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D&D 5E Tiefling preview!


I love the double-page-spread art layout. I hope we see a lot more of this.

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The two page layout looks great. I can see that the book will be very pretty.

I stand by my dislike of the super model pose. It just looks completely uncomfortable with her legs splayed out like she's trying to slow down on skis as she barrels down the bunny slope. Add to that the super model quarter turn with hands in unnatural positions, and the boob plate armor... and yeah... not digging it. The skill of the artist is good... just wish it was done differently. It reminds me of a mannequin that's been posed absurdly.

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Ugh, looking at the two-page spread it looks like the tiefling doesn't have a subrace. Which means they might be keeping the design of certain races not having subraces.
It'll make it harder to turn dragonborn into draconians and half-orcs into caliban without subraces. :(

I don't quite understand this. The Planescape tiefling is obviously setting specific. It would be a bit strange to suddenly throw a PS race into the PH. Nor does the presence of a non-PH tiefling in the core book imply that the PS flavor tiefling won't show up in the Planescape setting book.

Imagine if I got upset because the PH dwarves weren't Dark Sun dwarves or the PH halflings weren't Eberron halflings.
But isn't the PHB world specific as well? The Forgotten Realms.
And the PHB tiefling is also world specific: the Realms and Nerath.
And up until 4e, the Realms tiefling was identical to the Planescape tiefling after it was incorporated into the Realms in both the 3.0 and 3.5 FR campaign books.

Squire James

First Post
This new system seems to be designed so it is fairly easy to customize sub-races. Some 100-page booklet released later on could easily add 25 to 50 of these things!


Actually according to Erin Evans the realms still has both types of Tieflings.

The ancient Tieflings that somehow survived beyond thier normal life span are Planetouched Tieflings.

The Tieflings born from these Tieflings after the the Asmodean Rite are 4e Tieflings. As are thier desendants.
And Dark Gods and Fiends still breed new Planetouched Tieflings.

Elf Witch

First Post
I don't like the artwork much. At least it does not have those ridiculously long horns that look like the person should not be able to hold its head up. I don't like tieflings as a core class like half orcs they are the ultimate chip on the shoulder lone wolf style character. I would rather see them in a supplement. But it is easy to house rule them out.


D&D Playtester for WoTC since 2012
While i usually prefer 2E Planscape tiefling depiction, I always liked this piece for horn-proiminent tiefling;

Tiefling_F 12.jpg


I'm guessing the "old-school" tiefling is now going to be one of the options for planetouched. Seems reasonable to me. As long as we get 'em both, I'm not too worked up over what they call them.


It is regrettable that the 4e tiefling usurped the name, but what's done is done and I'd wager the majority of players today are more familiar with that version than its Planescape incarnation. And I say that as a huge Planescape fan.

Given that Pathfinder retains the 2e/3e style of tiefling (and is even more explicit about diversity in their fiendish heritage and appearance), I would doubt that.


Well, let me add a different voice and perspective. I didn't play 4E. I have never had a tiefling in a game. I really did not care for them ads a race (along with the dragon born). Not sure if I am a reactionary, a purist or just lazy :p.

While I agree the art is not as evocative as I would like generally, I can live with it. I do want to add that i really read the whole race description and now I finally "get" tieflings. I understand their role and place and motivations. I feel like they did a very nice job of explaining that part. So is that a score for fluff? Anyway, I don't see their being any problem with or without a side bar of saying tieflings can have abyssal origins, or variations in appearance.

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