The Road to Discovery


Gamer Extraordinaire
The River Crew will search among the rocks for useful items or clues, both with their eyes and with Way. When they have finished they will follow the trail around the mountain and look for a way to ascend to the dangerous heights.

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Creator of The Untamed Wilds
Unexpected Guests

OOC: All characters receive 10 DP.

The River Crew will search among the rocks for useful items or clues, both with their eyes and with Way. When they have finished they will follow the trail around the mountain and look for a way to ascend to the dangerous heights.
As the crew pokes around the debris for further clues, the vibrations carry through the ground alerting the area's nearest denizens. From holes, yet unseen, farther down the slope emerge four ants. The insects are about the size of a person's upper arm, covered with red and black enameled chitin. It seems obvious that they consider the River Crew to be food.

The mound of rocky rubble is somewhat semi-circular in shape with a radius of about two strides. The four separate holes are in the soil about a stride beyond that, hidden from obvious view by natural vegetation. The ants are already oriented and crawling toward the crew when noticed.

Nalvis: full health
Boots: 20 - 2 - 2 - 3 = 13
Mekric: full health
harnin arrows: 19
Abrine: full health
Boots: 20 - 4 = 16
Rekyavik: full health
Boots: 20 - 3 = 17
Renyaveer: full health
harnin arrows: 22
Quill: full health
javelins: 6
Boots: 20 - 3 = 17[/sblock]
  • Lacquered Beetle Carapaces: 4
  • Slate: 2 pieces: (sound x2)
  • Flint: 1 rock: (heat x2)
  • Heartstone: 2 stones: {+ Confluence}
  • Coal: 1 lump: (Heat x3)
  • Lodestone: 1 stone: (Shock x3)
  • Slickstone: 1 stone: (-Heat x3)
  • Yellow rock (Sulfur): 1 lump: ?
  • bluish rock (Waterstone): 1 stone: ?
  • Zinc: 1 ingot: {+ Health} (+Body x2)
  • Tin: 1 ingot: {+ Persona} (-Mind x2)
  • Lead: 1 ingots: (-Body x2)
  • Iron: 1 ingots: {+ Confluence} (+Body x2)
  • Copper: 1 ingot: {+ Persona} (Shock x2)
  • dark metal (Nickel): 1 ingot: ?
  • heavy metal (Manganese): 1 ingot: ?
  • yellowish metal (Molybdenum): 1 ingot: ?
  • dark metal (Palladium): 1 ingot: ?
  • Muddle Leaves: 4 measures: (-Mind x2)
  • Rend Leaves: 1 measure: (-Body x2)
  • Muddle Flowers: 1 measure: (-Mind x3)
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Gamer Extraordinaire
Arbrine will manipulate Way to heat the antennae and other sensory organs of the creatures to make it harder for them to find the River Crew. This is an attempt to blind them. (Roll: 04)

Knowing creatures such as this can have clouds of poison they can spit out, Nalvis charges into the closest ant, and swings with his weapon. If it has any defense measure it will only affect him. (Roll: 32)

Arbrine will nock an arrow to her bow and fire at her most promising ant target. (Roll: 49)
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Creator of The Untamed Wilds
Enameled Ants

OOC: All characters receive 5 DP.

Arbrine will manipulate Way to heat the antennae and other sensory organs of the creatures to make it harder for them to find the River Crew. This is an attempt to blind them. (Roll: 04)
Having newly acquired the skill to manipulate Waylines at a distance, Arbrine as yet cannot control her skill to such a degree to target parts of a creature, but distance alone is an improvement.

Vik takes a step forward and happens to swing his harpoon at the same ant.
Arbrine: 33(tranquility) + 24(readiness) + 19(athletic) + 4(d100) = 80
Rekyavik: 27(readiness) + 20(clarity) + 15(athletic) + 40(d100) = 102
Ant1: 45(readiness) + 24(athletic) + 29(d100) = 98[/sblock]
[sblock=Speed of Action]Arbrine: 21(gear) + 100(way) = 121 - 80 = 41
Rekyavik: 15(gear) + 200(harpoon) = 215 - 102 = 113
Ant1: 100(movement) - 98 = 2
Before either can act, the ant launches itself at Rekyavik, who happens to have been closer.

