Aust Meliamne
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Thev Blackmoon: Tiefling Paladin 7; LG; Western Heartlands; STR 16 DEX 13 CON 14 INT 10 WIS 12 CHA 14; HD 7D10+14; HP 61; BAB +7/+2; Fort +9 Ref +2 Will +6; AC 17 (DEX +1, Chainmail +5, Bracers +1); Init +1
Skills & Feats: Ride +6, Heal +6, Handle Animal +4, Craft: Pottery +2, Concentration +3, Bluff +5*, Hide +3*, Power Attack, Cleave, and Great Cleave
Special Abilities: Divine Grace, Detect Evil at will, Lay on hands 14 Hit Points, Divine Health, Turn Undead at 5th level ability 5 times a day, Remove Disease 2 times per week, 4th Level Divine Caster, Special Mount, Aura of Courage, Smite evil, Dark-vision, Native Outsider, Darkness once per day, Cold Fire Electricity Resistance 5, Touch of Divinity +2 luck bonus on Saving Throws*
Languages: Chondothan, Common, Drow Sign-Language
Equipment: Masterwork Greatsword, Chainmail, Adventurer’s Supplies, +2 Keen Crystalline Greatsword, Bracers of Divine Armor +1
Description: Thev is a tall imposing figure, 6'5", and thickly built. He has ebon black skin and blood red eyes, that glow slightly, they flare up when angry. His red hair is worn short, and tends to blow on an unseen wind. Thev keeps his arms and armor in good repair. He rarely if ever smiles or laughs, but he has warmed up some over the course of the adventures.
*This was added through play, during the Valkar saga. This bonus has been figured into Saving Throws.
*Note that I am posting these characters for Tokiwong.*
Skills & Feats: Ride +6, Heal +6, Handle Animal +4, Craft: Pottery +2, Concentration +3, Bluff +5*, Hide +3*, Power Attack, Cleave, and Great Cleave
Special Abilities: Divine Grace, Detect Evil at will, Lay on hands 14 Hit Points, Divine Health, Turn Undead at 5th level ability 5 times a day, Remove Disease 2 times per week, 4th Level Divine Caster, Special Mount, Aura of Courage, Smite evil, Dark-vision, Native Outsider, Darkness once per day, Cold Fire Electricity Resistance 5, Touch of Divinity +2 luck bonus on Saving Throws*
Languages: Chondothan, Common, Drow Sign-Language
Equipment: Masterwork Greatsword, Chainmail, Adventurer’s Supplies, +2 Keen Crystalline Greatsword, Bracers of Divine Armor +1
Description: Thev is a tall imposing figure, 6'5", and thickly built. He has ebon black skin and blood red eyes, that glow slightly, they flare up when angry. His red hair is worn short, and tends to blow on an unseen wind. Thev keeps his arms and armor in good repair. He rarely if ever smiles or laughs, but he has warmed up some over the course of the adventures.
*This was added through play, during the Valkar saga. This bonus has been figured into Saving Throws.
*Note that I am posting these characters for Tokiwong.*