The Road to Discovery


Gamer Extraordinaire
Mekric nods and says, "We can sustain ourselves with what we find and we will ask to see what can be traded. Do you have any materials you wish for us to take to one of the villages?"

Nalvis will inquire with the village fighters to see if it would be a good idea to construct a watch tower on the river to give advance warning of any more attacks from Eastaboga.

Arbrine says, "I wish to visit the Orngaddrin again."
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Creator of The Untamed Wilds
OOC: All characters receive 5 developmental points.

Mekric nods and says, "We can sustain ourselves with what we find, and we will ask to see what can be traded. Do you have any materials you wish for us to take to one of the villages?"
Aikiku responds. "Not yet. From our own supply, we make sisal fabric from the smaller reed variety that we collect in the marsh. The best fiber comes from the young and new growth that appears in the early part of the year. It is the latter part of the year when we divide our supply and delivery it to our neighboring villages."

Kwargrow said:
Nalvis will inquire with the village fighters to see if it would be a good idea to construct a watch tower on the river to give advance warning of any more attacks from Eastaboga.
The village men readily agree with the assessment of Nalvis and begin to discuss the necessary materials and the best location. During one of these discussions Mitsune comes into the middle of the group and stands before Nalvis. He looks at him directly with no expression upon his face. He speaks with no emotion in his voice. "This is a good plan. We have never before had a need. We shall call it Nalvis Tower."

Ne nods again, then walk away. The village men stare, agape at his departure. One of the men says, "That is the friendliest thing I have ever heard him say. You have impressed him."

Kwargrow said:
Arbrine says, "I wish to visit the Orngaddrin again."
Vik adds, "That sounds good. As I recall Mekric was having the catapulters devise her a bow weapon for our boat."

Veera joins the dialogue. "We do not have any ore to trade, yet, but they may have some trouble afield with their own mining for which they could use our help."

When it would normally take 8 days to reach the Orngaddrin village, it only takes 4 in the River Crew's new sailing vessel. The villagers express joy at the return and greet the crew warmly. The Catapulters have finished their manufacture of the turret-mounted ballista. It loaded using a detached lever. Mekric readily takes to its function and realizes that it is too heavy to be functional without its mounting pole. Rekyavik looks at the pole and informs Mekric that they can add holding brackets at sever locations on the boat.

The village elders explain their gratitude at the offer of looking after the safety of the mining crews and convey that three crews are currently working and there is the occasional threat from beasts or indigenous peoples. No runner has returned to report an immediate threat. The River Crew is shown the three paths for the normal routes and welcomed to transverse them to speak with the miners, themselves.

[sblock=Spiofthest Village]"With the Spoiofthest Village, we trade raw animal materials and textiles for leather goods."[/sblock]
[sblock=Orngaddrin Village]"With the Orngaddrin Village, we trade textiles for metal goods. The Orngaddrin mine their own ore, of course, but they gladly accept minerals and ores when we are able to acquire any."[/sblock]
[sblock=Marshland Village]"For our own part, we collect cane and reeds from across the river. Occasionally our gatherers encounter hostile animals or people beyond their ability to rectify."[/sblock]
[sblock=Character Data]Nalvis: full health
Boots: 20 - 2 - 2 - 3 = 13
Mekric: full health
harnin arrows: 19
Abrine: full health
Boots: 20 - 4 = 16
Rekyavik: full health
Boots: 20 - 3 = 17
Renyaveer: full health
harnin arrows: 22
Quill: full health
javelins: 4
Boots: 20 - 3 = 17[/sblock]
[sblock=Group Inventory]Animals:
  • Lacquered Beetle Carapaces: 4
  • Slate: 2 pieces: (sound x2)
  • Flint: 1 rock: (heat x2)
  • Heartstone: 2 stones: {+ Confluence}
  • Coal: 1 lump: (Heat x3)
  • Lodestone: 1 stone: (Shock x3)
  • Slickstone: 1 stone: (-Heat x3)
  • Yellow rock (Sulfur): 1 lump: ?
  • bluish rock (Waterstone): 1 stone: ?
  • Zinc: 1 ingot: {+ Health} (+Body x2)
  • Tin: 1 ingot: {+ Persona} (-Mind x2)
  • Lead: 1 ingots: (-Body x2)
  • Iron: 1 ingots: {+ Confluence} (+Body x2)
  • Copper: 1 ingot: {+ Persona} (Shock x2)
  • dark metal (Nickel): 1 ingot: ?
  • heavy metal (Manganese): 1 ingot: ?
  • yellowish metal (Molybdenum): 1 ingot: ?
  • dark metal (Palladium): 1 ingot: ?
  • Muddle Leaves: 4 measures: (-Mind x2)
  • Rend Leaves: 1 measure: (-Body x2)
  • Muddle Flowers: 1 measure: (-Mind x3)
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Gamer Extraordinaire
The River crew discuss a plan and decide to follow the mining routes and speak with the Orngaddrin miners. Perhaps they can find some ore along the way.
Mineralogy: Nalvis: 92, 33; Mekric: 22; Arbrine: 16