Ant1: 45(aggression) + 24(athletic) + 50(d100) = 119
Rekyavik: 27(readiness) + 19(analysis) + 15(obscure) + 50(d100) = 111
28(aggression) + 20(fury) + 15(athletic) + 50(d100) = 113 + 100(attached) = 213

Ant1: 119
Damage: 213 - 119 = 94% * 3 = 3 - 20(soak), ineffective
Arbrine: 21(bending) + 28(heat) + 50(d100) = 99
Ant1: 45(conditioning) + 50(d100) = 95, ineffective
The ant lands on Rekyavik but is unable to effectively sting him. Forsaking his harpoon almost instantly, he hits the ant, knocking the insect away, but causing it no harm. As the ant lands and rights itself for another assault, Arbrine's attempt to heat it proves ineffective.

Kwargrow said:
Knowing creatures such as this can have clouds of poison they can spit out, Nalvis charges into the closest ant, and swings with his weapon. If it has any defense measure it will only affect him. (Roll: 32)
Nalvis: 28(readiness) + 20(athletic) + 18(clarity) + 32(d100) = 98
Ant2: 45(readiness) + 24(athletic) + 11(d100) = 80
Nalvis: 40(gear) + 100(axe) = 140 - 98 = 42
Ant2: 100(movement) - 80 = 20
As Nalvis begins to step forward, the ant launches itself on him.

Ant2: 119
Nalvis: 28(readiness) + 20(obscure) + 18(analysis) + 50(d100) = 116
30(aggression) + 20(athletic) + 18(fury) + 50(d100) = 118 + 100(attached) = 218

Ant2: 119
Damage: 218 - 119 = 99% * 5 = 5 - 20, ineffective
The ant lands on Nalvis but is unable to sting him. Reacting necessarily, Nalvis forsakes his axe, not wanting to swing it at himself and knocks the ant away with his shield. The insect readies itself for another attack.

Kwargrow said:
Mekric will nock an arrow to her bow and fire at her most promising ant target. (Roll: 49)
Veera takes aim at the fourth ant. Neither of the girls is able to act before each is assaulted by an ant. Each uses her bow to knock the ant away.

Quill, like Arbrine, has recently learned how to manipulate Way Lines at a distance. Unlike Arbrine, Quill has chosen a different style, she manipulates chemical Way to ionize the liquid within the ant. She happens to select the ant that had landed on Mekric, but fails to affect it.

Nalvis: full health
Boots: 20 - 2 - 2 - 3 = 13
Mekric: full health
harnin arrows: 19
Abrine: full health
Boots: 20 - 4 = 16
Rekyavik: full health
Boots: 20 - 3 = 17
Renyaveer: full health
harnin arrows: 22
Quill: full health
javelins: 6
Boots: 20 - 3 = 17
  • Lacquered Beetle Carapaces: 4
  • Slate: 2 pieces: (sound x2)
  • Flint: 1 rock: (heat x2)
  • Heartstone: 2 stones: {+ Confluence}
  • Coal: 1 lump: (Heat x3)
  • Lodestone: 1 stone: (Shock x3)
  • Slickstone: 1 stone: (-Heat x3)
  • Yellow rock (Sulfur): 1 lump: ?
  • bluish rock (Waterstone): 1 stone: ?
  • Zinc: 1 ingot: {+ Health} (+Body x2)
  • Tin: 1 ingot: {+ Persona} (-Mind x2)
  • Lead: 1 ingots: (-Body x2)
  • Iron: 1 ingots: {+ Confluence} (+Body x2)
  • Copper: 1 ingot: {+ Persona} (Shock x2)
  • dark metal (Nickel): 1 ingot: ?
  • heavy metal (Manganese): 1 ingot: ?
  • yellowish metal (Molybdenum): 1 ingot: ?
  • dark metal (Palladium): 1 ingot: ?
  • Muddle Leaves: 4 measures: (-Mind x2)
  • Rend Leaves: 1 measure: (-Body x2)
  • Muddle Flowers: 1 measure: (-Mind x3)
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Gamer Extraordinaire
Nalvis will stand at Vik's flank, to prevent the creatures flanking them, and takes a swing at another ant. Roll: 83

Mekrik will channel Way and burn the ant that is on her. Roll: 22 Physically she will only fend off the ant, not strike it. Roll: 83

Arbrine will punch and heat again. Roll: 73
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Creator of The Untamed Wilds
OOC: All characters receive 5 DP.

Nalvis will stand at Vik's flank, to prevent the creatures flanking them, and takes a swing at another ant. Roll: 83
Nalvis: 42 + 140 = 182
Ant2: 20 + 100 = 120
Only one second of time passes between knocking the ant away and it relaunching itself for a second attack. Before Nalvis can move to flank Vik, the ant lands on him again.

