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Wil Wheaton's new RPG web show, Titansgrave, has launched. Based on Green Ronin's upcoming Fantasy AGE roleplaying game, it features Wil Wheaton as the GM running a group of celebrity players (Hank Green, Alison Haislip, Yuri Lowenthal, and Laura Bailey) through an adventure set in his own created setting, Titansgrave: Ashes of Valkana. The show will be running every Tuesday up until Gen Con (late July).

Wil Wheaton's new RPG web show, Titansgrave, has launched. Based on Green Ronin's upcoming Fantasy AGE roleplaying game, it features Wil Wheaton as the GM running a group of celebrity players (Hank Green, Alison Haislip, Yuri Lowenthal, and Laura Bailey) through an adventure set in his own created setting, Titansgrave: Ashes of Valkana. The show will be running every Tuesday up until Gen Con (late July).


Watch Chapter 0 here, where Wil introduces the concept of a roleplaying game and describes the setting in a 20-minute video. "Join Wil Wheaton, Hank Green, Alison Haislip, Yuri Lowenthal, and Laura Bailey for an overview of the world of Valkana! Titansgrave: Chapter 0 is an introduction to the basics of role-playing games, the Fantasy AGE system, and the characters and lore that make up the world of Valkana. Whether you’re a seasoned RPG player or newcomer to tabletop games in general, don’t miss the prologue to Titansgrave: Ashes of Valkana!"

Chapter 1 has also been released. This one is a 40-minute video. "Join Aankia (Hank Green), Kiliel (Alison Haislip), Lemley (Laura Bailey), and S’Lethkk (Yuri Lowenthal) in the first installment of Titansgrave: Ashes of Valkana. Under the recommendation of Gurlock the Beer Baron, the party ventures off to Nestora, where they find themselves swept up in a festival of sorts called the Battle of the Boasts. Adventure, excitement, and free beer await our heroes, but the good times only last for so long…"

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Anthony Terry

First Post
It would be great if GMs could do that voice alteration thing in real life. It worked really well for the show. I think it's fine that it's a bit railroady - it's a show, and a non-railroady game would involve us watching them do nothing a lot. It needs to be pushed along rapidly for the sake of the audience, and for the time slot. If I were doing something similar, I'd make that same choice.

They've done the impossible -made an RPG

I dont mean to be flipant but couldnt i just rephrase that to Will Weaton has done the imposible, made a poor Sci-Fi setting in his basement, made a low budget cartoon and asked 4 people to rehearse a script to simulate an rpg? I have no issue with story setting based rail roady games, for example some of EN-worlds epic Av path settings, it just makes sense to follow that story but to say either episode 0 or 1 do anything for simulating ROLE PLAYING games is imo very sad. It felt like a tutoril to a low budget video game with a low budget cartoon slapped on the front.

And things like branding one of the bears "ye olde chaotic neutral" to actual genuine laughter at a stretch from 1 player (perhaps just a better acter) does not do anything for breaching a gap to non RPG based audiances and just made it come across poorly. Instead of pushing and explainging his rule system, perhaps having the people actually role play with little need for a system and putting more thought into the grand opening to his own setting, perhaps not an Inn, anything but a Inn, would of been more intresting to see and inspire anyone to actually want to look at titansgrave or rpgs in general?

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Well, that was fun
Staff member
I dont mean to be flipant but couldnt i just rephrase that to Will Weaton has done the imposible, made a poor Sci-Fi setting in his basement, made a low budget cartoon and asked 4 people to rehearse a script to simulate an rpg?

You could rephrase it any way you wish, I suppose. Some ways would be more impolite than others. Where you got the idea that he asked four people to rehearse a script to simulate an RPG, though, I don't know. He didn't.

Anthony Terry

First Post
You could rephrase it any way you wish, I suppose. Some ways would be more impolite than others. Where you got the idea that he asked four people to rehearse a script to simulate an RPG, though, I don't know. He didn't.

Things like 4 people laughing at the above mentioned joke when the red head and perhaps the guy with glasses are the only two there who understood that reference. That whole thing nearly was both pre-rehearsed and edited extremely or ill eat my hat.

I have a bad habit of making opinions come across more aggressive than i attend too, more due to the fact i value your opinion quite greatly, especially on things RPG-Industry and was shocked you enjoyed it. A poor excuse perhaps.

Hats of to Weaton, the idea is brilliant and im sure even in current form it will get great media in the states and Titansgrave will do better of the back of a low budget promotion probably but in nearly every video ive watched about it or interview with Weaton recently he billed it to be allot more i felt atleast so far all he has done is portray one particular game and some of its rules, thrown about some flashy art and do a poor job of portraying his setting, nothing for representing anything beyond very generic and IMO scripted role playing.

I like Will Wheaton a lot and I helped with the KS for this but watching both 0 & 1 episodes... I was not feeling it at all. I was trying very hard to like it, I guess not liking the setting doesn't help. I just will sit in my corner, hoping I'm the only one that didn't like what was shown so far.

I want the RPG Tabletop to blow up as I love the regular Tabletop show.


Guide of Modos
It's obviously not a REAL roleplaying group. No one's wearing an X-Large dragon T-shirt or eating Cheetos.

Besides that, I love it! Go Will go!


As far as I can tell, all scifi shows start off terribad, coming across as awkward, wooden, and unnatural. But after a few shows, the actors internalize their characters, get a feel for the setting, and come across as more natural, spontaneous, and charming. Then the scifi show gets awesome.

Rod Staffwand

aka Ermlaspur Flormbator
I'm loving the project and its results and looking forward to more. Valkana is right up my RPG alley and I've always liked the Dragon Age system. Session 1 gave everyone a chance to get their bearings with each other, the system and the world so it worked well.

I just hope my own players don't watch it and come to demand professional level art direction for my campaigns...


Doing the best imitation of myself
I've seen both of the episodes, and this is something that I really wanted to like, but it just ... didn't work for me. I'm giving it a few more chances, but ... it just wasn't quite there.

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