D&D General Theros Reforged


Been rereading Theros again and an opportunity for a Greek themed campaign has come up.

Anyway it's a bit bare boned for what i think of as a Greek themed game. You have not Athens not Sparta and that's about it.

I'm thinking of using perhaps real map of Greece bit not setting it on Earth or perhaps a demiplabe. R16 type game if it happens in a history book it may be present here.

Basic idea I have do far us a fate of Atlantis campaign drawing heavily on the Assassins Creed Odyssey game.

Big bads are Titanspawn (Giants) and Titans The Atlanteans are the precursors while a lot of ruins will be Not Mycenean (Milenians?).

Other human cultures will exist eg Not Egypt (Nithia?), Not Carthage and not Persia.

More human centric traditional demi near humans are fine monster type races not so much.

Twist the gods may be a lie/ascended Atlanteans and the primordial Titans want to escape and they're pissed. Throw an asteroid at the planet type pissed.
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I don't know if it will help you or not, but there is a decent 3rd party adventure called Odyssey of the Dragonlords. It is Game of Thrones meets Clash of the Titans. The design echoes some of your thoughts. I'm not a fan of adventure paths as I find they're too constraining, but I think the setting and elements of this path are interesting and could be mined to create a great sandbox setting - and it was one of the least constrained adventure paths I've played.


I don't know if it will help you or not, but there is a decent 3rd party adventure called Odyssey of the Dragonlords. It is Game of Thrones meets Clash of the Titans. The design echoes some of your thoughts. I'm not a fan of adventure paths as I find they're too constraining, but I think the setting and elements of this path are interesting and could be mined to create a great sandbox setting - and it was one of the least constrained adventure paths I've played.

I've heard mixed things about that one and my budget is around $0.

Basically I have to use what I've got or can write. Theros, 2E Age of Heroes book, many many adventures etc.

I don't think the Theros book really has enough to run any sort of campaign!

And Dragonlords is very much it's own thing.

Sorry, not very helpful. I think I would be inclined to start from scratch, using real world maps and the actual Greek myths as source material.
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Been rereading Theros again and an opportunity for a Greek themed campaign has come up.

Anyway it's a bit bare boned for what i think of as a Greek themed game. You have not Athens not Sparta and that's about it.

I'm thinking of using perhaps real map of Greece bit not setting it on Earth or perhaps a demiplabe. R16 type game if it happens in a history book it may be present here.

Basic idea I have do far us a fate of Atlantis campaign drawing heavily on the Assassins Creed Odyssey game.

Big bads are Titanspawn (Giants) and Titans The Atlanteans are the precursors while a lot of ruins will be Not Mycenean (Milenians?).

Other human cultures will exist eg Not Egypt (Nithia?), Not Carthage and not Persia.

More human centric traditional demi near humans are fine monster type races not so much.

Twist the gods may be a lie/ascended Atlanteans and the primordial Titans want to escape and they're pissed. Throw an asteroid at the planet type pissed.
As someone who has had a great time using the Theros book, I am surprised you haven’t seen much potential in it. The book is filled with great advice, DM tools, hooks, myths and monsters.

What do you want help with?

Do you want the campaign to be a heroic myth? Or more grounded?

Do you want to have it set in Theros, or in our own ancient Greece?

Do you want the players to be chosen champions of the gods? Demigods?

What level are you planning on running? Starting at level 3 can give the players a good start for being heroes, while ending in tier 4 might break the setting’s power level.


I don't think the Theros book really has enough to run any sort of campaign!

And Dragonlords is very much it's own thing.

Sorry, not very helpful. I think I would be inclined to start from scratch, using real world maps and the actual Greek myths as source material.
Have you read Mythic odyssey’s of Theros? It’s one of the best setting books WotC had made. It had enough to run many campaigns.

To each their own, of course! What makes you say that?
It has practically no "setting"! Just a couple of dull cities, without maps or adventure-relevant detail; there is no attempt to represent ancient world technology; The gods are less interesting detached from their real world inspirations. The mythic monsters are okay, but there are too few of them.

Li Shenron

Basically I have to use what I've got or can write. Theros, 2E Age of Heroes book, many many adventures etc.
It's a good plan, you also have a good bunch of monsters in the MM itself which are very much inspired by Greek mythology, and don't forget to take stuff straight out of Homer's Iliad and Odissey :) You can also find plenty of Greek myth information just on wikipedia!

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