Ant2: 119
Nalvis: 28(readiness) + 20(obscure) + 18(analysis) + 83(d100) = 149
30(aggression) + 20(athletic) + 18(fury) + 83(d100) = 151 + 100(attached) = 251

Ant2: 119
Damage: 251 - 119 = 132% * 5 = 7 - 10, ineffective
Nalvis notices the flight of the ant and better defends himself; but even though he prevents being stung, he still cannot harm the ant, only knock it away. Veera who was trying to aid Nalvis forsakes trying to fire arrows and uses her bow like a club. Like Nalvis, she is only able to protect herself.

Mekrik will channel Way and burn the ant that is on her. Roll: 22 Physically she will only fend off the ant, not strike it. Roll: 83
Mekric: 28(athletic) + 19(readiness) + 22(clarity) + 83(d100) = 152
Quill: 35(tranquility) + 18(athletic) + 18(readiness) + 78(d100) = 149
Ant3: 27(readiness) + 19(athletic) + 50(d100) = 96
Mekric: 21(armor) + 100(way) = 121 - 152 = -3
Quill: 21(armor) + 100(way) = 121 - 149 = -28
Ant3: 100(movement) - 96 = 4
Mekric: 35(bending) + 22(heat) + 22(d100) = 79
Quill: 21(bending) + 28(ionize) + 27(d100) = 76
Ant3: 27(conditioning) + 50(d100) = 77
Mekric outmaneuvers her ant, blocking it from landing on her. She can sense that she was able to cause the insect to heat, somewhat, but not enough to damage it. Quill, who is still focused on Mekric's ant, again, tries to ionize it, unsuccessfully.

Arbrine will punch and heat again. Roll: 73
Arbrine: 41 + 121 = 162
Rekyavik: 15(armor) + 50(fist) = 65 + 113 = 178
Ant1: 2 + 100(movement) = 102 + 50(sting) = 152
Ant1: 27(aggression) + 19(athletic) + 50(d100) = 96
Arbrine: 34(bolster) + 22(aggression) + 19(athletic) + 73(d100) = 148
Rekyavik: 27(readiness) + 19(analysis) + 15(obscure) + 68(d100) = 129
28(aggression) + 20(fury) + 15(athletic) + 68(d100) = 131 + 100(attached) = 231

Ant1: 96
Damage: 148 - 96 = 52% * 5 = 3 - 10(soak), ineffective
Damage: 231 - 96 = 135% * 4 = 4 - 10(soak), ineffective
Arbrine: 21(bending) + 28(heat) + 73(d100) = 122
Ant1: 27(conditioning) + 50(d100) = 77
damage: 122 - 77 = 45% * 10 = 5
Body: 3 - 5 = -2, incapacitated
Arbrine catches the ant on Vik, even before he does, though never physical blow proves damaging. As the ant is knock away, its insides are cooked with enough heat to incapacitate it.

Nalvis: full health
Boots: 20 - 2 - 2 - 3 = 13
Mekric: full health
harnin arrows: 19
Abrine: full health
Boots: 20 - 4 = 16
Rekyavik: full health
Boots: 20 - 3 = 17
Renyaveer: full health
harnin arrows: 22
Quill: full health
javelins: 6
Boots: 20 - 3 = 17
  • Lacquered Beetle Carapaces: 4
  • Slate: 2 pieces: (sound x2)
  • Flint: 1 rock: (heat x2)
  • Heartstone: 2 stones: {+ Confluence}
  • Coal: 1 lump: (Heat x3)
  • Lodestone: 1 stone: (Shock x3)
  • Slickstone: 1 stone: (-Heat x3)
  • Yellow rock (Sulfur): 1 lump: ?
  • bluish rock (Waterstone): 1 stone: ?
  • Zinc: 1 ingot: {+ Health} (+Body x2)
  • Tin: 1 ingot: {+ Persona} (-Mind x2)
  • Lead: 1 ingots: (-Body x2)
  • Iron: 1 ingots: {+ Confluence} (+Body x2)
  • Copper: 1 ingot: {+ Persona} (Shock x2)
  • dark metal (Nickel): 1 ingot: ?
  • heavy metal (Manganese): 1 ingot: ?
  • yellowish metal (Molybdenum): 1 ingot: ?
  • dark metal (Palladium): 1 ingot: ?
  • Muddle Leaves: 4 measures: (-Mind x2)
  • Rend Leaves: 1 measure: (-Body x2)
  • Muddle Flowers: 1 measure: (-Mind x3)
OOC: It appears that the three remaining functional ants still intend to attack.
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Gamer Extraordinaire
Nalvis will swing his axe at the same ant, trying to pull all his might into it. If he can't penetrate the hard shell, perhaps he can crush it. Roll: 100, 76

Mekric swats at her ant with her staff. Roll: 38

Arbrine will punch again and try to Heat this annoying critter. Roll: 91, 43
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Creator of The Untamed Wilds
Dead Ant, Dead Ant....

