The Road to Discovery


Creator of The Untamed Wilds
OOC: This uses the TUW 2e gaming system completed in 2013. The first edition was printed in 1988.
The online character records are found in the following thread:The Untamed Wilds Editable Character Records.
Having any questions or comments about the scenario or the system feel free to PM me.

OOC: The red arrow marks the starting point.

Nalvis stamps the last bit of dirt into place over the grave of his adopted father. He pauses to take a deep breath, angry. He is not particularly tired from his labor with the whale bone shovel, for the ground her is soft, becoming marshy farther to the west. Abrine paces back and forth along the beach, staring out at the sea as if she could command it to give her its secret. Mekric pokes about the humble dwelling looking for any real sign as to the identity of the raiders who had perpetrated such a monstrosity.

Mekric runs what she knows through her head. There is a fishing village farther eastward out into the spires and crags that dot out into the sea, but the strangely painted and pale people only look violent. They have often come to the hut to trade fish for the fresh vegetables. Farther inland where the hills rise out of the marsh are several villages, most inhabited by the same people that populate the only know city almost due south across the sea, Eastaboga.

Seventeen years she has lived here with her adopted family and nothing even remotely violent has occurred. She is rarely confused, but this dilemma has her stumped. She is shaken from her thoughts by her brother's voice calling that three people are approaching on foot from inland to the north.

The giant of a man gives greeting, but it lacks any joy as does his face and the faces of his twin sister and the frail Faethrin following with him. The three look as if they are carrying everything that they own, having walked from the Norikadian fishing village farther out in the craps, rather than arriving by the usual boat. The six people recognize each other, but have never before spent much time together, never before having had a reason.

After some discussion, it is learned that the tiny Norikadian fishing village had also been sacked. Rekyavik, Renyaveer, and Quill had been out hunting mountain goats when it occurred. They only know that whoever committed the act must have arrived by sea, as no force passed the three on the goat trails in the mountains.
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Gamer Extraordinaire
As usual Nalvis speaks first, telling the new three about what happened to their home and giving condolences for their tragedy. He says, "I can see by the fire in your eyes that your hearts are similar to ours and you are not content to let these crimes go unpunished. Let us band together and perhaps we can find the ones responsible." He looks down at the simple axe in his hand that he carries for protection. "I have never used this against a person before, but I suppose no peace lasts forever."

Mekric says with a hopeful smile, "I doubted what we could do with only three of us, but six can make a difference. I had hoped to travel to your village to see if there was any information there about who did this. Since they also struck your home it seems that his vile group is more organized than I first thought. I think we should look for them at the largest settlement, Eastaboga. If they are trading anything they took, or if the city has had problems with these same raiders, someone in that area will know something."

After greeting their new friends, Arbrine says little. Of course her family knows about the strange power she inherited from her long gone parents, and sometimes when her emotions were raging, as they were now, she had problems controlling it. Her adopted parents cautioned against letting anyone know about it, and she considers that wise until she gets to know these new arrivals better. She says, "We will have our justice together."


Creator of The Untamed Wilds
As usual Nalvis speaks first, telling the new three about what happened to their home and giving condolences for their tragedy. He says, "I can see by the fire in your eyes that your hearts are similar to ours and you are not content to let these crimes go unpunished. Let us band together and perhaps we can find the ones responsible." He looks down at the simple axe in his hand that he carries for protection. "I have never used this against a person before, but I suppose no peace lasts forever."
Rekyavik is dressed in the typical fashion of his people, having a kilt of sheepskin with the wool still on it and boots of the same material. He is shirtless with designed painted upon his skin from dyes made from various berries that grow in the area. He has no marks on his face, however. He carries a spear slightly longer than he is tall that could double as a fishing harpoon, its head made of whale bone. The carving knife tied at his hip is made of flint. He walks to Nalvis and clasps his forearm in common greeting among northern peoples.
"I am called Vik. This is my twin sister Veera, and our close friend Quill. We came here seeking possible refuge and to offer our skills in trade. Some cruel fate it seems, as we are now both homeless."

