Under strange stars

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Amira, Princess on the rise

rangerjohn said:
"My thanks milady." Al-Khazad says on recieving the gift of healing. "Now how should we join the others?" I climb without problem, yourself?"
"Don't you worry about me. I shall ride the wind up and out of here," Amira replies and begins casting a new spell. When the spell is ready, she'll literally be carried up with the wind.

(OOC: There you have Amira's actions for round two: cast Fly on herself and move up.)


First Post
Razeem, round two - fight!

"Horrible masked man turned Shin'nairo to a bunny," the mephit tells Amira and Al-Khazad as they move up, before he flies to meet the beastmen, that harrassed Ormaz earlier. The mephit then breathes dust and grit at the two attackers.

(OOC: Razeem keeps 15 feet distance and breathes: 1d8 damage, ref save ?? halves. Could you post Razeem's stats in the OOC forum, Someone?)


Soon an horde of beastmen assault the ship, some of them with magical help! Axes fly, one of them bounces off inches away from Ormaz, other is only partially deflected. Still, only the handle bruises him. Shin´nairo dives and rolls, and *thunk* two axes sink in a crate behind her with great strenght while Ormaz´s invsible barrier parries the first blows from two flying beastmen. Seeing himself surrounded, jumps into the water without a second thought.

Above the ship, Razeem surrounds himself with a cloud of mist and flies over the damaged ship, calling for Amira.

She and Al-Khazad are having a rough time. A lot of water enter through the hole, making the ship tilt to starboard, and now they´re wading in water up to their ankles. Amira calls the pact her family made with the air spirits and shining healing energies blow away Al-Khazad´s pain. Now, they look for a way to get out of there when a little cute bunny shows over the damaged wood. There´s something familiar in it...

“Oh, no...” The worried sigh mixes with a laughter from the unknow mage.

* * *

Jagra relaxes, crossing the bay of Tangrabah in a rented boat. The sun is nice, the water doesn´t stink too much and Al.Khazad and the others should already have the money.

“So you say they´re now with that Kyot man?”

“Yes, effendi.” Says the rower, a tanned man dressed with a turban and trousers . “It´s over there...”

Just where he´s pointing at, about 400 feet away, a explosion creates a shower of burning splinters.

[OOC: Ormaz makes 5 foot step, falls into the water and cast Alter Self; Amira heals 21 points of damage to Al-Khazad.

Turn for:

Jagra, who has two rounds of actions and actually doesn´t appear in the map.
Beastmen thugs
Masked spellcaster
Guy with the spiked chain

Status: Al-Khazad 65 hp/69 max; Amira 44/45; Ormaz 38/47; Shin´nairo 70/70; Ra 14/14; Razeem 33/33. Active spells: Ormaz Shield and alter self (turbaned aquatic elf form), Al-Khazad Resist Energy (fire), Razeem Blur, Shin´nairo is Polymorphed.

I´ll post Razeem´s stats in the OOC board soon.]


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Living EN World Judge
OoC: Hoping that his Eyes of the Eagle help Spot the correct enemy.

Jagra yells 'Row, row you cur! My Captain is under attack!'
Tossing a handful of gold dinars into the boat at the feet of the rower, Jagra attempts to see who is attacking his companions. As soon as a target makes itself available, he launches a Melfs Acid Arrow at it.

<Range 600 feet>


Zerth, Razeem breathes upon who? Also, you´ll be threatened by the beastmen when your turn comes. ¿Are you going to risk a concentration check (you have to roll a 4+) try a 5 foot step, or make something else?

OOC: Jagra prepares, and shoots an Acid Arrow, and it strikes him just in the mask. The acid atarts eating away wood and face.


OOC: Do understand there is a suspiciously familiar bunny in the hold with us?

If so...

IC: Al-Khazad on seeing the bunny's plight, stoops to pick her up before making his ascent. "Somehow I don't think you and water mix right now."


First Post
Someone said:
Zerth, Razeem breathes upon who? Also, you´ll be threatened by the beastmen when your turn comes. ¿Are you going to risk a concentration check (you have to roll a 4+) try a 5 foot step, or make something else?
(OOC: I believe Razeem can target both 2 & 3, because his breath's cone is 15 feet wide 15 feet away. He will move in proper position to get them both.

If Amira is threatened by only one beastman, she'll take 5 foot step and cast Tasha's hideous laughter on it. If more than one enemy surrounds her, I'll post a new action, when I see the situation first.)
Last edited:


Jagra reacts quickly. He drops several gold coins in the boat: “Row, row you cur! My Captain is under attack!” says. The tanned man catches one dinar with eyes wide open and after that starts rowing as if he would want to break his back. Jagra almost falls backwards, but when he recovers balance, he starts chanting a spell.

A dark green blob appears, spinning on one of his fingers. With a swift movement, Jagra sends it, speeding towards the mage. The masked spellcaster intuits something, and turns just in time to get the acid arrow in the face. He bends in pain.

Meanwhile, the gang of beastmen board the ship. The two flying ones, surprised when the see Ormaz jumping into the sea, are caught in a stream of grit and dust, but one of them manages to fly out it. This one glides under the mephit and appears at Razeem´s back and start slashing with his short sword. The mephit, more agile, ducks once and tilts to his right, avoiding the two fist clumsy attacks, but not the third blow with the handle that stikes him with good strenght. Razeem screams, and that´s the opportunity the other thug waited for. The mephit only partially dodges the blow, not enough to not avoid a wound in the wing that starts closing on its own.

Most of the thugs, though, jump into the ponds that´s now the boat, splashing water everywhere. One of them lunges at Al-Khazad, but he utters a word in a musical language and floats over the blade. The beastmen look at him astonished and lose their opportunity to continues pressing the attack.


Razeem moves and use his breath weapon on beasment #2 and 3, catching #2, but 3 evades it completely.

Thugs go after, those who Razeem breathed unpon move to flank him and attack: both hit, despite the Blur spell, and one of them deals sneak attack. Total damage (discounting damage reduction) is 11.
Other beastmen try to jump on Kyot´s ship. All of them manage to sucessfully jump, but can´t attack since they took a double move action. After boarding, they go after you, threatening both Amira and Al-Khazad.

Al-Khazad activates the fly ability of the celestial armor. (He still has a move equivalent action available). Note that Shin´nairo is in the upper deck, beyond your current reach.

Spellcaster and spiked chain guy delay (I´m going to put all the bad buys in the same initiative basket; that will greatly simplify the combat. In future battles, I´ll probably go for a single initiative for all the enemies)

Status: Al-Khazad 65 hp/69 max; Amira 44/45; Ormaz 38/47; Shin´nairo 70/70; Ra 14/14; Razeem 22/22, Jagra 53/53. Active spells: Ormaz Shield and alter self (turbaned aquatic elf form), Al-Khazad Resist Energy (fire) and armor Fly ability, Razeem Blur (can breathe again next round), Shin´nairo is Polymorphed.

Jagra is coming from the east of the map; he´s currently 280 feet away from the battle.

Ra is next.]


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