Creator of The Untamed Wilds
Mining Interference

OOC: All characters receive 5 developmental points.

[sblock=Spiofthest Village]"With the Spoiofthest Village, we trade raw animal materials and textiles for leather goods."[/sblock]
[sblock=Orngaddrin Village]"With the Orngaddrin Village, we trade textiles for metal goods. The Orngaddrin mine their own ore, of course, but they gladly accept minerals and ores when we are able to acquire any."[/sblock]
[sblock=Marshland Village]"For our own part, we collect cane and reeds from across the river. Occasionally our gatherers encounter hostile animals or people beyond their ability to rectify."[/sblock]
The River crew discuss a plan and decide to follow the mining routes and speak with the Orngaddrin miners. Perhaps they can find some ore along the way.
OOC: Mineralogy: Nalvis: 92, 33; Mekric: 22; Arbrine: 16
The Orngaddrin elders discuss that the high mine crew has mentioned the feeling of being watched. Nothing has occurred, yet, but the miners cannot shake the feeling. "It is likely Deviard, hoping to poach the yield. They are a dangerous nuisance, but rarely encountered directly. The other possibility would be a Yeti. I sincerely hope that is not the case."

Vik scratches his head and asks, "What is a Yeti?"

The elder's eyes widen. "It is probably a good thing that you do not know. Yeti live high in the mountains, normally above the snow line. They are like the ice bears that roam the northern tundra, but they can stand and walk almost like a person, though they tend to lope sideways. They have whitish gray fur which makes them hard to see. When they decide to adopt an area they viciously kill anything they deem to be competition for game."

Veera thanks the man for his information and the catapulters for the ballista. She looks over the weapon with Mekric, admiring its function.

The path to the high mine departs from the northwest corner of the village and climbs continually upward. The walk is only a few hours and provides several spectacular views of the lower valleys. The mine itself is above the tree line.

[sblock=Prospecting]Mercantile + Analysis + d100
Nalvis: 16 + 13 + 92 + 33 = 154
Mekric: 22 + 18 + 22 = 62
Arbrine: 15 + 20 + 16 = 51
Rekyavik: 14 + 16 + 48 = 78
Renyaveer: 24 + 15 + 25 = 64
Quill: 16 + 22 + 80 = 118[/sblock]
During the climb, a bit of luck leads Nalvis to locate a rock of zinc, that yields 8 ingots. Mekric and Renyaveer each find a single ingot of zinc. Rekyavik finds a single ingot of tin. Quill, also, locates a rock of zinc, but hers only yields 6 ingots. Nothing mineable is located.

The miners greet the River Crew in a friendly manner. The foreman says that some tools have gone missing from the night before. He laughs at the elder's fear of a Yeti, explaining that with the missing tools, the culprits are definitely people. He shows the crew where he thinks they have been approaching and evidence of tracks are soon discovered. It appears that the thieves approached from a lower elevation around the bend from the mine.

