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Triple Play [IC]


As Leadfoot's warning goes out she looks at what it's going to take to negotiate those pylons onto the pier... there's a few obstacles, but it should be doable...

That is, until, a small tour boat saddles up to the dock. A familiar of tourists, bundled in their winter coats, starts to unload right in Bonnie's would-be path.

Endangered bystanders! (2d12=6)

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The Senator's Quarters (The Capitol)

Back to the scene at the Capitol

Mister Andersen said:
"But that's what she was supposed to think. That paper trail you followed, Cassandra, was a carefully crafted fake engineered to bring down your father, and place the blame squarely on you."

Cassandra looks astonished and embarrassed and is silent for a moment as she contemplates this. "What do you mean... who would do that?"


solkan_uk said:
Since I can't see us making the DC40+ check to leap the civilians with the car, how close are they?

100 feet down the pier to the civilians; 100 more feet to the cabin cruiser situated near the end of the pier.

(Damn I wish my CC3 was working... grumble..)

"Your father has a lot of enemies because of his position as Chair of Senate Intelligence Committe. It's a position of immense importance... and trust. He holds the fates of countless people and organisations in his hands. Decisions he's made have resulted in life - and death. There are people who hate him for the things he's had done. In a way you can't blame them - even the bad guys have families that they want to protect and would be devastated to see harmed because of what those bad guys have done to entangle them in their mess.

"Of course, if any of them made a move against your father, either pre-emptively or out of revenge, it'd be obvious and there would be an ungodly amount of slaughter in retaliation. But if they can make it look like some domestic thing, the result of the Senator's own foul lusts and carelessness, then they're in the clear and their patsy - a daughter who loved her mother so very much - gets to spend the rest of her life in prison or gets the chair while her twin is left living a life that's empty and devastated."


Machete, shotgun at the ready, moves along behind the SUV, using the vehicle to conceal his approach. Figuring whomever is in the boat will be watching the oncoming SUV and not someone behind the SUV, Machete quickens his pace.


At the Sullivan's Quarters, Washington DC

Mister Andersen said:
"Your father has a lot of enemies because of his position as Chair of Senate Intelligence Committe. It's a position of immense importance... and trust. He holds the fates of countless people and organisations in his hands. Decisions he's made have resulted in life - and death. There are people who hate him for the things he's had done. In a way you can't blame them - even the bad guys have families that they want to protect and would be devastated to see harmed because of what those bad guys have done to entangle them in their mess.

"Of course, if any of them made a move against your father, either pre-emptively or out of revenge, it'd be obvious and there would be an ungodly amount of slaughter in retaliation. But if they can make it look like some domestic thing, the result of the Senator's own foul lusts and carelessness, then they're in the clear and their patsy - a daughter who loved her mother so very much - gets to spend the rest of her life in prison or gets the chair while her twin is left living a life that's empty and devastated."

Cassandra mouth sits agape. Near tears, barely able to talk. "What do you mean? Who would do that. If I've been lead astray, who was responsible for Mom's death?" she says, first looking at Cleo, then the Senator.


Annapolis Harbor, Maryland

Gatac said:
[sblock=Drive roll]Drive roll = 14. Added Action Die = 3.[/sblock]

Leadfoot steps on the gas, deftly trying to swing the truck toward the pier.

Leadfoot deftly negotiates the rampways onto the pier. One of the ramps teeters, threatening to end the escapade early, but the tire slips onto the pier just as the ramp gives way and one end of it drops into the water.

As Leadfoot obscures her identity and issues her demands, the civilians scream in shock and hit the deck as instructed.

Down the pier, on the cabin cruiser, the men loading seem to take notice of what's going on. One of them looks up and starts barking orders in Arabic.

Voidrunner's Codex

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