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D&D 5E The Secret Under the Stairs [OOC]


First Post
Another awesome idea for mixing the real world and the D&D rules, Kiraya! I'll be lurking and reading this one I'm sure, but I better limit myself to that. Sounds like a neat family so far though!

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Strahd, welcome aboard! :D Your concept sounds perfect.

Phoenix, let me know if you change your mind.

Everyone try to get some stats put together soon.


Uncle Mark has always been a little... Off. Furtively checking over his shoulder, saying he thought he saw something or heard something. He's also the last person you want to deal with your new electronic gadget. For a while now, the family has been discussing having him 'looked at' but no one seems to have the time and he's not hurting anyone so the family just let him be.

Mark Jurgensen
Human Male age 45 NG 0xp
Unable to hold a steady job for many years due to odd occurences, Mark currently works as a Night security guard at a local warehouse.


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Groovy! Welcome aboard!

I think we'll go ahead and tentatively close recruiting now. If someone doesn't get a character sheet in by the 20th, we'll let someone else sneak in to their spot.


Miriam Carroll - Mundane

Here is the mundane version of Miriam. I'll get her Woodelf version ready tonight.


  • Miriam Carroll - Mundane.pdf
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Groovy. I'd like to ask that the Rogues Gallery version of the character be in a forum post - just easier for me to look at and reference. Thanks. :)


Name: Miriam Carroll
NG Wood Elf Monk 1
Background: Modern Mundane
Hit Points: 9 (1d8 HD)
AC: 16 (Unarmoured Defence)
Experience: 0

STR 9 (-1) [1 point buy]
DEX 16 (+3) [7 point buy, + 2 racial]
CON 12 (+1) [4 point buy]
INT 10 (+0) [2 point buy]
WIS 16 (+3) [9 point buy, +1 racial]
CHA 12 (+1) [4 point buy]

Proficiency Bonus: +2
Weapons: All simple, Short sword/bow, Long sword/bow
Tools: Thieves Tools, Dice
Languages: Common, Goblin
Saving Throws: Strength & Dexterity

Str = 1
Dex = 5
Con = 1
Int = 0
Wis = 3
Cha = 1

Skills: Persuasion (+3), Stealth (+5), Acrobatics (+5), Insight (+5), Perception (+5)
Passive Perception = 15

Initiative: +3
Melee attack: +5 (finesse)
Melee damage: 1d4 +3
Ranged attack: +5
Ranged damage: +3

Size: Medium
Speed: 35 feet
Darkvision 60ft
Mask of the Wild
Advantage vs Charm effects
Unaffected by magical sleep

Unarmoured Defence
Martial Arts: unarmed strike does 1d4 damage, may make extra attack using bonus action

Will depend on time of entry to fantasy realm.

Miriam married her High School sweetheart in her late teens and assisted him in his practice. In addition to this she works as a palates instructor at the local gym. She is a fit, trim woman with a calm, no nonsense attitude only mothers seem to be able to cultivate. Devoted to her family. As a human she is blonde with blue eyes and fair skin. She like to dress simply but in clothes that accentuate her slim physique.



Lightfoot Halfling; male.
Warlock 1
“Modern Mundane”
Alignment: Neutral (with Chaotic Good tendencies)
Languages: Common, Halfling

Ability Scores:
STR 14/DEX 15/CON 12/INT 8/WIS 10/CHA 16
STR +2/DEX +2/CON +1/INT -1/WIS +2/CHA +5

AC 13 (11 Leather +2 DEX)
HP 9 (8+1)
Proficiency Bonus: +2

Spell Attack Bonus: +5
Melee Attack Bonus: +4
Finesse/ranged Attack Bonus: +4

>Proficient SKILLS:
Athletics +4; History +1; intimidation +5; Insight +2

>Non-proficient SKILLS:
Acrobatics +2; Animal handling +0; Arcana -1; Deception +3; Investigation -1; Medicine +0; Nature -1; Perception +0; Performance +3; Persuasion +3; Religion -1; Sleight of hand +2; Stealth +2; Survival +0