[sblock=Character Data]Nalvis: full health
Boots: 20 - 2 - 2 - 3 = 13
Mekric: full health
harnin arrows: 19
Abrine: full health
Boots: 20 - 4 = 16
Rekyavik: full health
Boots: 20 - 3 = 17
Renyaveer: full health
harnin arrows: 22
Quill: full health
javelins: 4
Boots: 20 - 3 = 17[/sblock]
[sblock=Group Inventory]Animals:
  • Lacquered Beetle Carapaces: 4
  • Slate: 2 pieces: (sound x2)
  • Flint: 1 rock: (heat x2)
  • Heartstone: 2 stones: {+ Confluence}
  • Coal: 1 lump: (Heat x3)
  • Lodestone: 1 stone: (Shock x3)
  • Slickstone: 1 stone: (-Heat x3)
  • Yellow rock (Sulfur): 1 lump: ?
  • bluish rock (Waterstone): 1 stone: ?
  • Zinc: 1 ingot: {+ Health} (+Body x2)
  • Tin: 1 ingot: {+ Persona} (-Mind x2)
  • Lead: 1 ingots: (-Body x2)
  • Iron: 1 ingots: {+ Confluence} (+Body x2)
  • Copper: 1 ingot: {+ Persona} (Shock x2)
  • dark metal (Nickel): 1 ingot: ?
  • heavy metal (Manganese): 1 ingot: ?
  • yellowish metal (Molybdenum): 1 ingot: ?
  • dark metal (Palladium): 1 ingot: ?
  • Muddle Leaves: 4 measures: (-Mind x2)
  • Rend Leaves: 1 measure: (-Body x2)
  • Muddle Flowers: 1 measure: (-Mind x3)


Gamer Extraordinaire
Mekric brushes her hair out of her eyes and says, "If someone is taking tools then they must have some use for them. Perhaps we can convince them to trade something for the tools instead of stealing."

Nalvis casually rests his hand on his axe and adds, "We can try to convince them, but this time I'm staying by your side."

Arbrine laughs and says, "They'll probably fight anyway, but i like your stubborn style, Mek."

The River crew will follow the trail to see what they find.


Creator of The Untamed Wilds
Down in the Aspen Valley

OOC: All characters receive 5 developmental points.

[sblock=Spiofthest Village]"With the Spoiofthest Village, we trade raw animal materials and textiles for leather goods."[/sblock]
[sblock=Orngaddrin Village]"With the Orngaddrin Village, we trade textiles for metal goods. The Orngaddrin mine their own ore, of course, but they gladly accept minerals and ores when we are able to acquire any."[/sblock]
[sblock=Marshland Village]"For our own part, we collect cane and reeds from across the river. Occasionally our gatherers encounter hostile animals or people beyond their ability to rectify."[/sblock]
Mekric brushes her hair out of her eyes and says, "If someone is taking tools then they must have some use for them. Perhaps we can convince them to trade something for the tools instead of stealing."

Nalvis casually rests his hand on his axe and adds, "We can try to convince them, but this time I'm staying by your side."

Arbrine laughs and says, "They'll probably fight anyway, but i like your stubborn style, Mek."

The River crew will follow the trail to see what they find.
Veera thumbs the ends of her bow, absentmindedly checking the string. "Since the culprits are skulking, unseen, to take tool while avoiding contact with the Orngaddrin, I cannot see them as being interested in fair trade, but I will back your play should the option present itself."

Vik cracks his knuckles. "I hate thievery. I am with Arbrine. I hope they fight."

Quill swishes her mouth from side to side and moves to stand near Arbrine. She shrugs her shoulders but says nothing.

Though the path has been used by people, it is little more than a regular game trail, for prints of sheep or goats are as frequently seen as those of people. The River Crew descends into the valley and soon the peak is obscured from view by the growth of trees. The path becomes even more evident to follow in the slightly softer soil. More paths of game animals cross the one being currently followed.

Late into the afternoon, voices are heard from further ahead. Moving off the definitive trail and easing through the trees, the crew sees a small camp. There is some game roasting over the coals of a tended campfire. Men and women mill about the camp doing much of nothing. The people are of a short to an average height and stocky builds, defining them as Mhytres. They have charcoal gray skin and pitch black hair. The men are heavily bearded. The are all clothed in rudimentary hide tunics. They speak a definitive language rather than simply make guttural noises, but it is an unknown tongue.