Kwargrow said:
Mekric says with a hopeful smile, "I doubted what we could do with only three of us, but six can make a difference. I had hoped to travel to your village to see if there was any information there about who did this. Since they also struck your home it seems that his vile group is more organized than I first thought. I think we should look for them at the largest settlement, Eastaboga. If they are trading anything they took, or if the city has had problems with these same raiders, someone in that area will know something."
Renyaveer walks to Mekric, clasps her shoulders lightly, and kisses each of her cheeks, as is the common greeting between women of her culture. She is dressed identically to her brother with the addition of a skin mantle to conceal her breasts. The Norikadian people are not complete savages. She is armed with a stranded longbow and quivered with arrows headed with both shark's teeth and flint.
"Call me Veera. I see your boat is burned. Ours were too, the entire fleet. By quick observation, it also appears that nothing was taken, only the people were killed. Same as with us. No, this butchery cannot go unanswered."

Kwargrow said:
After greeting their new friends, Arbrine says little. Of course her family knows about the strange power she inherited from her long gone parents, and sometimes when her emotions were raging, as they were now, she had problems controlling it. Her adopted parents cautioned against letting anyone know about it, and she considers that wise until she gets to know these new arrivals better. She says, "We will have our justice together."
Quill bobbles her head back and forth, as if weighing some options. She too is dressed in the hide skirt and boots, but her torso is covered with a woven wool tunic that extends to her thighs. She is carrying several rolled skins about her person and 6 reed javelins tipped with bone are attached to her back. She pulls a parchment from one of the skin rolls.
"Hello. We cannot walk straight to Eastaboga. I have some rough sketches from fishing trips. The shore between here and there is all marsh, muddy, with bogs and sink holes. We will need to follow the hills until we reach the river or one of its streams to see if we can proceed downward. There are supposed to be other small settlements along the hills at the waterheads, perhaps we might even acquire a canoe."
GM: The common language of the group is Norikadian, as the Graggorid Mhytres who raised the 3 orphans rejected the language of their birth due to the extremely violent tendencies of their people. Everyone also has some proficiency of the Eastabin language.
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Gamer Extraordinaire
We will need to follow the hills until we reach the river or one of its streams to see if we can proceed downward. There are supposed to be other small settlements along the hills at the waterheads, perhaps we might even acquire a canoe.

Nalvis nods. "We are grateful for your area knowledge. We can also ask at these other settlements for information."

it also appears that nothing was taken, only the people were killed.

Mekric's face shows her shock. "They didn't take anything from your village either? How could people do such a thing? There must be some reason for this." She shakes her head.

Arbrine shakes her fist at the sea. "Too bad they came by boat. The water leaves no tracks. Let us set out to find these villains at once and teach them that violence begets violence."


Creator of The Untamed Wilds
Only Abrine and Quill can actively manipulate Way. All other characters are currently limited to passive use.

Nalvis nods. "We are grateful for your area knowledge. We can also ask at these other settlements for information."
Quill responds in her quite, yet matter of fact, voice.
"Once we move farther inland, my knowledge ceases. We will have to learn as we go."

Kwargrow said:
Arbrine shakes her fist at the sea. "Too bad they came by boat. The water leaves no tracks. Let us set out to find these villains at once and teach them that violence begets violence."
Rekyavik smiles at the little woman, then bumps his sister with his forearm.
"I like this girl. She has fire!"

Beginning the Journey:
The group moves back up into the crags of the mountain range that juts out into the sea. They follow game trails and what paths they can, trying to keep close enough to keep an eye on the bordering marsh land as their guide. Moving through the mountainous region is a bit slow, but at least it is passable. The group travels almost due northward for three days then turns abruptly westward.

During the three days, Renyaveer and Quill are able to collect small game. Each in turn, tries to repair the arrow or javelin used, though Renyaveer loses 3 arrows. The group sees many small birds and common insects, less frequently the remaining webs of orb weavers and varmints.

The second day of travel, the group comes upon what must be a breeding ground for crows. The colony of calling birds makes considerable noise and tries to harangue the group as they are passing through, even after Renyaveer decides to shoot one. Though crow is not good to eat, she feels drawn to keep three of the bird's tail feathers.

