Ukraine invasion


I am the mysterious professor.
There is always a chance for scams at a time like this. I haven't used Airbnb, so I don't know the particulars of it. In this story it mentions the organizers are encouraging people to make sure the rental is owned by an individual. It seems like a creative way to help.


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Yes. Ethnic Russians already make up over 30% of Latvia's population, and they aren't very welcome. Taking lots of refugees who don't move on could become a hairy situation, due to enmity for historic reasons.

I can definitely see them being concerned for Daugavpils becoming the next Donbass

Do you have any evidence that suggests AirBnB in Ukraine are owned by Americans or Russians? That seems an odd claim to make.
Uh no but, i Feel like everyone knows most Airbnb’s are absentee profit making enterprises, that’s why cities like Sf are trying to stop. They’re rarely someone renting a spare room.

Still he's probably bluffing. He threatens consequences if anyone interfered. Well people are interfering.
At this point we can't assume Putin is bluffing with anything. Remember when people said he wouldn't invade Ukraine?

Yeah... Let's presume he's not bluffing. We are close to a nuclear war at the moment, and it could hit us all. A cornered dictator is a lot like a cornered cat: he is capable of anything.

Heck, if Russia bombs any of the nuclear reactors in Ukraine, what effect do you think that would have on the rest of Europe? His troops conquering Chernobyl was not just theater. If any of those reactors blow up, every country in Europe will be bathing in radioactive fall out. Sadly before it comes to that, I expect Putin will use chemical weapons on Ukraine first. There is no line he will not cross.

Lets not mince words here. We are all in a lot of danger, as we are on the eve of a possible ww3. It is terrifying. I fear not just for my friends and colleagues in Ukraine. I fear also for my own life. We don't have any fall out shelters in The Netherlands. If this escalates further, we're all going to be re enacting one of the Fall Out games over here.
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the Incomparably Shrewd and Clever
I wonder how the Chernobyl accident affected China? They may be a restraining hand, depending.
Folks in Europe can probably give a better answer, but IIRC, the primary contamination was in Ukraine, Belarus, and Russia, but some radioactive particles were carried northward into Scandinavia. Over time, these particles spread over much of the northern hemisphere. They were diminished somewhat as they spread out, but radiation levels were measurably increased all over the world for a time after the incident. I am sure China got some of this, but I don't think they were affected as much as Scandinavia, much less the immediate vicinity of Chernobyl.


At this point we can't assume Putin is bluffing with anything. Remember when people said he wouldn't invade Ukraine?

Yeah... Let's presume he's not bluffing. We are close to a nuclear war at the moment, and it could hit us all. A cornered dictator is a lot like a cornered cat: he is capable of anything.

Heck, if Russia bombs any of the nuclear reactors in Ukraine, what effect do you think that would have on the rest of Europe? His troops conquering Chernobyl was not just theater. If any of those reactors blow up, every country in Europe will be bathing in radioactive fall out. Sadly before it comes to that, I expect Putin will use chemical weapons on Ukraine first. There is no line he will not cross.

Lets not mince words here. We are all in a lot of danger, as we are on the eve of a possible ww3. It is terrifying. I fear not just for my friends and colleagues in Ukraine. I fear also for my own life. We don't have any fall outs shelters in The Netherlands. If this escalates further, we're all going to be re enacting one of the Fall Out games over here.
We may be in WW3 already, but not just realizing it.

Hitler sized Austria, Czechoslovakia and parts of Lithuania before what we say that was beginning of WW2.

And Putin is bluffing about using nukes, or if he is not, military would not allow usage of them if direct invasion of Russia is not happening and the survival of Russian state is at direct risk.

Also, Putin does not have "the red button", he can only give orders to military/navy/air force to use them. And I'm pretty sure generals would refuse that order as using one nuke might mean total destruction of Russian cities and military. And good part of European/North american cities also

But yes, I agree, we are all in some degree of imminent danger, that is why Nato has to run air strike sorties against Russian/Belarus troops in Ukraine.

And send all the humanitarian/military aid that they can.

I hope that this was not too political for already inflamed topic...

We're having a conversation? You responded to me first? But if it bothers you, I'll stop.
Nope. Look back through our exchanges. I raised a point related to what others were talking about (delaying or not wanting to play T2K because of current events), then you responded to me...despite not actually being interested in playing T2K at any time, regardless of current events.

So, yeah, I guess I'm saying I'm not really interested? Again, this would be like me parachuting into a conversation about some specific event not making me want to play 5e, and then casually mentioning that I never really want to play 5e anyway. I would be offering nothing interesting or useful!

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