OOC: All characters receive 5 DP.

Nalvis will swing his axe at the same ant, trying to pull all his might into it. If he can't penetrate the hard shell, perhaps he can crush it. Roll: 100, 76
Nalvis: 82 + 140 = 222
Ant2: 20 + 100 = 120, 220
Another second of time passes when the ant relaunching itself for a third attack.
Ant2: 28(aggression) + 19(athletic) + 75(d100) = 122
Nalvis: 28(readiness) + 20(obscure) + 18(analysis) + 176(d100) = 242
30(aggression) + 20(athletic) + 18(fury) + 176(d100) = 244

Ant2: 122
Damage: 244 - 122 = 122% * 20 = 24 - 10 = 14
Body: 3 - 14 = -11, dead
With his presence of mind becoming more in tuned with the movement of the ant, Nalvis dodges its leap, being able to bring the weight of his axe to full bear. He splits the ant open, bisecting it thorax. Quill, seeing that Nalvis is safe, looks to help Mekric.

Mekric swats at her ant with her staff. Roll: 38
Mekric: -3 + 21(armor) + 50(bow as staff) = 68
Quill: -28 + 121 = 93
Ant3: 4 + 100 = 104
Mekric: 29(athletic) + 18(aggression) + 22(fury) + 38(d100) = 107
Ant3: 122
Quill: 21(bending) + 28(ionize) + 75(d100) = 124
Ant3: 27(conditioning) + 75(d100) = 102
Damage: 124 - 102 = 22% * 20 = 4
Body: 4 - 4 = 0, incapacitated
Mekric reacts faster than the ant, this time but is unable to capitalize on her advantage. As she slaps the ant with her bow, Quill causes its insides to become caustic, causing enough internal damage to incapacitate the ant.

Arbrine will punch again and try to Heat this annoying critter. Roll: 91, 43
Having previously incapacitated the ant attacking Vik, Arbrine turns to help Renyaveer.

Arbrine: 162 + 121 = 283
Renyaveer: 178 + 83 = 261
Ant1: 152 + 100 = 252
The ant launches itself at Renyaveer, a third time, before either she or Arbrine can act.

Ant1: 27(aggression) + 19(athletic) + 75(d100) = 121
Renyaveer: 29(obscure) + 19(readiness) + 17(analysis) + 50(d100) = 115
Arbrine: 21(bending) + 28(heat) + 91(d100) + 43(luck) = 183
Ant1: 27(conditioning) + 75(d100) = 102
damage: 183 - 102 = 81% * 20 = 16
Body: 3 - 16 = -2, incapacitated
Arbrine sees that moving to help Veera is too slow, but realizes that she has no need to move to heat the ant. As the ant begins to boil on the inside, Veera shrugs it off. It falls to the ground, dead.

Nalvis: full health
Boots: 20 - 2 - 2 - 3 = 13
Mekric: full health
harnin arrows: 19
Abrine: full health
Boots: 20 - 4 = 16
Rekyavik: full health
Boots: 20 - 3 = 17
Renyaveer: full health
harnin arrows: 22
Quill: full health
javelins: 6
Boots: 20 - 3 = 17
  • Lacquered Beetle Carapaces: 4
  • Slate: 2 pieces: (sound x2)
  • Flint: 1 rock: (heat x2)
  • Heartstone: 2 stones: {+ Confluence}
  • Coal: 1 lump: (Heat x3)
  • Lodestone: 1 stone: (Shock x3)
  • Slickstone: 1 stone: (-Heat x3)
  • Yellow rock (Sulfur): 1 lump: ?
  • bluish rock (Waterstone): 1 stone: ?
  • Zinc: 1 ingot: {+ Health} (+Body x2)
  • Tin: 1 ingot: {+ Persona} (-Mind x2)
  • Lead: 1 ingots: (-Body x2)
  • Iron: 1 ingots: {+ Confluence} (+Body x2)
  • Copper: 1 ingot: {+ Persona} (Shock x2)
  • dark metal (Nickel): 1 ingot: ?
  • heavy metal (Manganese): 1 ingot: ?
  • yellowish metal (Molybdenum): 1 ingot: ?
  • dark metal (Palladium): 1 ingot: ?
  • Muddle Leaves: 4 measures: (-Mind x2)
  • Rend Leaves: 1 measure: (-Body x2)
  • Muddle Flowers: 1 measure: (-Mind x3)
OOC: All 4 ants have been eliminated as threats. 2 are incapacitated. 2 are dead.