After turning westward on the fourth day, the group is set upon by a band of hunting spiders, quite unexpectedly.
OOC: Need reaction rolls.

[sblock=Character Data]Nalvis: full health
Mekric: full health
Abrine: full health
Rekyavik: full health
Renyaveer: full health
flint arrows: 7
bone arrows: 10
Quill: full health
javelins: 6[/sblock]
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Gamer Extraordinaire
Though having never faced a person as a foe, Nalvis, Mekric, and Arbrine have defended themselves against hostile animals and so they use the same tactics as they have before. Nalvis stands in front, using his axe to attack any creature that comes near. Mekric protects his back and flank with her longer staff, and Arbrine uses her sling to throw rocks at the creatures, moving as she needs to. If any spider gets close enough for Arbrine to touch it, she will manipulate Way to Heat it.
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Creator of The Untamed Wilds
First Encounter: Hunting Spiders

Though having never faced a person as a foe, Nalvis, Mekric, and Arbrine have defended themselves against hostile animals and so they use the same tactics as they have before. Nalvis stands in front, using his axe to attack any creature that comes near. Mekric protects his back and flank with her longer staff, and Arbrine uses her sling to throw rocks at the creatures, moving as she needs to. If any spider gets close enough for Arbrine to touch it, she will manipulate Way to Heat it.
OOC: Speed of Attack:
Nalvis: 14(readiness) + 11(impetus) + 12(fury) + 80(d100) = 117
Mekric: 11 + 16 + 11 + 43(d100) = 81
Arbrine: 13 + 13 + 16 + 93(d100) + 51(luck) = 186
Vik: 13 + 14 + 12 + 97(d100) = 136
Veera: 11 + 18 + 11 + 84(d100) = 124
Quill: 13 + 13 + 13 + 71(d100) =110
Spiders: 20(readiness) + 10(impetus) + 88(d100) = 118

In the realm of insects and arachnids, Hunting Spiders are rather intelligent for the such and tend to lie in wait to ambush their would be food, moving almost simultaneously by some unknown trigger. Nalvis and company take the lead during the travels. Vik and company have no qualms about such, especially since Vik and Veera can readily see over the heads of their newly found friends. Quill, for her part bringing up the rear of the party, seems to be in her own little world, though she is not, periodically pulling and sniffing at plants as well as fondling the occasional fascinating rock.

The entire group has already moved into the spiders' ambush site before they all launch themselves from hiding. The spiders measure about half the length of a person's arm from leg to leg and seem entirely unperturbed by the concept of attacking a larger foe. There are 10 spiders in total. Only 1 spider is jumping at Nalvis from his right. Mekric is under attack from 2, one on each side. Arbrine is under attack from 2, one on each side. Only 1 spider is jumping at Vik from his left. Veera is under attack from 2, one on each side. Quill is under attack from 2, one on each side.
[sblock=Character Data]Nalvis: full health
Mekric: full health
Abrine: full health
Rekyavik: full health
Renyaveer: full health
flint arrows: 7
bone arrows: 10
Quill: full health
javelins: 6[/sblock]
OOC: Arbrine reacts first. Let's handle combat one character at a time.
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Gamer Extraordinaire
Caught unawares, Arbrine tucks her sling in her belt, knowing she will not have time to spin it and throw before these eight legged hunters were on her. As the closest spider closes in, she focuses her power as she had done accidently before. Now she does so with purpose. If she is to be of any use to her brothers and their new friends, she is going to have to learn to control this power. She knows what will hurt these creatures and intends to grab the first threatening spider before it can bite her and use Way to Heat it.

OOC: roll: 74
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Creator of The Untamed Wilds
Hunting Spiders: Arbrine

[sblock=Speed of Attack]
Nalvis: 117
Mekric: 81
Arbrine: 26
Vik: 136
Veera: 124
Quill: 110
Spiders: 118
SpidersA: 18
... Arbrine... intends to grab the first threatening spider before it can bite her and manipulate Way to Heat it.
OOC: roll: 74
OOC: Speed of Attack: Reaction Time - Hindrance
Spider: 118 - 100(movement) = 18
Arbrine: 186 - 60(clothing) - 100(way) = 26

GM: Though the spiders were hidden, with a bit of luck on her side, Arbrine was not caught totally unaware. Instantly assessing the uselessness of her sling in the given situation, she begins to manipulate Way even before the spiders can launch themselves in their attack. Focusing on one, Arbrine catches it in mid flight, heating it, and dropping it to focus on the other.