RACIAL ABILITIES (Lightfoot Halfling):
>Small size, Speed 25 Feet
>Brave: Terry has Advantage on saves against being frightened
>Halfling Nimbleness: Terry can move through squares of any creature that is of a size larger than his
>Lucky: When Terry rolls a 1 on an attack roll, ability check or saving throw, he can reroll the die and must use the new roll
>Naturally Stealthy: Terry can attempt to hide even when he is obscured only by a creature that is at least one size larger than him

[sblock]>Saving Throw Proficiencies: WIS, CHA
>Armor/Weapon Proficiencies: Light armor, simple weapons.
>Otherworldly Patron: the Archfey
>Fey Presence

>Spell Save DC:13
>Cantrips Known: Blade Ward, Eldritch Blast
>Spells Known: Hellish Rebuke, Sleep
>Spell Slots/Slot Level: 1/1st [/sblock]

[sblock= Background: "Modern Mundane"]
Background proficiencies: Athletics; Insight; 1 tool (tailor's/weaver's tools), other real world, everyday devices

Background feature: Beyond the Closet Door (College football player)

>Trait: I like to push around those who are weaker than me. There's just something fulfilling about it!
>Trait: I would rather bottle up my struggles than have my family worry about me.

>Ideal: Independence: I'm not a kid anymore; I have to prove I can solve my own problems without having mom or dad fix them for me. [Chaotic]

>Bond: I made a lot of wrong choices in my old life; I have to succeed in this new world – 'cause there's no such thing as third chances.
>Bond: I'm too small in this crazy magic world! I have to find a way to get big again.

>Flaw: I tend to make decisions without thinking things through.[/sblock]

[sblock= Equipment]
>Baseball bat (becomes quarterstaff)
Football gear (becomes Leather Armor)
> cheap dumb-phone
>(gonna need an arcane focus somehow, I think a crystal would be cool)
>Swiss Army Knife, standard
>Pocket sewing kit, common
>packet of junk food
>wallet/spare change (American currency; +1 Canadian dollar of coin flipping)
>Hair Gel

>To buy in the future: magical world equipment, once I know what I have...

[sblock= Description] Terry is tall, and has a muscular build, which was necessary for tackling into whatever offense team he needed to face. He has blue eyes and short-yet-needs-a-trim dark hair, which he usually gels up before going anywhere. He doesn't wear his college football jersey anymore, it triggers bad memories. Oddly enough he has no such qualms playing football with some friends on weekends, not since he sanded off the team logo off his gear. When working in fast food, he wears a bold red/orange uniform and a matching cap, but prefers jeans. He also has a little gold chain on his neck with a tiny violet carved on it - a gift from one of his ex-girlfriends.

On the other side he becomes a halfling, slightly cuter-looking miniature version of himself, (Wow those are a lot of adjectives!) Though his outfits may change.

[sblock= History] In the mundane world, Terry was a Linebacker for his college football team, a bit of a bully, too, just like his friends back at his old hometown. He had few other interests but he does like various fields of history, and to sew with needle-and-thread when alone in his room - a hobby he kept secret from everyone until recently. Terry was recently expelled from college on account of vandalism on campus grounds, because all of his "friends" quickly pinned the blame on him. He doesn't like to talk about it much. Though Terry regrets the whole ordeal greatly,(that's for certain,) his silence on the matter might not help his parents and teachers understand why he did it. He got a job at a small street food chain not far from his home, and he tries to make a little extra cash in his spare time, by selling what he can sew and knit, or potentially gambling late at night, if he could find a group in his new neighborhood.

What he'll find out when he crosses to the other side, is that his new home also offers a new life, new friends, new opportunities and new problems, all of which are absolutely not in the traditional sense!
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Voidrunner's Codex

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