D&D 5E The Shaman Class is NOW available at the DM's Guild!


DM's Guild Author

UPDATE: The Shaman is now available at the DM's Guild at only $4.99!

The Shaman is a 32-page Player's Handbook supplement that introduces the Shaman, an exciting new primal class tailored to infuse your campaign with fresh content, this supplement also unveils innovative mechanics to enhance your gameplay experience!​

Also featured in this supplement are 13 Subclasses, each presented by hand-drawn artwork!​

The Shaman is a primal magic spellcaster who occupies a revered and multifaceted role within its communities, acting as spiritual leader, healer, and protector, all while serving as the vital bridge between the Material world and the spirit realms.​

Shaman Cover.png

It's been 3 long years since I released a non-Monster Manual Expanded project on DM's Guild. Here's my take on the Shaman, a primal mage class I've been using in my campaign. It arrives this March in the DM's Guild! It will have around 30 pages and will only be $4.99!

Shamans are primal magic spellcasters who occupy a revered and multifaceted role within their communities, acting as spiritual leaders, healers, and protectors, all while serving as the vital bridge between the Material world and the spirit realms.

How do Shamans differ from Druids?
Druids derive their magical abilities from the raw forces of nature or a deity embodying nature, and revering nature above all. In contrast, shamans dedicate themselves to a spiritual cause and draw their magic from ancestral spirits and other mystical entities from the spirit realm they align with. The spells from a shaman's spell list are similar to a druid's but are far fewer. This constrains the shaman's flexibility (much like a sorcerer to a wizard), but depending on the spirit realm they venerate, they can tap into arcane and divine magic that is beyond the reach of most druid archetypes. Shamans also only have 1d6 Hit Dice. Shamans may sound weaker and more limited compared to druids, but the former have key features to offset these.

What are the Key Class Features of Shamans?
Shamans have three key features: Spirit Guide, Totemic Spirit, and Ancestral Awakening. These three features improve and gain additional abilities as they advance in their subclass.

I'll share a few more previews in the coming days before release!
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Dragon Lover
As I stated over on Patreon, I’ve been looking for a suitable Shaman Class for my campaigns so I’m excited to look through this when it’s out.


Nice. Unfortunately, our group relies on dndbeyond (and have lots of money invested in it), and as far as I can tell, classes aren’t something that can be added as custom content. I may still buy this to support your work, but I wish it was possible with dndbeyond.


I'm interested for sure. Especially since, at the moment, my only two options for a 5E Shaman have been the Cleric(with refluffing) and the Iron Kingdoms Requiem 5E Shaman.


"Diegetics", by L. Ron Gygax
Nice. Unfortunately, our group relies on dndbeyond (and have lots of money invested in it), and as far as I can tell, classes aren’t something that can be added as custom content. I may still buy this to support your work, but I wish it was possible with dndbeyond.
I think we all wish that DnDBeyond was much more amenable to 3pp.

But this shaman looks very nice, I'll be picking this up.


DM's Guild Author
Nice. Unfortunately, our group relies on dndbeyond (and have lots of money invested in it), and as far as I can tell, classes aren’t something that can be added as custom content. I may still buy this to support your work, but I wish it was possible with dndbeyond.

I really wish that as well, especially for the Monster Manual Expanded series. DDB has been my default database for the longest time. Maybe someday.


I really wish that as well, especially for the Monster Manual Expanded series. DDB has been my default database for the longest time. Maybe someday.

Man, I would LOVE dndbeyond support for your monster books!! I mean, they're approaching companies with Campaign Settings... maybe they'll shoot an email to a wildly successful monster book author...


DM's Guild Author
Here's the second preview of my upcoming Shaman PDF coming out on DMs Guild this March 11! This time around, I'll share the three primary class features of the Shaman: Spirit Guide, Totemic Spirit, and Ancestral Awakening! I'm sure that last feature will cause a stir. ;)

Preview Shaman V1.00.png

Voidrunner's Codex

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