 26 + 18 + 50 = 94
damage: 145 - 94 = 56% * 20 = 11
Persona: 6 - 11 = -5, Mind: 10 - 5 = 5, dazed.
Mekric: 34 + 22 + 50 = 106
damage = 145 - 106 = 39% * 20 = 8
Persona: 8 - 8 = 0, no effect
Arbrine: 22 + 35(tranquility) + 50 = 107
damage: 145 - 107 = 38% * 20 = 8
Persona: 3 - 8 = -5, Mind 10 - 5 = 5, dazed.
Mourner: 5(conditioning) + 50(fury) + 75(d100) > 100
Mekric: 27(accuracy) + 20(launch) + 22(clarity) + 50(d100) = 119 + 50(range) = 169
Renyaveer: 30 + 20 + 17 + 50 = 117 + 50(range) = 167
Mourner1: 30(avoid) + 30(analysis) + 75(d100) = 135
damage: 169 - 135 = 34% * 10 = 3
Body: 1 - 3 = -2, incapacitated.
Mourner2: 135
damage: 167 - 135 = 32% * 10 = 3
Body: 1 - 3 = -2, incapacitated.
Hearing the beautiful song, seems to enthrall everyone, at least temporarily, except Mekric. Rekyavik, on the other hand, is significantly awed. He releases his handhold on the rocky cliff and begins to stumble toward the sound, not fully committed but not really able to prevent himself, either.

Shaking her head to fully clear her thoughts, Mekric draws and fires an arrow at one of the deeply, red colored birds perched upon a precarious, scraggly brush jutting from the cliff face, two paces out of reach. The arrow merely wings the small Mourner; but with such little substance to their bodies, it is enough. The injured bird plummets from its perch.

Quill and Arbrine gather their senses as the arrow from Mekric flies. Both being able to manipulate waylines at a distance, attempt to harm the birds in such a manner, Quill with acidity, Arbrine with heat. Both attempts fail.

Nalvis does not have any real means of attacking the safely distant birds, so he does the next best thing and catches hold of Rekyavik, pulling him from the cliff edge. As he does so, Renyaveer is able to fire off an arrow in similar manner to that of Mekric, and a second birds plummets from the shrub. The remaining two birds fly away, leaving the party dazed and angry and poised on a dangerous ledge.
Nalvis: full health
Boots: 20 - 2 - 2 - 3 = 13
Mekric: full health
harnin arrows: 19
Abrine: full health
Boots: 20 - 4 = 16
Rekyavik: full health
Boots: 20 - 3 = 17
Renyaveer: full health
harnin arrows: 22
Quill: full health
javelins: 6
Boots: 20 - 3 = 17
  • Lacquered Beetle Carapaces: 4
  • Pine Marten Hide: 20% cover
  • Slate: 2 pieces: (sound x2)
  • Flint: 1 rock: (heat x2)
  • Heartstone: 2 stones: {+ Confluence}
  • Coal: 1 lump: (Heat x3)
  • Lodestone: 1 stone: (Shock x3)
  • Slickstone: 1 stone: (-Heat x3)
  • Yellow rock (Sulfur): 1 lump: ?
  • bluish rock (Waterstone): 1 stone: ?
  • Zinc: 1 ingot: {+ Health} (+Body x2)
  • Tin: 1 ingot: {+ Persona} (-Mind x2)
  • Lead: 1 ingots: (-Body x2)
  • Iron: 1 ingots: {+ Confluence} (+Body x2)
  • Copper: 1 ingot: {+ Persona} (Shock x2)
  • dark metal (Nickel): 1 ingot: ?
  • heavy metal (Manganese): 1 ingot: ?
  • yellowish metal (Molybdenum): 1 ingot: ?
  • dark metal (Palladium): 1 ingot: ?
  • Muddle Leaves: 4 measures: (-Mind x2)
  • Rend Leaves: 1 measure: (-Body x2)
  • Muddle Flowers: 1 measure: (-Mind x3)
OOC: Each character receives 5 DP.
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Creator of The Untamed Wilds
raw animal materials may be sold here or traded for leather goods.
leather goods with the Marshland Village for textiles
leather goods with the Orngaddrin Village for metal goods.
minerals and ores may be sold or traded for metal goods
cane and reeds from across the river for construction material.
raw material for fabric may be sold here or traded for textiles.
textiles with the Orngaddrin Village for metal goods.
textiles with the Spiofthest Village for leather goods.
lye and game with the Spiofthest Village in return for leather goods
lye and fruit with the Orngaddrin Village in exchange for metal goods.
lye with the Marshland Village for construction material

With Nalvis still holding onto Rekyavik, the party waits upon the ledge, pressed back against the rock, until their heads clear enough to safely travel. Mekric peers over the ledge and strains to see the two birds below, one of which is hopping around.

"Those birds are not dead. We should get back down there and end those horrible things. It is bad enough that some escaped. To think that such malevolence could come from such a pretty thing."

Descending by the same route from which they had arrived, the River Crew returns much more quickly than they had climbed. The injured birds are not as well suited to sing and their lives are quickly ended.

Renyaveer pulls the elegant tail feathers from each bird, keeping a set for herself and handing one to Mekric. "I wonder if these have any mystical power?"

Being a little more vindictive, Arbrine rips the head from one of the birds and begins to clean it. "I'd eat the things if they were anything more than feather and bone, but you better believe I'm getting some sort of souvenir."

She then gets on her hands and knees and smashes the remainder with a rock. Vik laughs a snort and offers her his hand, not that she would need it to stand. Despite her ire toward the bird, she takes his hand. "You have some serious fire, girl. I'll bet you are warm at night."

She lifts her eyebrows, as if in surprised or affronted, but smiles and says nothing. Vik's sister, Renyaveer, shoves him playfully for the inference; to which, he merely shrugs.
Nalvis: full health
Boots: 20 - 2 - 2 - 3 = 13
Mekric: full health
harnin arrows: 19
Abrine: full health
Boots: 20 - 4 = 16
Rekyavik: full health
Boots: 20 - 3 = 17
Renyaveer: full health
harnin arrows: 22
Quill: full health
javelins: 6
Boots: 20 - 3 = 17
  • Lacquered Beetle Carapaces: 4
  • Pine Marten Hide: 20% cover
  • Slate: 2 pieces: (sound x2)
  • Flint: 1 rock: (heat x2)
  • Heartstone: 2 stones: {+ Confluence}
  • Coal: 1 lump: (Heat x3)
  • Lodestone: 1 stone: (Shock x3)
  • Slickstone: 1 stone: (-Heat x3)
  • Yellow rock (Sulfur): 1 lump: ?
  • bluish rock (Waterstone): 1 stone: ?
  • Zinc: 1 ingot: {+ Health} (+Body x2)
  • Tin: 1 ingot: {+ Persona} (-Mind x2)
  • Lead: 1 ingots: (-Body x2)
  • Iron: 1 ingots: {+ Confluence} (+Body x2)
  • Copper: 1 ingot: {+ Persona} (Shock x2)
  • dark metal (Nickel): 1 ingot: ?
  • heavy metal (Manganese): 1 ingot: ?
  • yellowish metal (Molybdenum): 1 ingot: ?
  • dark metal (Palladium): 1 ingot: ?
  • Muddle Leaves: 4 measures: (-Mind x2)
  • Rend Leaves: 1 measure: (-Body x2)
  • Muddle Flowers: 1 measure: (-Mind x3)
OOC: Each character receives 2 DP.
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Voidrunner's Codex

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