[sblock=Character Data]Nalvis: full health
Boots: 20 - 2 - 2 - 3 = 13
Mekric: full health
harnin arrows: 19
Abrine: full health
Boots: 20 - 4 = 16
Rekyavik: full health
Boots: 20 - 3 = 17
Renyaveer: full health
harnin arrows: 22
Quill: full health
javelins: 4
Boots: 20 - 3 = 17[/sblock]
[sblock=Group Inventory]Animals:
  • Lacquered Beetle Carapaces: 4
  • Slate: 2 pieces: (sound x2)
  • Flint: 1 rock: (heat x2)
  • Heartstone: 2 stones: {+ Confluence}
  • Coal: 1 lump: (Heat x3)
  • Lodestone: 1 stone: (Shock x3)
  • Slickstone: 1 stone: (-Heat x3)
  • Yellow rock (Sulfur): 1 lump: ?
  • bluish rock (Waterstone): 1 stone: ?
  • Zinc: 1 ingot: {+ Health} (+Body x2)
  • Tin: 1 ingot: {+ Persona} (-Mind x2)
  • Lead: 1 ingots: (-Body x2)
  • Iron: 1 ingots: {+ Confluence} (+Body x2)
  • Copper: 1 ingot: {+ Persona} (Shock x2)
  • dark metal (Nickel): 1 ingot: ?
  • heavy metal (Manganese): 1 ingot: ?
  • yellowish metal (Molybdenum): 1 ingot: ?
  • dark metal (Palladium): 1 ingot: ?
  • Muddle Leaves: 4 measures: (-Mind x2)
  • Rend Leaves: 1 measure: (-Body x2)
  • Muddle Flowers: 1 measure: (-Mind x3)
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Gamer Extraordinaire
Mekric steps into view of the Mhytres and throws a hammer at the ground near the people. She demands in a loud voice, "Now give me something for it!" She attempts to Negotiate and will use Way to project her voice. [ Roll: 11]

Nalvis stays close to Mekric, hands on his axe.

Arbrine will take a flank position and attempt to hide and will use Way to alter the shadows to help her hide. [ Roll: 72]


Creator of The Untamed Wilds
Useless Parlay

OOC: All characters receive 5 developmental points.

[sblock=Spiofthest Village]"With the Spoiofthest Village, we trade raw animal materials and textiles for leather goods."[/sblock]
[sblock=Orngaddrin Village]"With the Orngaddrin Village, we trade textiles for metal goods. The Orngaddrin mine their own ore, of course, but they gladly accept minerals and ores when we are able to acquire any."[/sblock]
[sblock=Marshland Village]"For our own part, we collect cane and reeds from across the river. Occasionally our gatherers encounter hostile animals or people beyond their ability to rectify."[/sblock]
Mekric steps into view of the Mhytres and throws a hammer at the ground near the people. She demands in a loud voice, "Now give me something for it!" She attempts to Negotiate and will use Way to project her voice. [Roll: 11]
GM: Mekric finds that by slight manipulation of mechanical Way, she could amplify her voice to the point of being painful; but instead, she simply makes it loud. The other members of the River Crew are thankful to be behind her and not in front. Her attempt at negotiation fails to have any desired effect. Not only do the unfamiliar Mhytres not respond to the words, they seem amused at the projected volume.

Arbrine will take a flank position and attempt to hide and will use Way to alter the shadows to help her hide. [ Roll: 72]
[sblock=Obscure]Obscurative (15) + Bend Light (37) + d100 (72) = 124[/sblock]
Vik decides to move with Arbrine using his size and obviousness to distract from her concealment. He holds his harpoon at ready but not in an attack position. Veera stay where she is with an arrow knocked to her bow. She says nothing but eyes any movement of the others. Quill takes no action at this time.

All the Mhytres stand and face the River Crew. The man in the center smiles in a vulpine manner. "sze'p truukk kibi'r la'ny." He laughs at the hammer and pokes it with a toe. He draws a miner's pick into his right hand and makes his hand holding it glow with an eerie light. "most meg fogunk olni."