Examining the rubble provides evidence of heavy things having fallen from high above. Additionally, old bones of other animals are discovered in the rocks, along with evidence of scavenger animals and opportunistic predators. The significance of the tracks leaves a definitive trail leading around the mountain. Very old blood stains the rocks.
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Gamer Extraordinaire
Nalvis cannot help but show off his precise kill of the ant. "I don't think I could have done much better than that," he brags.

The River Crew will take time to go over the ants, determine if any of their parts are Way sensitive and if any of the carapace, mandibles, or other parts are useful. Once done with butchering the carcasses they will follow the trail around the mountain.
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Creator of The Untamed Wilds
Onward and Upward

OOC: All characters receive 5 DP.

raw animal materials and textiles for leather goods.
textiles for metal goods.
minerals and ores when we are able to acquire any.
cane and reeds from across the river.
lye and game with the Spiofthest Village in return for leather goods
lye and fruit with the Orngaddrin Village in exchange for metal goods.
Nalvis cannot help but show off his precise kill of the ant. "I don't think I could have done much better than that," he brags.
The River Crew enjoys the banter about the ants. Vik exclaims, "Those things were fast. I can't believe that none of us was hurt. I'm sure glad for this armor."

The River Crew will take time to go over the ants, determine if any of their parts are Way sensitive and if any of the carapace, mandibles, or other parts are useful. Once done with butchering the carcasses they will follow the trail around the mountain.
Mercantile + Clarity + d100
Nalvis: 21 + 18 + 50 = 89
Mekric: 29 + 22 + 50 = 101
Arbrine: 19 + 27 + 50 = 96
Renyaveer: 30 + 17 + 50 = 97
Quill: 18 + 35 + 50 = 103
After looking over the remains of the ants, it is determined that their is not enough material to their lacquered carapaces to make them worth retaining. Their stingers seem like something that could be useful, but no one currently has the skill to effectively remove one.

The trail around the mountain splits. The animal tracks differ slightly leading in from each division. One path leads farther downhill, and one continues farther up which may provide access to the area above where the cause of pile of bones has to be located.

The chosen path leads around and the animal tracks appear to be coming from under a debris pile to the right, formed where some trees were felled across a shallow crevice by some long ago avalanche. Looking to the left, it appears that the crew could climb high to approach the former cliff. Before this decision is made, some distinct growling is heard emanating from the debris pile. Apparently the steps of the crew have been noticed by the denizens of the pile.
Nalvis: full health
Boots: 20 - 2 - 2 - 3 = 13
Mekric: full health
harnin arrows: 19
Abrine: full health
Boots: 20 - 4 = 16
Rekyavik: full health
Boots: 20 - 3 = 17
Renyaveer: full health
harnin arrows: 22
Quill: full health
javelins: 6
Boots: 20 - 3 = 17
  • Lacquered Beetle Carapaces: 4
  • Slate: 2 pieces: (sound x2)
  • Flint: 1 rock: (heat x2)
  • Heartstone: 2 stones: {+ Confluence}
  • Coal: 1 lump: (Heat x3)
  • Lodestone: 1 stone: (Shock x3)
  • Slickstone: 1 stone: (-Heat x3)
  • Yellow rock (Sulfur): 1 lump: ?
  • bluish rock (Waterstone): 1 stone: ?
  • Zinc: 1 ingot: {+ Health} (+Body x2)
  • Tin: 1 ingot: {+ Persona} (-Mind x2)
  • Lead: 1 ingots: (-Body x2)
  • Iron: 1 ingots: {+ Confluence} (+Body x2)
  • Copper: 1 ingot: {+ Persona} (Shock x2)
  • dark metal (Nickel): 1 ingot: ?
  • heavy metal (Manganese): 1 ingot: ?
  • yellowish metal (Molybdenum): 1 ingot: ?
  • dark metal (Palladium): 1 ingot: ?
  • Muddle Leaves: 4 measures: (-Mind x2)
  • Rend Leaves: 1 measure: (-Body x2)
  • Muddle Flowers: 1 measure: (-Mind x3)
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