D&D 5E Undead Apocalypse!

River Song

Dougal looks for someone resembling a captain on the boat (previous roll of 24) and launches two arrows at it.





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Bunny's trigger finger on her Fireball Spell is well honed, and the moment the ships come into view, she sends a fireball right to the first ship she sees.

On both ships, the crew comes visible. Mostly of them are skeletal minions, running the ship. But five undead creatures stand at the bow, screaming for blood. Three of them are decrepit and seem to be falling apart, but still with hate in their eyes. The other two seem more powerful, seeming to be fresh corpses with glowing points in their eyes.

On one ship, all five combatants' howls for blood turn to screams of terror as they are hit by the fireball. The three weaker ones take the brunt of the attack, as do five skeletal crew members behind them (which crumble to dust), but the two more powerful ones shrug off the damage with little more than a flinch.

The ship itself took some damage as well, though it is still moving quickly.

Tycho takes aim at the other ship, finding two skeletal crew members standing near the opposite edge and taking aim. One of them goes wide, but the other hits the skeleton dead center, blowing it off the edge of the boat and into the water.

Doogie searches the first boat for a captain, and finds one standing at the helm. It's skin is flaking, and it has tentacles where its mouth should be, while wearing a large pirate hat. It simply laughs out loud as the arrows zing right by its head.

It then looks down to its minions and says "Fire!". The combatants, pushing through the fire, swing ropes with weighted ends towards the party's ship. They sail through the air, and three of them miss the ship. The other two land over the ship's rails, and the party can now see what they are: disembodied hands, connected to ropes! The hands reach and grasp, finding purchase on the railings of the boat, and the enemy combatants begin pulling, managing to pull their ship five feet closer (now 15 feet away), while the other three wind up the ropes to try again!

Galahad recognizes the creatures. Most of each crew are just standard Skeletons, mindless automatons. Of the five combatants on each team, three are Wights, and the other two seem to be Revenants. Having two combat teams like this will be very, very difficult to survive if they reach melee range!

But the captains are strange to him. They look like old drawings of Ilithids, creatures from other planes, but their skin is flaked and dead looking. You can try an Arcane or History check to see if you recognize what they are. [/sblock]

The second ship, this one not hurt by fire, has their combatants throw their own ropes with dead hands on them. Thankfully, all five miss the railing and fall into the ocean. The five of them begin winding up the ropes to try again!

OOC: Fulgrim goes now, and Bunny, Tycho and Doogie are allowed to go as well. Then Ship 1 (the one Bunny exploded), and then Galahad, then Ship 2, then so on and so forth!

Note: I did no XP budgeting for this. You rolled a one. That meant two ships. Figure it out!

Initiative order!
Bunny - 22
Tycho - 19
Doogie - 15
Ship 1 - 15
Galahad - 13
Ship 2 - 7
Fulgrim - 6

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Doogie's arrow showed a better target to Tycho and he tried the same tactic, but with the dead captain himself.

"Ichtaca, now!"

OOC: EB : 2D20.HIGH(1)+6 = [16, 20]+6 = 26
2D20.HIGH(1)+6 = [16, 2]+6 = 22
3D10 = [5,6,3] = 14

If you are ok, Tycho takes advantage from the help action of his familiar who hits and runs. In that case it is a critical hit. Otherwise it's 11 Dmg. (I miss used coyote for the damage, EB is not 2d10 by ray. So I took the 3 first damage rolls).

Do the Repelling Blast crits too? (3+6m) :)
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OOC: I'll say repelling Blast crits, so double distance. And yes, using the familiar to give advantage is the main use of a familiar, to me.

Both blasts slam into the captain of the first ship, blowing him clear off the ship!

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River Song

Doogie curses as his arrows fly past, he aims at one of the more powerful looking undead and smiles. "Cap'n,
we need to move to that ship and take it quickly! We canna fight both at the same time! Prepare to board!"
he roars and launches two more arrows before dropping his bow and drawing his weapons.




Drop bow and move action draw melee weapons (can draw both due to feat!)


Fulgrim raises his shield brandishing emblazoned green oak leaf, the symbol of Silvanus.

"Silvanus guide our strikes and protect us against these abominations."

As he speaks the words a feeling of natures strength flows into Doogie and Tycho.

[sblock=Action]Casting Bless on Doogie, Tycho and myself.[/sblock]


OOC: Fulgrim's bless works on Doogie's shots, but they don't need it. Both arrows hit.

The arrows fly across the way, slamming into one of the Revenants (like no one has read the sblock by now). It doesn't seem to reach much to the hits, though they are solid.

OOC: Waiting on Bunny


OOC: Been waiting my turn, but it seems we've lost our order. Okay, will post now.

Galahad moved to the center of the ship, attempting to place as many bodies between himself and danger as possible. He wasn't afraid so much as he was best at support. "Oghma lend us your angels to protect us in our moment of need that we might spread your wisdom far and wide!"

[Sblock]Action: Spirit Guardians (15 ft radius, slows movement, DC 15 Wis save or take 3d8 Radiant upon entering or starting turn in radius.)

Bonus Action: Sanctuary, self DC 15 Wis or can't be targeted by an attack.

I'm still iffy on this combination, but it seems legal as I'm not cast ing an attack spell after sanctuary.

Squirrels are evil!
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