GM: There are 4 men and 4 women. All arm themselves with similar weapons and prepare to attack.

OOC: Make reaction rolls and state initial action.

[sblock=Character Data]Nalvis: full health
Boots: 20 - 2 - 2 - 3 = 13
Mekric: full health
harnin arrows: 19
Abrine: full health
Boots: 20 - 4 = 16
Rekyavik: full health
Boots: 20 - 3 = 17
Renyaveer: full health
harnin arrows: 22
Quill: full health
javelins: 4
Boots: 20 - 3 = 17[/sblock]
[sblock=Group Inventory]Animals:
  • Lacquered Beetle Carapaces: 4
  • Slate: 2 pieces: (sound x2)
  • Flint: 1 rock: (heat x2)
  • Heartstone: 2 stones: {+ Confluence}
  • Coal: 1 lump: (Heat x3)
  • Lodestone: 1 stone: (Shock x3)
  • Slickstone: 1 stone: (-Heat x3)
  • Yellow rock (Sulfur): 1 lump: ?
  • bluish rock (Waterstone): 1 stone: ?
  • Zinc: 1 ingot: {+ Health} (+Body x2)
  • Tin: 1 ingot: {+ Persona} (-Mind x2)
  • Lead: 1 ingots: (-Body x2)
  • Iron: 1 ingots: {+ Confluence} (+Body x2)
  • Copper: 1 ingot: {+ Persona} (Shock x2)
  • dark metal (Nickel): 1 ingot: ?
  • heavy metal (Manganese): 1 ingot: ?
  • yellowish metal (Molybdenum): 1 ingot: ?
  • dark metal (Palladium): 1 ingot: ?
  • Muddle Leaves: 4 measures: (-Mind x2)
  • Rend Leaves: 1 measure: (-Body x2)
  • Muddle Flowers: 1 measure: (-Mind x3)
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Gamer Extraordinaire
Nalvis Reaction: 61, Nalvis intends to stand between the Mhytres and Mekric. As soon as an enemy is in melee range he will strike with his axe: Attack Roll: 100, 91

Mekric: 04, Mekric intends to shoot at the tribals with her bow. Roll: 77

Arbrine: 72, From her hidden position Arbrine will charge in, attacking the first hostile she comes to and if she connects she will Heat her opponent. Roll: 26
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Creator of The Untamed Wilds
Fighting Deviards

OOC: All characters receive 5 developmental points.

[sblock=Spiofthest Village]"With the Spoiofthest Village, we trade raw animal materials and textiles for leather goods."[/sblock]
[sblock=Orngaddrin Village]"With the Orngaddrin Village, we trade textiles for metal goods. The Orngaddrin mine their own ore, of course, but they gladly accept minerals and ores when we are able to acquire any."[/sblock]
[sblock=Marshland Village]"For our own part, we collect cane and reeds from across the river. Occasionally our gatherers encounter hostile animals or people beyond their ability to rectify."[/sblock]
[sblock=Current Encounter]There are 4 men and 4 women. All arm themselves with similar weapons and prepare to attack.[/sblock]
Nalvis Reaction: 61, Attack Roll: 100, 91

Mekric: 04, Roll: 77

Arbrine: 72, Attack Roll: 26
[sblock=Reaction Time]Readiness + Athletic + Clarity + d100
Nalvis: 24 + 16 + 16 + 61 = 117
Mekric: 16 + 22 + 21 + 7 = 66
Arbrine: 22 + 15 + 23 + 72 = 132
Rekyavik: 24 + 14 + 19 + 59 = 116
Renyaveer: 18 + 25 + 16 + 76 = 135
Quill: 17 + 17 + 24 + 81 = 139
Deviards: 30 + 20 + 40 + 24 = 114[/sblock]
Vik charges forward intending to bring his harpoon to bear. Veera stands her ground, drawing an arrow to release it. Quill lifts a reed javelin to launch it. Despite arming themselves, none of the Deviards move to engage. They mumble and begin to curl their left arms and rolling them out, pointing their fingers at different members of the River Crew.