OOC: Heat:
Range: Touch
Hindrance: 100
Damage: 10 * (Effectiveness - Resistance)%

  • Essence + Confluence +
  • Mind + Knowledge + Will +
  • Collegiate + d100
By actively manipulating Way, this causes the intended target to heat unnaturally, thereby causing physical harm (loss of Body). This can also be used to start a fire if applied to naturally flammable substances. If Body is reduced below 1, further damage is deducted from Mind. If Mind is reduced below 1 and the target is a sentient being, further damage is deducted from Essence. If Essence is reduced below 1, the target dies. If the target is not sentient, it dies after Mind is reduced below 1.
Arbrine: 28(heat) + 74(d100) = 102
Spider: 10(conditioning) + 76(d100) = 86
Damage: 102 - 86 = 16% * 10 = 2
Body: 6 - 2 = 4: hurt

GM: Arbrine catches the first spider as she had intended but cannot really defend well against the second, which lands on her back sinking its fangs into the meat about her left shoulder.

OOC: Lethal Assault: Attack + Precision + Fury + d100
SpiderA1: 10 + 10 + 0 + 76 = 96
SpiderA2: 96 + 100(2nd attacker) = 196

Physical Defense: Defend + Preservation + Konokoro + d100
Arbrine: 13 + 13 + 14 + 74 = 114
Arbrine: 114 + 13(kilter) = 127

Damage: (Assault - Defense) * damage = 196 - 127 = 69% * 3 = 2
Body: 10 - 2 = 8: hurt

GM: The second spider sinks its fangs and injects its venom.

OOC: Muddle Venom: (Effectiveness - Resistance) * damage
Spider: (20 + 76(d100)) - (12(conditioning) + 16(fury) + 74(d100)) < 0: resisted

[sblock=NPC Data]SpiderA1: Body: 6 - 2 = 4: hurt
SpiderA2: full health[/sblock]
[sblock=Character Data]Nalvis: full health
Mekric: full health
Abrine: Body: 10 - 2 = 8: hurt
Rekyavik: full health
Renyaveer: full health
flint arrows: 7
bone arrows: 10
Quill: full health
javelins: 6[/sblock]
OOC: Vik and Veera are next, afterwhich will be Nalvis. Post forthcoming
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Creator of The Untamed Wilds
Hunting Spiders: Vik and Veera

[sblock=Sequence of Attack]
Nalvis: 117
Mekric: 81
Arbrine: 26
Vik: 86
Veera: 44
Quill: 110
Spiders: 18
Understanding the uselessness of his long harpoon in close quarters fighting, Vik elects to go empty handed at the spiders, simply discarding the spear and letting it fall, figuring he can smash them with his own two hands.

Veera would like to be able to use her bow and refuses to drop it or the arrow in her other hand. She will punch or kick at the spiders unless she gets the opportunity to draw and fire.
OOC: Speed of Attack: Reaction Time - Hindrance
Vik: 136 - 50(clothing) = 86
Veera: 124 - 80(clothing) = 44

GM: Rekyavik is much faster than his spider and swings his hands together like clapping. Renyaveer is also faster and punches at the oncoming spider with her left. Neither Vik nor Veera is unable to hurt his spider, but each pest is prevented from its initial assault and must repost.

[sblock=NPC Data]SpiderA1: Body: 6 - 2 = 4: hurt
SpiderA2: full health
SpiderVk: full health[/sblock]
[sblock=Character Data]Nalvis: full health
Mekric: full health
Abrine: Body: 10 - 2 = 8: hurt
Rekyavik: full health
Renyaveer: full health
flint arrows: 7
bone arrows: 10
Quill: full health
javelins: 6[/sblock]
OOC: Nalvis is next.
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