Under strange stars


The wall has narrow footholds, but it´s slippery by the rain (it´s on the shadowy part of the mountain, and the sun doesn´t reach here)

Razeem circles around you and, chirps and negates with the head. "Many rocks here, but all small small."

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(OOC: Amira will not use her only Fly spell, because Al-Khazad can carry her up, too. However, she will cast Mage Armor on Razeem and also on herself, if the earlier spell isn't effective anymore [7 hour duration, cast just before the last fight with the cyclopses].)
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[Just to move things along, I´ll randomly determine who´s lifted first. Rangerjohn may be busy with these days holydays. For that reason I´m going slow.]

Al-Khazad suddendly floats in the air, and with a smile he catches Jagra and lifts him to the upper ledge, with no problem. Indeed the way continues from there; the ledge rests on the lower side of an inclined slope, all covered in gravel where you can walk instead of climb for a good mile or so.


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Jagra keeps a keen eye out as the captain brings up the others. 'No need for an ambush from above or below, suren...', the gnome thinks to himself.


Al-Khazad is halfway down the rocky wall when everyone hears a shout from the top. As you look upwards, a shower of gravel and pointy pebbles fall on you.

Jagra: As you started to move to have a better view of the surroundings, you noticed the floor is quite treacherous. In the shadow of the mountain, the wet tiny rocks rest precariously, and you discover that simply making then slide under your feet and falling on you back. The disturbed floor slides under you, and it provokes a chain reaction. Soon all the slope comes alive, rolling down and carrying you to the cliff.

Down your situation isn´t a lot better. Next to the wall you can avoid most of the falling debris, but still some of them hit and wound you.

[Al-Khazad and Menghil suffer no damage thanks to the damned Evasion, Amira and Akeeta are wounded for 6 hit points. Jagra is prone and will fall the next round.]


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Amira is annoyed by the falling debris sticking to the wall like glue. "Ahhh! Is there no other way?" she whines.

Razeem flies up to check the dark ledge above, when there's no more rocks falling on them (With darkvision he should be able to see despite the shadows).

Voidrunner's Codex

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