[sblock=Speed of Action]Nalvis: 130(armor) - 18(strength) + 100(axe) - 117 = 95
Mekric: 70(armor) - 12(strength) + 200(bow) - 66 = 192
Arbrine: 70(armor) - 14(strength) + 100(way) - 132 = 24
Rekyavik: 50(armor) - 16(strength) + 200(spear) - 116 = 118
Renyaveer: 80(armor) - 14(strength) + 200(bow) - 135 = 131
Quill: 70(armor) - 14(strength) + 100(javelin) - 139 = 17
Deviards: 27(armor) - 15(strength) + 100(way) - 114 = -2[/sblock]
GM: Before any of the River Crew can complete an action, each of the Deviards completes his odd gesture. As they do, everyone except Arbrine feel a surge of electric shock

[sblock=Paranormal Assault]Deviards: 25(Bending) + 40(Shock) + 49(d100) = 114
Nalvis: 25(Conditioning) + 17(Fury) + 100(d100) + 91(luck) > 114
Mekric: 19 + 21 + 77 > 114
Rekyavik: 25 + 19 + 30 = 74
Damage: 114 - 74 = 40% * 10 = 4 x 2 = 8
Body: 10 - 8 = 2, injured
Renyaveer: 19 + 15 + 49 = 83
Damage: 114 - 83 = 31% * 10 = 3
Body: 10 - 3 = 7, hurt
Quill: 17 + 24 + 91 + 63 > 114[/sblock]
GM: Though all can feel the jolt, only Norikadians seem to be affected, Rekyavik seems to have been jolted twice.

[sblock=Projectile Assault]17(readiness) + 17(athletic) + 24(clarity) + 91(d100) + 63(luck) + 50(range) = 262
Deviard1: 20(obscure) + 30(analysis) + 49(d100) = 99
Damage: 262 - 99 = 163% * 10 = 16 - 6 = 10
Body: 10 - 10 = 0, incapacitated[/sblock]
GM: Ignoring the tingling sensation, Quill launches her javelin at her nearest enemy. The thin blade on the end of the reed stabs through the sheephide tunic and bores significantly into the body cavity, rendering the foe incapacitated.

Kwargrow said:
From her hidden position Arbrine will charge in, attacking the first hostile she comes to and if she connects she will Heat her opponent.
[sblock=Physical Assault]20(aggression) + 15(athletic) + 24(fury) + 26(d100) + 127(stealth) = 212
Deviard2: 30(readiness) + 20(obscure) + 30(analysis) + 49(d100) + 20(perceive) = 149
Damage: 212 - 149 = 63% * 5 = 3 - 3(soak) = 0[/sblock]
[sblock=Paranormal Assault]17(bending) + 24(heat) + 50(d100) = 91
Deviard2: 30(conditioning) + 40(fury) + 49(d100) > 91[/sblock]
GM: The Deviard is caught completely unaware when Arbrine emerges and punches him, but her blow is soaked by the sheephide tunic and he resists the paranormal attempt to heat him.

Kwargrow said:
Nalvis intends to stand between the Mhytres and Mekric. As soon as an enemy is in melee range he will strike with his axe.
[sblock=Physical Assault]26(aggression) + 16(athletic) + 17(fury) + 100(d100) + 91(luck) = 250
Deviard3: 30(readiness) + 20(obscure) + 30(analysis) + 49(d100) = 129
Damage: 250 - 129 = 121% * 20 = 24 - 6(deflect) = 18
Body: 10 - 18 = -8, incapacitated[/sblock]
GM: Seeing that the Deviard do not need to close to melee to attack, Nalvis closes the distance, himself, swinging a mighty blow with his axe that cleaves heavily into his foe, causing him to fall to the ground incapacitated.

Before the remaining members can act, the Deviards attack a second time. One physically assaults Nalvis and the one Arbrine attacked physically assaults her. The others, again, manipulate the Way Lines to cause electric shock.

[sblock=Physical Assault]30(aggression) + 20(athletic) + 40(fury) + 54(d100) = 144
Nalvis: 24(readiness) + 16(obscure) + 17(analysis) + 50(d100) = 107
Damage: 144 - 107 = 37% * 8 = 3
Mind: 10 - 3 = 7, dazed
Arbrine: 22 + 15 + 22 + 50 = 109
Damage: 144 - 109 = 35% * 8 = 3
Mind: 10 - 3 = 7, dazed[/sblock]
GM: Nalvis, whose attacker avoids his shield, and Arbrine, who is no longer hidden, are both dazed by a blow from an ocrin pick.

[sblock=Paranormal Assault]25(bending) + 40(shock) + 54(d100) = 119
Mekric: 19(conditioning) + 21(fury) + 50(d100) = 90
Damage: 119 - 90 = 29% * 10 = 3
Body: 10 - 3 = 7, hurt
Rekyavik: 25 + 19 + 98 + 59 > 119
Renyaveer: 19 + 15 + 55 = 89
Damage: 119 - 89 = 30% * 10 = 3
Body: 10 - 3 = 7 - 3 = 4, hurt
Quill: 17 + 24 + 63 = 114
Damage: 119 - 114 = 05% * 10 = 1
Body: 10 - 1 = 9, hurt[/sblock]
GM: Rekyavik is able to resist the second shock, but the others are mildly hurt.

[sblock=Physical Assault]24(aggression) + 14(athletic) + 19(fury) + 50(d100) = 107
Deviard4: 30(defend) + 20(obscure) + 30(analysis) + 50(d100) > 107[/sblock]
GM: Perhaps due to his accruing injuries, perhaps bad luck, but Rehyavik is unable to connect with his harpoon.

[sblock=Projectile Assault]18(readiness) + 25(athletic) + 16(clarity) + 50(d100) + 50(range) = 159
Deviard5: 20(obscure) + 30(analysis) + 50(d100) = 100
Damage: 159 - 100 = 59% * 10 = 6 - 6, ineffective[/sblock]
GM: The aim of Renyaveer is not quite true enough. Her arrow hangs in the sheephide tunic of her target, causing no harm.

Kwargrow said:
Mekric intends to shoot at the tribals with her bow.
[sblock=Projectile Assault]
18(readiness) + 25(athletic) + 16(clarity) + 77(d100) + 50(range) = 186
Deviard6: 20 + 30 + 50 = 100
Damage: 186 - 100 = 86% * 10 = 9 - 6(deflect) = 3[/sblock]
GM: Mekric fares better. She plant an arrow in her opponent, albeit only causes some hurt.

[sblock=Character Data]Nalvis: full health
Boots: 20 - 2 - 2 - 3 = 13
Mekric: full health
harnin arrows: 19
Abrine: full health
Boots: 20 - 4 = 16
Rekyavik: full health
Boots: 20 - 3 = 17
Renyaveer: full health
harnin arrows: 22
Quill: full health
javelins: 4
Boots: 20 - 3 = 17[/sblock]
[sblock=Group Inventory]Animals:
  • Lacquered Beetle Carapaces: 4
  • Slate: 2 pieces: (sound x2)
  • Flint: 1 rock: (heat x2)
  • Heartstone: 2 stones: {+ Confluence}
  • Coal: 1 lump: (Heat x3)
  • Lodestone: 1 stone: (Shock x3)
  • Slickstone: 1 stone: (-Heat x3)
  • Yellow rock (Sulfur): 1 lump: ?
  • bluish rock (Waterstone): 1 stone: ?
  • Zinc: 1 ingot: {+ Health} (+Body x2)
  • Tin: 1 ingot: {+ Persona} (-Mind x2)
  • Lead: 1 ingots: (-Body x2)
  • Iron: 1 ingots: {+ Confluence} (+Body x2)
  • Copper: 1 ingot: {+ Persona} (Shock x2)
  • dark metal (Nickel): 1 ingot: ?
  • heavy metal (Manganese): 1 ingot: ?
  • yellowish metal (Molybdenum): 1 ingot: ?
  • dark metal (Palladium): 1 ingot: ?
  • Muddle Leaves: 4 measures: (-Mind x2)
  • Rend Leaves: 1 measure: (-Body x2)
  • Muddle Flowers: 1 measure: (-Mind x3)
OOC: The Deviards appear content to continue combat.
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Voidrunner's Codex

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